Enjoy Today
Enjoy today. Tomorrow may come with troubles. Have joy in your heart today. “Happy is that
people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.” (Psalm 144:15).
Smile into the eyes of your loved one. Laugh at the antics of your children. Chuckle while your cat
tangles himself into a knot. Lean your head out the window of the car and let the wind blow your
hair. Take a walk in the brisk fall air to clean out
the cobwebs in your mind. Live and laugh. Be
happy today. Don’t borrow troubles of another day. Don’t let the joyous moments of today skip by
you unnoticed. They are there for your enjoyment. “For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands:
happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.” (Psalm 128:2). They are there for your
connection to your Creator. Look for Him in all moments of the day. Look for the messages he is
sending your way. He is sending messages of love all around you. Look for them and enjoy them
Tammy Miller
Boiling Springs,SC
Pray for Fwbbc trustees making campus relocation decisions.