Jael Extends Hospitality

“And Jael went out to meet Sisera, and said unto him, Turn in, my lord, turn in to me; fear not.  And when he had turned in unto her into the tent, she covered him with a blanket” (Judges 4:18).

As we continue our story of Jael, we find the Israelite army had defeated Sisera’s army. Sisera survived and went on the run.  Sisera knew Jael’s husband, and Sisera was now weary of running.  It is most likely Jael knew who Sisera was as well.  It would have been more appropriate for Sisera to have gone to Heber’s tent, but he was obviously not thinking clearly. Back then, it was a capital offense for a man other than the husband to be found in a woman’s tent.  However, Jael offered Sisera hospitality and he took it.  Some feel Jael dishonored the customs of her day.  It was an usual setting at a time when hospitality was held in high regard.  To invite someone in your home was equal to offering safety from all harm.  The plot thickens as tomorrow we see what Jael did next.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that God would change students’ lives during Spiritual Emphasis at California Christian College today and tomorrow.

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No Plans of Retiring

This past summer my son and I attended Vacation Bible School at the church where I grew up.  It was neat seeing the familiar faces, the changes made in the church and the altar where I knelt and asked Jesus into my heart.

I thrilled to sit in on the adult class they offered each evening. I was even more thrilled knowing Miss Wilma was teaching it. Miss Wilma was a teacher of mine when I was small.  I don’t think she’d mind me saying she was what I considered very old then, and now some thirty years later?  Well, she’s that much older.

She’s a poster child for the verse I uncovered in the Word this morning.  She’s at a ripe old age still producing fruit, still touching lives, still desiring that people come to know her Lord and Savior.  She’s vital and green, still growing, still serving and still wanting to please her Father.

Miss Wilma was transplanted into the house of the Lord years ago, and I’m pleased to announce, she’s thriving in His environment.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Today is Grandparents Day. Praise God for the influence of godly grandparents. Pray for those raising grandchildren.

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Why I’m Here

“One night the cup-bearer and the baker each had a dream, and each dream had its own meaning.  The next morning Joseph noticed the dejected look on their faces.  Why do you look so worried today? he asked.  And they replied, We both had dreams last night, but there is no one here to tell us what they mean.  Interpreting dreams is God’s business, Joseph replied.  Tell me what you saw”
(Genesis 40:5-8 NLT).

Joseph could not have offered to do God’s work because of his training or schooling. Joseph could not have offered to fill in for God because of his position or status. Joseph could not have offered to serve as a spiritual adviser for these men because he’d been ordained, instituted into office or certified as a priest.

Joseph asked to help because of his personal relationship with the Living God.  Joseph, sequestered in the prison, still trusted God. Joseph, sold out by his own flesh and blood, still believed God had a purpose and a reason for all that was happening…That’s why Joseph could volunteer to be used by God in this way.

What about you?  In your workplace?  At your home?  In the stores where you shop?  The small groups you attend?  Are you one who walks closely enough to God to see opportunities wherever He’s placed you?

Will it be to pray with a co-worker who is going through a tough time? Or to encourage a doctor or nurse in the offices you’ve been visiting a lot lately? When family gathers, are you the only one who suggests offering a prayer before eating? Are you placed in the check-out lane of a little gal in need of a warm, Christian greeting?

Where is it He has you—and why? Go ahead, look for the ways you can be about our Father’s business today.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Sunday school or small group leaders in your church as they prepare to teach tomorrow.

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Source of Courage

“…for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee” (Deuteronomy 31:6b).

As we close this week’s study, let us focus today on the subject of courage. Knowing our verse gives us assurance, why aren’t we more bold?  Next week, we will continue our study of Jael.  Wasn’t her faith just as strong as that of Deborah?  We may know more about Deborah than Jael; however, the bottom line is when both were placed in unusual settings, God proved the source of their courage and strength.

We may someday find ourselves in a setting outside our comfort zone. How will we handle things?  Will we be able to take a stand and do what is right?  Or will we lack the faith to lean upon the One who has promised, “he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee”?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for women attending the West Virginia WAC Fall Retreat today and tomorrow.

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Deborah’s Prophecy

“….for the Lord shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.  And Deborah arose, and went with Barak to Kadesh”  Judges 4:9b.

Deborah needed Barak to lead the army to battle.  Sisera’s army was well-equipped in comparison to the motley crew of Barak and Deborah.  In defence of Barak, he probably had a right to be scared.  However, telling Deborah he wouldn’t lead without her wasn’t very valiant.

Deborah told Barak she’d go with him, but, when all was said and done, he wasn’t going to get any glory.  Deborah confidently shared a prophecy found in our Scripture today.  As much as we salute Deborah for her courage, she will not be the woman in her prophecy.   Stay tuned to find out just who that woman will be.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that God would guide North Carolina WAC leaders in all decisions concerning the 2011 WNAC Convention.

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Easily Forgotten

“And the children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord, when Ehud was dead” (Judges 4:1).

The backdrop for our story reveals that Israel was out of God’s will.  Ehud, the judge had died.  God allowed Jabin, king of Canaan to oppress Israel through Sisera, the king’s general. After 20 years, Deborah, the judge of Israel will be working with Barak.  He will be leader of Deborah’s army.  Deborah was a bit more brave than Barak.  In the light of this notable woman, it might be easy to forget someone like Jael.

Have you ever been in a setting where you felt you were being overshadowed by someone?  There are times when you are going to feel under appreciated.  Don’t get discouraged.

Labor for the glory of God no matter who gets the credit.  God does great record keeping.

Strive for His approval.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Today is Rosh Hashanah. Pray for Jewish believers in Christ as they celebrate their new year and seek to share their Messiah.

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Who Is Jael?

“Howbeit Sisera fled away on his feet to the tent of  Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite: for there was between Jabin the king of Hanor and the house of Heber the Kenite” (Judges 4:17).

Jael was a homemaker—wife of Heber the Kenite—only her home was a tent. During this time it was common for several women to be married to one man. However, each woman set up and maintained her own tent.  Jael, as part of a nomadic people, was skilled in pitching and setting up a tent.

Jael had kinship ties with the Israelites. Her husband descended from Jethro, Moses father-in-law.  Heber was on good terms with Canaanites.  We will later see how this ties in with Sisera and his fate.

No one willing to be used of God should ever think her station in life is insignificant.

We’re going to see how God can use anyone to fulfill his plans.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Elizabeth Hodges today as she attends her first pre-convention meeting in Charlotte, NC.

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