Different by God’s Design

“But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him” (1 Corinthians 12:18).

         Yesterday’s devotion focused on diversity. At the time of Paul’s writings, the Corinthian Church needed to be unified.  God uses diversity to bring about unity.  Just as God places everything on our physical bodies exactly where it is needed,  He plans and places us where we are needed within the Body of Christ.  I’ve often used the illustration of a jigsaw puzzle.  Its many pieces, when fit together, make a beautiful picture.  Just one missing piece can ruin that picture.  Are you that missing piece?  If we are striving to be body builders, we must help to complete the body.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Each part of the body serves an important function.  Praise the Lord for all. Pray today for Christian physicians and medical missionaries who minister in the Body of Christ through caring for others’ physical needs.

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Diversity Within the Body

“If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing?  If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?”  (1 Corinthians 12:17).

Psalm 139:14 states we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”  By God’s design, every part of our body was arranged with its various functions. Those different parts cause the body to perform properly.  If every part were the same or functioning in a different capacity, the body would be abnormal.  Back in Paul’s day, the Corinthians were encountering problems concerning diversity.  Their confusion was leading to dissension in the Church. They needed to realize that God called every member to do his or her part or the church would suffer.

Think of your own church. Are its members doing their part for the benefit of the whole body?  Do you know where you fit into the Body of Christ?  Are you striving to find your spiritual gift or gifts?  Exercising your faith and trust in God’s Word will give you the strength to open them up and use them.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Does our spiritual growth match the growth of our hair/nails, etc?  Which do we feed the most? Pray today for your own spiritual growth and for the spiritual growth of women in North Africa.

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One Spirit and Body

“For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:13).

Our study begins as we consider exercise for the body.  If you have ever been part of an exercise program, you learn early-on what needs to be done to get into shape. You use muscles you forgot you had as you try to build body strength. The process can, at first, be painful.

Our study writer states “Paul helps us to better understand the makeup of the Church by comparing it to a physical human body.  Christ is our head, and each member functions as a different body part. All of the body parts have independent duties, but all work together, under the head to assure smooth and correct operation.”  As body builders we must realize whether it be physical or spiritual, we must do what is necessary to build body strength.  From a spiritual perspective, we must desire to learn about our spiritual gift or gifts.  Then we must exercise them to edify or build up the body of believers called the Church.

Today’s verse tells us through the Spirit all believers are fitly joined together into one body.  That body consists of Christ as its head and the rest is made up of many members with various spiritual gifts to help the Church to function.  If you have read anything about the Corinthian people, they weren’t understanding this concept.  Maybe you don’t fully understand this as well.  As we go through the study these next couple months, I hope together we will glean much as we unravel the mysteries concerning spiritual gifts.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Have you thanked the Lord for your body? We are fearfully & wonderfully made.

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A Day of Worship

“Then the disciples worshipped him.  You really are the Son of God! they exclaimed”  (Matthew 14:33 NLT).

The sun has come up on another Lord’s Day.  Our week begins again with an opportunity to serve the Lord with gladness, to come into His presence with thanksgiving and singing.  A day set aside to rest in His goodness and worship His greatness.But…my prayer is that this Sunday is unlike any other.

“Then the disciples worshipped him.  You really are the Son of God! they exclaimed.”  Matthew 14:33 NLT

Those closest to Christ had just experienced an amazing miracle of God.  They had watched as Jesus merely spoke to the wind and waves—and they obeyed Him.  The twelve had watched as He healed.  They had marveled as they saw Jesus bring life from death.  They saw with their own eyes Christ walk on the water.  He commanded the storm, the weather, the atmospheric conditions with His voice. And now?

Now, they worshipped.

My prayer is that your Sunday is filled from this moment forward with reasons to really worship our Lord.  I’m asking God to amaze and astound you with His greatness and power.  I want you to drop your jaw to the floor in awe of our Savior.  I want you to come to the realization that He really is the Son of God.


Malinda Edgell


PRAY TOGETHER:  This is such a beautiful season.  Thank the Lord for His love of colors.

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” If the godly compromise with the wicked, it is like polluting a fountain or muddying a spring” (Proverbs 25:26 NLT).

Remember the slogan, “Give A Hoot, Don’t Pollute” from back in the mid to late seventies?  In my mind I  can still see the owl that solicited our help in keeping pollution off the sides of the roads and out of our waterways.

That motto has bounced around in my head all morning in regards to this Scripture.

What am I doing to prevent pollution or muddying of my heart and mind as I walk around in this dark, sin-filled world?

It’s up to me, you know.  I’m the one in charge of dealing correctly and quickly with any trash that litters my thoughts.  It’s so very important for me to prevent major pile-ups of junk in my life.

I cannot laugh along with an unseemly or unlovely jokes.

I cannot be party to unkind conversations.

I cannot read material that plants, or better yet litters, my mind with ungodly things.

I cannot watch programs that leave bits of trash swirling around in my head.

It’s a tough job keeping the world free from litter and pollution, just ask the owl.  It’s an even tougher job keeping our minds free of worldly trash, just ask any successful Christian.


Malinda Edgell


PRAY TOGETHER:  Pray for behind the scenes people in your church—those who serve quietly away from the forefront.

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Continue in Prayer

“Continue in  prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving”  (Colossians 4:2).

Prayer is not like a vitamin we take once a day.  It is also not to be used only as needed. We must keep an attitude of prayer throughout the day—continuously bathing our hearts in prayer. The Living Bible states “Don’t be weary in prayer; keep at it; watch for God’s answers and remember to be thankful when they come.” Devoting time in prayer will strengthen our resolve as well as our hearts.

As we close this week, I hope you have taken time to do a heart check. We need to follow the wooing of the Spirit to determine how often we should set time aside to assess or reassess our heart condition. An old gospel song asks the question, “How About Your Heart?”  How will you answer?

“How about your heart, is it right with God?
That’s the thing that counts today.
Is it black by sin, is it pure within?
Could you ask Christ in to stay?”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: “Lord, examine my heart today. Search its inward parts and crevices. Clean out all hidden impurities and expose wrong attitudes. Then, help me continue in prayer throughout this day. Amen.”

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Draw Nigh and Purify

“Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.  Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded”  (James 4:8).

I love the old hymn, “Near to the Heart of God.”   It tells of where we should desire to be.  We should want Him to hold us so close we can hear His heartbeat. Our humble and repentant heart should be focused on Him. Without wavering, we ask Him to cleanse us totally.  Cleansing of hands and heart represents purity inside and out.  Resolve to draw ever closer to Him. He waits for you with open arms. Your heart will always be in good hands when it’s placed in the hands of God.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: “Lord, give me Your peace & contentment in all situations. May I shine for You today.Amen.

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