The Greatest Gift

“Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift”  (2 Corinthians 9:15).

In the throes of shopping and planning to celebrate Christmas, let us pause for a few moments to think about Christmas gifts. If we visit Christmases past, we may all have memories of a favorite gift. It was something we really wanted and were so happy to receive it. We probably used descriptive words like “awesome” or “magnificent” as we told others about it. We have the opportunity to receive the greatest gift, one that surpasses anything we’ve ever been given.  Accept the best God had to offer—His only begotten Son. (John 3:16)

We are all too familiar with the Christmas story found in Luke 2. Yet, Luke’s gospel also mentions a woman who highly anticipated the birth of Christ. With everything that surrounded that most holy of nights she could have been overlooked.  However, this faithful woman was not overlooked by God.  She was going to receive the greatest Christmas present.  Find out more as we go through our December study.  Tomorrow we discover the name of another “hidden jewel.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for attendees of the annual Leadership Conference that begins today in Nashville, TN. Ask God to give these pastors and ministry leaders a teachable spirit.

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Miracle Maker

“One of the men lying there had been sick for thirty-eight years.  When Jesus saw him and knew how long he had been ill, he asked him, Would you like to get well?  I can’t, sir, the sick man said, for I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred up”  (John 5:5-7 NLT).

Did the sick man know to whom he was speaking?  Did he have a clue as to Jesus’ power?  Why didn’t he simply answer what was in his heart, “Yes, I want to be healed”?

Did he?  Do we?

We’re provided with possible miracles on a daily basis.  We’re given nods from the Lord that would/could lead each and every one of us into better living, more miraculous ministries and deeper walks with the Lord.  We’ve been provided with a Book filled with information that leads us into abundant living.

And we begin listing excuses as to why we aren’t living or why we can’t live for Him.

Are we, like the man at the poolside, afraid of the new life He offers?  The fact that it will look different, feel different, be viewed by the world differently than our present situations?  Are we disgusted enough with our afflictions to seek Him, no matter what’s required, for a miracle?  Are we waiting for a healing that looks just like the one we want instead of the plans He has for us?

If we’re sitting beside the pool, why is it?  Hasn’t He passed our way?  Hasn’t He asked us, personally if not collectively, if we want more?  Put away the excuses and tell him yes.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that God would grant wisdom and a spirit of unity to the FWBHM board as they meet this week.

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Each Day

“…Each day proclaim the good news that he saves”  (Psalm 96:2b NLT).
“…Tell everyone about the amazing things he has done”  (Psalm 96:3b NLT

Go ahead, add these tasks to your to-do list for today.

He’s given you the blank slate for a new 24 hours, the clean page of a new day, the canvas of today. Will you get done what He’s asking you to do?

It’s not that He doesn’t deserve it, is it?  He is amazing.  His salvation is life-changing.  His love is encompassing.  His peace is a thing to behold.  Eternal life is something to shout about.

But will you do it?

Will someone hear from your mouth how wonderful God is or that He came to save?

Will you bend an ear telling of His greatness?

Only you knows the extent of His grace it took to ransom you from an eternity lost.  You are the only one privy to the depths of your sin and the heights of His sacrifice and love.

Will you tell someone today?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for CEOs—Christmas-Easter-only attendees who will enter your church this month.

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Abigail: Praised for Her Works

“…and let her own works praise her in the gates” (Proverbs 31:31b).

Abigail was an ordinary woman.  Faced with a calamity, she trusted God and did what she had to do.  By doing so, she averted a disaster.  Remember her courage along with all the other characteristics she possessed.  She was unique and we should praise God for what she accomplished.

When the story of our lives is ended, what will people remember most about us?   At times we may feel like a “hidden jewel.”  No one knows our name or notices what we do.

However if we follow Abigail’s example, we will shine on like a fiery, red ruby.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Read Isaiah 9:6-7. Speak each name of Christ, giving praise for ways He reveals Himself to you in these names.

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Abigail: A Woman of Wisdom

“I pray thee, forgive the trespass of thine handmaid: for the Lord will certainly make my lord a sure house because my lord fighteth the battles of the Lord, and evil hath not been found in thee all thy days” (1 Samuel 25:28).

As she appealed to David, Abigail was so wise to remember his relationship with the Lord. Even though she didn’t do anything wrong, she decided this matter wasn’t about who was wrong or right.  She apologized in behalf of her husband.  Often times problems between two people are corrected when someone takes the initiative to apologize.  David noticed her wisdom and was impressed by it.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for a prodigal—asking God to bring His wandering child back home for Christmas.

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A Woman of Strength and Honor

“Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come” (Proverbs 31:25).

Abigail was married to a very wealthy man. Her closet was probably filled with beautiful gowns of great price.  I don’t think material  possessions was a big issue with her. I think being clothed in “strength and honor” meant more to her. Her first husband didn’t give her much to rejoice about.  She had to stay strong to be able to keep going even on a daily basis.

After Nabal died, Abigail realized the last part of today’s verse, “….and she shall rejoice in time to come.”  Her story had a happy ending.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: December’s busyness tends to blur the meaning of Christmas. Ask God to keep you deliberate in your focus and with time.

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Abigail—God’s Gem

“For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13).

Abigail was one of God’s treasures. We don’t hear much about Abigail. You probably had to dig into the Scriptures to find her story. In doing so, you found a beautiful “ruby.”   You found the story of one who was willing to do the right thing knowing full well the cost.  She fulfilled the purpose God had for her in spite of the twists and turns of her life.

As the ruby and diamond are tough minerals, we, too, must be tough. We may have to be “put through the fire,” but in the end, we shall brilliantly shine for Him.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Ask God to give comfort during the holidays to those who have lost loved ones this past year.

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