“In whom we have redemption through his blood, even for the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:14).
As I prepared the outline with titles and scriptures, as I usually do, I felt it fitting to insert today’s devotion. Boaz was like a foreshadowing of Christ. Boaz was considered, under Jewish law to be a “goel” and this was what Ruth needed for our story to have a happy ending. We needed more than a “goel” or “kinsman.” We needed a “kinsman-redeemer.” Thanks to Him we will live happily ever after.
J. Vernon McGee has written an excellent commentary about Ruth and also Esther. I would like to share what he says about a person being a “kinsman-redeemer.” There were five qualifications that needed to be met. As I list these, you will be able to see a portrait of Christ.
1. The redeemer must be a near kinsmen.
2. The redeemer must perform in willingness his work of redemption.
3. The redeemer must possess the ability to redeem.
4. The redeemer must be free himself.
5. The redeemer must have the price of redemption.
“In His humanity, Christ fulfilled the first two. In His deity He fulfilled the next two. And by becoming God-Man, He met the final requirement.” Our redeemer was willing to pay the price for our souls to redeem us from the bondage of sin.
In the story of Ruth, Boaz would meet the requirements so everything would be legal. Christ met all qualifications but with a much deeper love than that of Ruth and Boaz. He paid the highest price for our redemption as He gave His life’s blood on a cruel cross. O What A Savior!
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Children and grandchildren are a blessing from the Lord. Pray for them by name today.