Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day…..

I don’t know if I am different than everyone else, but the day that I first met my husband, I certainly did not think that he would end up being my husband. Micah and I met as freshmen at Free Will Baptist Bible College. My first real memory of conversation with him was at one of those first week of school little mixer type things so that the freshmen can all get to know one another and not be homesick. This night was an ice skating event and I remember Micah skating next to me quite a bit and us talking. He was nice enough, I guess, but I don’t remember thinking “that man is going to be mine!” We went through four years of school together and became very good friends. I could share lots of different little anecdotes that contribute to our story, but in the interest of brevity, I will only share a fairly significant one. This story took place one Monday morning in January 1999 during the spring semester of our junior year. We were sitting talking after vocational meetings at school, and I knew that Micah had been contemplating going to a different school the next year and making some changes. So, I asked him, “What are you doing next year, have you decided?” Well, he tells me that he wants to come back to graduate from the Bible college and then, he really wants to go to France to work among Muslims. Well, at that exact moment, I think that a slight breeze could have knocked me off that bench, because unbeknownst to Micah, I had been doing some pretty serious praying and decision making in my own life and I had just recently made the decision to pursue that exact path after college. I remember thinking to myself, “How crazy is this that we want to do the exact same thing!” Did I know then that Micah and I would one day be married and pursuing that calling together? No, God still had a lot of growing and changing in both my life and Micah’s before we were married four years to the day after having that conversation. Every time I think back on our story of how God brought us together, I smile and think “How could I ever question God’s sovereignty?” He brings people and situations into our lives that we would maybe have never asked for or known to ask for, yet He uses them to lead us and guide us into His will. On this Valentine’s Day, I am thankful not only for the wonderful godly husband that I have been blessed with, but also for the wonderful Father who knew when I met this skinny eighteen year old guy that night on at the skating rink that one day we would be man and wife serving Him together.

-Written by Becky Derby, one of our international missionaries


Now lets intercede for students, teachers, and administrators in our local public school systems.

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The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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One Response to Valentine’s Day

  1. Sarah Fletcher says:

    Becky, thanks for sharing your story. I’m glad God in His sovereignty intersected our lives as well.

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