She’s Only Asleep

“And when he was come in, he saith unto them, Why make ye this ado, and weep? The damsel is not dead, but sleepeth” (Mark 5:39).
In Mark’s account of the raising of Jairus’ daughter we find Jesus with Peter, James and John going into Jairus’ home.  Do you remember Matthew’s account of the scene? Jesus asked, “Why make ye this ado, and weep?”   Jesus told them all,  “The damsel is not dead, but sleepeth.”  Jesus had to ignore all the scorn of those who found His words hilarious. 

Christ should not have had to prove anything. However,  He used His infinite power to glorify His Father. Where were the scoffers now? They were standing there totally astonished.

Don’t doubt the power of God.  Always take Him at His Word.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Today begins the WNAC PreThanksgiving Week of Prayer. Throughout this week we will focus on “The Future: praying for the next generation of missionaries in North America.” Each day we will feature a multigenerational missions family.

Today’s prayer focus is Future Believers.
Pray that God would raise up men with a missionary vision and passion for souls.

Mark Thomas family: inset includes Mark's parents, Roy and Pat Thomas.

Mark Thomas family: inset includes Mark’s parents, Roy and Pat Thomas.

Mark Thomas, home missionary to Pueblo, Colorado, writes: “For 10 years my parents served in Denver, Colorado, to pioneer the first Free Will Baptist church in the state. My first memories of church involved a ballet studio we rented for worship. We had to pick up beer cans and cigarettes left by the Saturday night party crowd to get the place ready for Sunday morning. It had mirrors on every wall, and I could see my dad preaching in any direction I looked.
After years of observing my parents’  love for the Lord and His work, seeing many souls saved, and watching a mission work become a strong church, my sister and I caught the church planting vision. Today it is a joy to serve the Lord as a home missionary and continue the vision and labors of my parents.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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