The Word Enlightens

“I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy word” (Psalm 119:101).

We don’t have a pillar of cloud or fire.  We don’t have a lampstand like the one we learned about last week. However, we do have a very special lamp we can use as we journey through life.  That “lamp” is the Bible, and, it is our guiding light.   The Bible, when studied daily, gives us guidance and even warnings as we try to do our best for Him. The more we read and apply God’s Word, God’s light before us will help us to refrain from evil. Keep your eyes focused on His light so you can see where your feet can take you.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Jonda Patton, Kentucky WAC president, as she juggles ministry, job and family responsibilities.

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Mercy in Abundance

“…I will not treat you as you deserve…”  (Job 42:8 NLT).

I can smell the coffee brewing.

I can feel the keys of the computer on my fingers.

I can see the fog beginning to lift from the fields.

I can hear the sound of birds calling to each other.

I can taste the mint of the toothpaste I just used.

Already this morning God has been merciful to me.

“…I will not treat you as you deserve…”

I don’t deserve to enter into His presence.  I’ve done nothing that would warrant His acceptance.  I’ve said nothing that would allow me special treatment from the King of Kings.  I’m a no one in the grand scheme of things, a misfit really.  He shouldn’t love me.

“…I will not treat you as you deserve…”

I cannot pay Him back for His goodness.  I’ll never be able to thank Him enough for His blessings.  I am incapable of serving in a way that glorifies Him as He deserves. I’m as far from perfect today as I was the day He met me at an altar in a small country church.  He didn’t have to forgive me.

“…I will not treat you as you deserve…”

Lightning doesn’t strike with every bad thought my mind concocts.  Judgment is not doled out on a scale for all to see when I sin.  The only chains that bind me are the ones I still allow.  He does not carry around a clipboard and a red marking pencil awaiting my next foul-up.  He doesn’t have to allow me a purpose in His great plan.

He does not treat me as I deserve. And for that, I offer praise and thanksgiving.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Ask God to bless Joanna Felts as she leads California’s WAC.

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What’s in Your Heart?

“Our hearts ache, but we always have joy…”  (2 Corinthians 6:10).

Life’s tough, friend.  People let us down.  Friends move away.  Loved ones pass on. The neighbors don’t notice the hard work you put into your new flower garden.  The executives decide cuts must be made and your name is drawn from the hat.  It rains when you have a picnic planned.  Washing machines break down.  Cakes you were planning on taking to the church dinner burn.

Things happen that make it hard to celebrate each and every day—but you do, don’t you?

Is your happiness directly related to bubbly feelings or a picture-perfect end to your well-thought-out plans?  Do rainy days and screaming smoke alarms keep you from enjoying life?

We, as Christians, have an inner ray of sunshine built into us—Jesus Christ.  We should glow, despite the rainclouds.  We should glimmer, despite the darkness of the night.  We should smile, keeping in our sights heaven, not here.

What do you have in your heart?  Are you filled with a feeling of overwhelm or anticipation?  Dread or delirious excitement?  Heartache or joy?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Are you wise? Read Proverbs 11:30b. Pray for boldness today.

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We Are the Branches

“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing” (John 15:5).

As we close out this week of our study, let’s take one last look at the golden lampstand.  It had three main parts; the base, the shaft and the branches.  All were made from one piece of pure gold.  The shaft is symbolic of God and the branches of us.

Today’s key verse gives us a New Testament picture.  We gather our light from the main source of  Light.  He is the vine and we are the branches.  We must abide in Him  so we can reflect His love and light. We are nothing without Him.

A modern illustration, we could use an electric lamp. Unless we plug it into a power source, it will never give off light.  As an extension of Him, stay  “plugged in.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Are you a missionary?  Have you shared Christ with someone this day/week/month/year?  Why not?  Each one should be reaching out.  Offer praises to God if you’re already involved.

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Bringing in the Oil

“ Command the children of Israel, that they bring unto thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamps to burn continually” (Leviticus 24:2).

Today’s verse doesn’t contain a suggestion.  This was a command.  If the lamps were to burn continually, somebody had to bring the oil.  This responsibility fell to the  Israelites.  As long as the lamps were burning, they knew God’s presence was with them.  The task of bringing the oil could not be left undone.

Do you ever feel “burned out” in the service of the Lord? Let Him fill you with His Spirit, ignite your flame and set you on fire for Him once again.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Write a missionary your local WAC or women’s group supports, reminding him/her of your prayers. Don’t have one? At your next meeting, promote putting one or more missionary families in your group’s budget.

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Oil for the Lamps

“And thou shalt command the children of Israel, that they bring thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamp to burn always” (Exodus 27:20).

God had the plan and specifications for the golden lampstand.  One source gives this information:  “The pure oil of crushed olives symbolizes the anointing of the Holy Spirit. When you look into the process they used to make the olive oil, it speaks strongly of the threshing process. Basically, as the olive grows to maturity, the early fruit falls to the ground. Then at harvest time, they beat the trees with long sticks to yield the rest of the crop, and then gather all the olives off the ground.  Then the oil was pressed out by crushing the olives in the hollow of a stone or by treading on them by foot. When the olives were first pressed, two different lots of oil would come forth.  The first press was called extra virgin olive oil, meaning in its purest state. This was the oil that was used to keep the golden candlestick burning.” *

We will learn tomorrow who would furnish the oil needed to keep the lamps burning long and bright.  We are under a new covenant, but we still need to be filled each day with His Spirit so we can radiate His Light. A dark world needs the light of your witness and testimony.


Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Send a card to the parents/children of a missionary supported by your local WAC.

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Pattern of the Lampstand

“And look that thou make them after their pattern, which was shewed thee in the mount” (Exodus 25:40).

When Moses was on the mount, God spoke with him about the Tabernacle and its furnishings.  God gave Moses explicit details for Him to carry out.  We might call it a blueprint or pattern. He was expected to follow the pattern, omitting nothing. The lampstand was to be made of pure gold.  From what I’ve heard, pure gold is easier to work with than gold mixed with alloys.  The lampstand had to be made out of one piece of gold. That piece bore seven candles or lamps. They branched off,  three on each side of a middle candle.  The middle candle represented God. I am somewhat puzzled why for most Jews, the light has never dawned—that the Tabernacle furnishings along with their rituals and sacrifices  pointed to the Savior, the true Light.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Go look in the mirror. God loves that person so very much. Tell God how much you love Him, then show it by doing something special for your pastor’s wife.

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