You Can’t Hide From God

“…ye have sinned against the Lord: and be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23b).


Never think you can hide the truth from God. You might as well be honest with Him instead of acting like He’ll never know what you did. Though not much is known about Bathsheba’s relationship with God, David loved the Lord. David strayed from God in spite of that love. How foolish it was for him to think he could hide his sin from God. God never condones any sin, but He loves us enough to help us find our way back to Him.


By God’s grace, David’s life went through a much needed transformation. If Bathsheba had been the one “after God’s own heart,” next week’s devotions would have just continued with her story. When you foolishly choose to indulge in any form of sin with another person, it is not all about you. Your actions will affect the other person as well. Bathsheba was David’s wife. She had to be aware of what was going on in his life at this time. David might have kept secrets in the past, but when God deals with a person, it’s hard to hide the fact.


Praise God for His convicting power that woos us back to a right relationship with God. When we stop trying to hide from Him and run back to His arms that, too, will have an effect on others.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER: Thank God today for the freedom we have to worship Him freely. Pray for believers living in areas where just being Christian results in persecution.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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