“Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song…” (Psalm 149:1 NLT).
Oh, I’ve heard you singing. Lovely melody. Catchy tune.
But you’ve been singing the same song for too long, haven’t you?
Yes, I know Jesus saved you—there’s a verse about it in the song you sing. You’ve counted blessings from your childhood—there’s a verse about that, too. Your lyrics refer to last year’s revival, the answer to prayer you received five years ago and the wreck He saved you from the year you started driving (Wasn’t that 1978?).
Your choruses are nicely rhymed with your Dad and Granddad’s account of old-time religion, the moving of God and the nearness of the Holy Spirit.
They’re nice verses. But they’re dated.
Honestly, they are.
You see, His Word says to sing a new song. A 2013 hymn of faith. A chorus of praise that will relate to the here and now.
New, as in what He did for you today. What’s fresh on your mind. How in awe of Him you are right now.
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that the Holy Spirit would use Christmas programs and special services today to touch hearts, convict and bring many into right relationship with God.