Just Like an Ott

“And God saw the light, that it was good…” (Genesis 1:4a).

An Ott light? Since I don’t do crafts, I would have never known what an Ott light is, had our Together With God Bible study not described it. I’m glad she did.  Such a light allows crafters (and anyone else) to see what they are doing more clearly. When a work demands precision, an Ott can make a difference in the success of the project.

Light was just as God designed it.  He could clearly see what He would need to do next.

Tomorrow we’ll look at more of God’s design wisdom as we explore ways light and darkness could be useful.  One could not override the other; each had its own purpose.  They required separation.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Please remember the many volunteers who assist WNAC. Find their names in p. 2 of Together With God magazine.

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No Need to Fear

“Elijah was afraid and ran for his life…”  (1 Kings 19:3).

What was Elijah afraid of?  After witnessing God display mighty power at the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal?  After seeing the cloud the size of a man’s hand? After walking through the puddles produced by the mighty rainstorm he had just prayed for?

Elijah was afraid of a wrinkly, bitter, hate-filled and power-hungry woman.  Jezebel.

I can see her in my mind.  Small, but potent.  Dainty, but loud.  Dressed to the nines, but lacking in inner beauty.  Controlling.  Crabby.  High maintenance.

You laugh as you think about Elijah, this prophet of God, being afraid of her—but are you doing the same thing?

Satan has whispered threats in your ear, now you’re running for your life.

The doctor has given you a diagnosis you don’t want; now you head for the hills.

The life you planned is not the life you’re living.  You’re scared; you’re defeated. And you are afraid.

You’re afraid of the pink slip just handed you.  The bank statement that’s lacking.  The task that looms.  The fear that keeps growing in your mind.

Just what are you afraid of?  Scared God’s not big enough? Allow me to settle those fears.  Thinking God’s forgotten all about you, or even worse, knows all about you and has written you off as undeserving? Not my God.  Determined that you can’t make it? Rest assured, He’s not given up on you.

God has done, is in the process of doing and will continue to do some huge things in your life.  Don’t run.  Don’t tremble in fear.  Don’t cower or give up.  You have no need to fear.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Remember WNAC elected officers; call them by name in prayer.

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“For the Lord watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction”  (Psalm 1:6 NLT).

I’m here to burst your bubble.  To set things straight.  To clear up a common misconception.  To unravel an untruth.

Here it is:  Just because you’re His, does not entitle you to an easy walk in the park of life.

What reminded me of the big fat lie we’d all like to believe?  A verse in today’s reading…”For the Lord watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction”  (Psalm 1:6 NLT).

But, you say, “It says ‘…the Lord watches over the path of the godly…'”

I know.

Read on, dear friend, read on.  You see, the verse continues on to state that the real point is the destination, not the path.

Your path, even those of the the godliest among us, will be littered with detours, landslides, construction zones and policed road blocks.  Your path may take you to the take-your-breath-away vistas or send you careening by the smelliest of landfills.  Your path might entail days of sunshiny saunters as well as forced marches during downpours.  Your path may be on level terrain scented with the wafting smell of wildflowers and fresh-cut grass and it may include uphill trudgeries that leave nothing but the smell of sweat in your nostrils.

No matter the trip, it’s the destination we’re gearing up for.  Nothing that occurs on your journey surprises our Lord—He sees the path.

You see, He’s preparing us for glory, eternal glory, not a continual, blister-evoking hike through this old world.

Press on! Destination is everything.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray with praises for your pastor and his family. Put feet on your prayers and send him a note expressing your thankfulness.

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Let There Be Light

“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light” (Genesis 1:1)

“The Spirit moved.”  Energy began. Our Scripture contains the first creative words spoken by God. God willed Light and spoke it into existence. Next week we will share more about Light as well as the other lights of Creation.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for churches without pastors in your state or province.

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The Need for Light

“And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep…” (Genesis 1:2a).

Picture the earth empty, without form, a chaotic mass filled with darkness.  Kind of depressing, isn’t it? The closest thing in comparison might be visiting a cavern with areas so dark you pray you’ll see a spark of light soon. Someone has said (paraphrased,)  “God did not create darkness. It existed for the want of light.  It would take a large amount of creative power and wisdom to literally make something from nothing.  The Spirit is hovering over all this and begins to move, waiting for the words that would fulfill the need for light as God begins His creative work.”

Praise God today for His light that dispels darkness.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Remember in prayer the spiritual leaders of your local church as well as leaders of your district and state associations.

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In the Beginning

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).

The Godhead has always existed.  John Wesley states, “There was no pre-existing matter out of which the world was produced. Time began with the production of those  things that are measured by time. Before the beginning of time there was none but that Infinite Being that inhabits eternity.”

No matter how long ago the Creation took place, the truth is, it happened.  Tomorrow we will set the stage for the start of God’s majestic display of  creativity.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Learn the names of your state’s political leaders. Regardless of your views, pray for these leaders today.

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The Godhead Was There

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”(Genesis 1:26a).

The key word in this portion of Scripture is “us.”  Genesis was written in Hebrew.  The word for God is “Elohim.”  One commentary records, “Elohim is used whenever the power of God is revealed.  Therefore, it was Elohim who spoke the universe into existence.  It was a plural word, which means ‘more than one.’  It is significant because it speaks of the Godhead.”  We know this as the Trinity.  Genesis One tells us of the involvement of all three.  However, the rest of the Bible reveals what each Person did.

In Genesis 1:2, we find “the Spirit of God  moved upon the face of the waters.”

The Hebrew word for “moved” is rahap, meaning  “to flutter or vibrate.”  In the above mentioned commentary we find these words:  “Vibration is energy.  It was the Holy Spirit who introduced energy into a formless void.”  Later this week, we will explore what happened after  “the Spirit of God moved.”

We find in John 1:1, Jesus is called “the Word.”  Another study reference states, “When God the Father spoke, it was His Son who acted.”  As part of the Godhead, Jesus was there at the Creation.  Colossians 1:15-16 bears out that truth.  The Father’s part in Creation and connection with His Son’s presence there is found in Hebrews 1:1-2. “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom He hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also He made the worlds.”  The Godhead always existed and they worked together in unity to create God’s masterpiece, His Creation.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that world leaders would seek God’s face.

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