He Made All Things

“All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made” (John 1:3).

We find the confirmation of the Creation in the New Testament. The awesome creative power God possesses should humble us.  To think He desires to have fellowship with Him should cause us to praise Him more.  God took nothing and turned it into things for our pleasure and for His glory.  Live for the One who created light and allow Him to light your path through His Word.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for FWBIM missionaries (both those currently serving and those now retired) who have lost their mates. Send a card to reassure them of your love and appreciation for their service. Find addresses here.

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My Gracious Redeemer

“Mephibosheth fell to the ground before the king, ‘Should the king show such kindness to a dead dog like me?’ he exclaimed” ( 2 Samuel 9:8) NLT.

Ever felt like a dead dog?

Every day I borrow Mephibosheth’s line in response to my King’s gifts.  Another sunrise.  A brand new, “Good morning, Mom.”  Another dandelion in my path.  My very breath.

He knows me more intimately than anyone else.  He knows the sins of my heart, the ones He’s forgiven and the ones He’s still attempting to purge from my spirit.  He knows who I was before meeting Him and how far from who He intends me to be I still am.  He knows the skeletons hiding in my closet, and He’s watched as I try to balance on a pedestal of my own making.  He is fully aware of my ulterior motives.  He knows all about me, and still continues to pour blessing upon blessing into my life.

Me, a dead dog.

“My Gracious Redeemer, My Savior are thou-
If ever I loved thee, My Jesus, ’tis now.”
-Wm. Featherston

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Been to a care center lately? Many lonely people need a pat on the back, a sincere smile and news of God’s love for all. Pray.

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The Waiting Game

“The bride, a princess, waits within her chamber, dressed in a gown woven with gold.  In her beautiful robes, she is led to the king, accompanied by her bridesmaids.  What a joyful, enthusiastic procession as they enter the king’s palace”  (Psalm 45:13-15) NLT.

The big day has arrived.  The perfect gown.  Carefully selected flowers.  Just the right hairstyle, veil and jewelry.  A lot of thought, planning and shopping have been done to make this day special–unforgettable.  And now?  Now, she waits.

Waiting games are the hardest to play, wouldn’t you agree?  Last year, I waited through an extended home remodeling project—new vinyl siding, soffit and fascia.  All the old was stripped away and the house frame lay like a blank canvas for our carpenters to fill.

I guess, in my head, I assumed it would be no time until I turned down our road  to find crowds of people, television crews and a huge bus parked in front of the house.  And a moment just waiting for me to shout that now familiar phrase, “Bus driver, move that bus!”

But each evening when I pulled into the driveway—I was met with the realization that it still was not done. In the day to day, I didn’t see a lot of progress.

It’s kind of the same thing in my Christian walk.  A lot of anticipation.  A lot of tearing away of the old.  A lot of hauling off dingy, bent and outdated things—but the reveal?  Well, there are days when I feel my completed make-over will be months, if not years, away.

So I play the waiting game as He works on my heart.

I continue to trust that He’ll take over control of my mouth.

I hope, with all that’s within me, He will soon be my first response.

I keep praying that the sins that continue to creep into my life will be replaced with good deeds and praise-worthy acts.

I believe each morning that this is the day “mature Christianity” will come naturally to me.

And yet, I look in the mirror and see the same old thing—me.

But I’ll wait.  I’ll anticipate great things.  I’ll trust the Master Carpenter and His time frame.  I’ll continue to play the waiting game because I believe it will all be worth it.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Do you know your neighbors? A plate of cookies can open doors for lasting friendships. Pray for them as you bake or buy.

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Placement of Lights

“And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth”(Genesis 1:17).

Our verse plainly states why God fashioned the skylights.   He didn’t just create them;He placed them exactly where they needed to be. Everything in the heavens stays suspended under the watchful eye of its Creator.

In closing out this week of study, I hope you have seen the importance of light as God’s first creation.  Light makes God’s creativity more visible.  His light shining in your life, will make your creativity more visible as well.

Next week we will learn what the New Testament has to say about the Creation.  These verses shed light on the fact that God is Creator.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: On the Internet? Connect today with a missionary. Assure them of your words with the Father (prayers) and sincere interest. Don’t just ask questions; be informed. Remember, costs of email transmission can be high in some parts of the world, so be concise.
(Please be cautious with certain words. The WNAC Program and Plan Book offers guidelines for communicating with workers in restricted access areas.)

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Two Lights in the Sky

“And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night…” (Genesis 1:16a).

On the fourth day, God created the sun, moon and stars.  The sun and moon are also lights of heaven.  However, their purpose is for the distinction of time—such as changes in seasons and weather. The sun is the greater light given to rule the day.  The moon is the lesser light given to rule the night.  A creative and Sovereign God adjusts the brightness of all the lights of the heavens. Every detail of Creation is touched by the Master’s hand.

Praise Him for His touch today.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Ask God to help you choose an international missionary (one or maybe more) to uplift in your prayers.

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Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars

“And let them be lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and it was so….he made the stars also” (Genesis 1:15, 16b).

God created the stars, not to light up the heavens, but for our pleasure and advantage. Along with the moon, they rule the night.  There is nothing more beautiful than a starlit sky.

God even gave each of the stars a name.  The stars rule the night under God’s dominion.

The next time you view the stars or hear the toddler’s song, remember God’s care and control. Create and share a teachable moment with your children, grandchildren or someone else who needs to hear.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for missionaries working in your state. Check with FWBHM for information. Communicate and encourage those nearby.

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Earth’s First Day

“…and God divided the light from the darkness.  And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.  And the evening and the morning were the first day” (Genesis 1:4b-5).

Dividing the light from the darkness, God declared that the light would become Day and the darkness would become Night. Thus, the earth celebrated its very first day.

Have you ever taken on a project and visualized the finished product? Sometimes it takes much trial and error until it’s completed.  God’s plan of Creation was not that way.  God created each day with precision and purpose. He would never have to start over on a given day. He declared each portion as good by His design.

Praise God today for His perfect and purposeful power.

Tomorrow we will see how God fashioned more lights. The upper visible expanses of the world needed luminaries.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for your state, district and local WAC sisters. Ask them how you can help.

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