
“Unseal my lips, O LORD, that my mouth may praise you” (Psalm 51:15).

When I was growing up one of the verses (among many) my Mother constantly quoted was James 4:17 which says something like, “To him who knoweth to do right and doeth it not; to him it is sin.” One of the things I have always felt conviction about was standing up to testify in church when the opportunities arise. I am terrified to the point of physical panic and nausea—my whole body stiffens and shakes, my fingers become cold and numb—all at the thought of standing up to say something for God in front of anyone.

This summer I toured with the Rejoice Ministry Team from FWBBC and as part of my testimony each night, I quoted Matthew 10:32-33: “Everyone who acknowledges me publicly before men, I will also acknowledge before my Father in Heaven. But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in Heaven.” These are the words of Jesus and the application of this statement is for believers. Not just as we witness to the lost but also to each other. When Jesus says, “If you deny me…” He is not just talking about a public declaration, but also the act of silence. Silence is a form of denial.

I was forced to overcome my fear of public confession of Christ as I traveled with Rejoice. The greatest lesson I learned from that entire summer experience was getting over myself for a bigger purpose. I have realized that anyone who “feels uncomfortable” with praying out loud in public or cannot say anything for what Christ has done in their lives needs to think about what they are sacrificing for the sake of protecting their own pride. When you have refuse to say something and a spirit of fear conquers you, you are saying that Christ has done nothing and that fear is stronger than Christ. Do you get that? So, the question is: will Jesus testify for you?

Karyn Pugh
Student at FWBBC: Nashville, TN

PRAY TOGETHER: TWG staff need Holy Spirit-direction as they formulate topics and select writers for next year’s Together in the Word Bible studies.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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