“And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you†(1 Corinthians 12:21).
Never feel what you do, with the leading of the Spirit, isn’t that important. Paul referred to our bodies again. They are made of many parts, not just one. Each part has a function. If we only had eyes, how would we hear? Or if we were to think any part of our body wasn’t that important, would we want to be rid of it like we didn’t need it. That might sound ridiculous. However, it is just as silly to think anything we do to glorify God within the church is not needed so we should stop what we are doing. We must consider the welfare of the whole whether it be our body or the church.
As we are dependent on God, all within the church should also be able to depend on each other. We are family, working together as a whole to accomplish great things for God. Can others depend on you to use your gift or gifts? What you do or, don’t do, does make a difference. Use whatever you have and are for God’s glory. The Lord and His church are counting on you.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray women will put as much time into our current TWG study as writer Dianne Worthington spent preparing it.