“Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise” (Jeremiah 17:14).
Look to God for healing. He only can save and heal. Give Him praise for being the One and Only Healer. I have often heard this phrase, “God will take the disease out of the body or He will take the body out of the disease.” As a child of God, you are a winner either way. You will find either immediate or ultimate healing. The chorus of the beautiful song, “A Winner Either Way” says this well.
I’m a winner either way,
If I go or if I stay;
For I’ll still have my Jesus each passing day.
I’ll have my healing here below,
Or life together if I go.
Oh, Praise the Lord, I’m a winner either way.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: A Google search of almost any topic related to Christianity nearly always pulls up a Christian woman’s personal blog site. Pray for women (especially any you know) who regularly blog. Ask God to use their words effectively to encourage other believing women and influence unsaved readers to follow Christ.