Jesus, the True Light

“That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world” (John 1:9).

This week, let’s turn a “floodlight” on our Creator.  We are familiar with John the Baptist, who came as a forerunner to Christ.  He was preparing the way for Jesus to come as the “true light.”  John was on the scene to help the people identify that fact.

Jesus has come, but not everyone has experienced His light. Following John’s example, will you be “on the scene” of your world today, pointing others to the “true light” ?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Never fail to thank God for hearing and answering. Share these as you witness to those who haven’t yet accepted God’s gift, Jesus Christ.

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Chin Up, Daughter

“But you, O Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, and the one who lifts my head high”  (Psalm 3:3) NLT.

Ashamed.  Embarrassed.  Disgusted.  Frustrated.  Exasperated.  Depleted. Despairing.

In desperation I sought Him.  In awe I approached Him.  In humility I bowed.  In tears I confessed.  In need I asked.

He accepted what little I had to offer.  He drew me near, despite the smell of my sins.  He held me close—so close that I bore the imprint of His robe on my cheek.  He lovingly lifted my face towards Him saying, “Chin up, daughter—you’re mine!”

Honor.  Gratitude.  Peace.  Joy.  Relief.  Rest.  Security.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: On this Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, pray for an end to abortion. Offer prayers for individuals touched by this tragedy and for crisis pregnancy center workers and volunteers.

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The Excited Point

“Lord, do not desert me now!”  (Jeremiah 17:17a) NLT

When my son Isaiah first began to read, he was very interested in knowing just what the “crazy letters” meant at the end of a bunch of words.  So I attempted to explain them.

The period means a person has finished a thought.  The end of a sentence.

The question mark means what is written before it is asking us something.

The exclamation point intendsus to know that there is some excitement going on.  Something to shout about.

His favorite, (he’s a lot like his mom), was the “excited point” as he called it.

Excitement draws us.  Excitement peaks our interest.  Excitement catches our attention.  Excitement lures us into a passage, a paragraph or a story.

Here’s the “excited point” I found this morning, “Lord, do not desert me now!”

Does that statement draw you in?  Has it caught your attention?  Do you hear the excitement intended for the reader to understand?  Are you there?

You’ve said the same words, haven’t you?  Upon receiving the news, outcome, diagnosis or notification?  In the middle of something, at the beginning of something, as something draws to a close?  In your daily walk, on terribly tough days, in the midst of storms…have you made the statement, “Lord, do not desert me now!”?

Some English teachers will explain that a statement of such nature focuses on the excitement of the main character or the person saying the words.  As believers, we know the “excited point” is all about our Lord.  What He can do, what we have seen Him do, what we are trusting Him for, what He has promised.

It’s really nothing about us—the real lesson of the “excited point.”

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray without ceasing; make praying as automatic as breathing.

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Created for Him

“Thou art worthy, O Lord,  to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created “ (Revelation 4:11).

From the first book of the Bible to the last one, the simple truth is, to accept by faith, that God created all things. He is worthy of all that is mentioned in our verse today—and more. Let us praise Him for including us as the highest form of His Creation.

Next week  we will focus on another aspect of our Creator.  He is the Light!  He is the ultimate combination of creativity and light.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Missionaries have children—on the field, in college or married with children of their own. What a neat surprise for them to know you are praying for their parents…hint, hint.

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Another Confirmation

“For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him. And he is before all things, and by him all things consist” (Colossians 1:16-17).

The people of Colosse were listening to false teaching. The false teaching was labeled the “Colossian heresy.”  It was diverse in nature, but, blatantly false.  Paul counteracted by preaching the supremacy of the true God.  He wanted the people to see how futile it was to embrace these heretical “beliefs.”  God created all things.  Who can compare? Who or what could dare challenge that fact?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Missionaries have parents, too.  Pray for the parents of the missionary you’ve established contact with…if possible, send a card.

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Created by Jesus Christ

“And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 3:9).

This is a great verse for this week.  Not sure, at first, how to simplify or explain it, I was enlightened by these words.

“It was through Christ, the perfect sacrifice, the atonement for all sin that what was once a mystery is shown. In other words what seemed impossible to live (The Law) with no absolute solution for sin, was made clear only through Christ.

“The mystery was known by God and only God before the creation of the world.  Though God made the world perfect, He knew man would fall to sin.  Before God created the world He had already established the plan of salvation so that all men could be saved.  However, God did not disclose His plan until He presented Christ as the answer.  Even in prophecy, Christ was shown to be the answer to the mystery.  It was also through Christ that the salvation of the world was to be answered.”

When you have questions about a verse, go to a reliable source for help in discerning God’s truths.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Lord, today may my life SHINE! for Jesus— regardless of my circumstances, the weather or family problems.

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The Works of Thine Hands

“And Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands” (Hebrews 1:10).

No one will ever duplicate the intricate details of  the Creation.  Man may try, but he will always fail. God  designed and fashioned the world with His own hands.  He only asks we take care of it and be a light in it to point the lost to Him.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for peace and resolution to the conflict in the politically- charged nation of Ivory Coast, West Africa. The death toll continues to rise as a result of the violence. Ivory Coast is also the burial place for one FWBIM single, female missionary and one MK. Prayerfully consider what your tombstone should say.

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