Setting the Stage

Read Judges 4

Our September study revolves around a couple of women in the Bible that our writer calls “hidden jewels whom God placed in unusual settings.”  Their names are Jael and Phoebe.

In doing research on the lives of these “gems”, I found some interesting reading.

These women were warriors of the faith, but, their deeds are often overlooked.  Perhaps this is true because they had supporting roles instead of being the leading ladies.  Maybe they were the unsung heroines because they stepped out of their feminine “comfort zone.”  Whatever the case, both were used by God to accomplish His will.

Tomorrow we will begin our study of Jael.  To better understand how she appeared on the scene, I would encourage you to read Judges 4.  You might think Deborah tended to overshadow Jael.   Jael was a lowly tent dweller, but she didn’t allow that to keep her from being used of God.  As we delve into her story, think about how God has or can use you.  Chances are you won’t have to go to the lengths Jael did, but God may call you to an unusual setting.  You may find yourself doing things you never dreamed you would or could do.  God still enables the ordinary to do the extraordinary for His glory

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: On this Labor Day, pray for persons currently unemployed. Ask God for more laborers in His harvest.

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R is for Rejoice

“But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice:  let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee”  (Psalm 5:11).

It’s time now for rejoicing and giving thanks for what God is going to do as we close in prayer.  How often do we end up feeling defeated because we fail to pray with anticipation?

Whether we are up on the mountain top or in the lowest part of a valley, we are challenged to “Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto to God” (Philippians 4:6).

I once read, “To have harmony in your life, stay in tune with God.”  Prayer is the best way to accomplish this.

In closing, develop a plan that will enable you to spend more time in prayer. Commune with Him daily.  Another saying declares, “A day hemmed in prayer seldom comes unraveled.”   I have found, by experience, the amount of time I spend in prayer sets the tone for my whole day.  We should rejoice in the fact we have the privilege of prayer.  In addition to our set time for prayer, we should stay in an attitude of prayer. We will have the assurance God is right there with us whatever we face each day.

Class Dismissed.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for women in unusual settings—believers living in war-torn regions.

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E is for Evidence

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).

Another word for evidence is “results.”  As we are consistent in our prayer life, we are going to see evidence that God has heard our prayers.  Praise God, we have touched the throne.  If possible, keep a prayer journal with one section for requests and another for answered prayer. On days when our faith starts to waver and we feel discouraged, we can go to the journal and draw strength from the answered prayers we find listed.  Often we need a reminder of just how far we’ve come in our Christian journey.  Maybe part of this journal should include a diary of victories.

Count your blessings and see all the things God has done.  I think you will be amazed at all the evidence you’ve accumulated.  Hopefully by now, we can see how important prayer is and how it can change not only things but also lives.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that God would allow the Marana (AZ) team to easily establish friendships with unsaved neighbors.

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Y is for Yield

“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait I say on the Lord” (Psalm 27: 14).

God answers prayer in various ways.  The problem is we always expect Him to say, yes.

We find it difficult to yield to His will. Just because He doesn’t answer right away, doesn’t mean no. Stay faithful to Him and don’t get discouraged. Often in our times of frustration, we tend to draw away from Christ.  Surrender your will over to His and yield to His authority.  He wants what is best for us, but in His time.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Sarah Hodges, daughter of WNAC Executive Director Elizabeth Hodges, as she seeks God’s next step in her life.

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A is for Asking

“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive” (Matthew 21:22).

Many times we begin our prayers by asking God to meet our needs and the needs of others.  We want to rush our time with Him by getting straight to the point. If our heart is pure, and we truly believe we’ve touched the throne, God hears and grants our petitions. Chances are we’ve offered praise and have spent time in repentance.

We don’t always want to meet the conditions for answered prayer. We understand the “all” part of our verse, but what about the “believing” part? How many times have we agonized in prayer and continued to have doubts whether God would grant what we asked?  Our faith wavered and we began to doubt and worry again.  God admonishes us to cast our cares upon Him and to ask what we will. He can only do this if we are praying in His Will.  We often get in His way while He’s trying to work things out for our good.

God wants to meet our needs and the needs of others as we pray.  Exercise faith and just ask.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that God would grant grace upon grace to Executive Committee member Shirley Jackson today.

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R is for Repent

“And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand…”  (Matthew 3:2).

We don’t really want to admit it, but sins can creep into our lives, either ones of commission or omission.  Sin hinders our prayers being answered.  Repentance is needed to raise our prayers beyond the ceiling.  As we read His Word, we find examples of men of God who understood the need for repentance.  One that stands out, especially as we read the book of Psalms is David.  David was a man after God’s own heart, but he sinned and had to come back to God with a repentant heart. After David sinned, he agonized in prayer, begging God for mercy (Psalm 51).  With love and mercy, God forgave him and gave him victory.

Before you utter another word in prayer, examine your heart. Before you come boldly before His throne with your requests, acknowledge your sin and plead for mercy. He will forgive and make you stronger.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for women in unusual settings—believers facing persecution for their faith.

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P is for Praise

“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name”  (Psalm 100:4).

Some might wonder what praise has to do with prayer.  Too many times we jump right into prayer, forgetting this element.  We are going to God our Father.  He is worthy of all praise.

Take the time to talk awhile with Him.  Thank Him for His many blessings and for always being there when you need Him.  Through good times and bad, He’s been there with unfailing, unconditional love for you.  He took your place on the cross and died for your sins.  That in itself would be more than enough reason to give Him praise.  He is our advocate and dearest Friend. Is a simple thank you too much to ask of us?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Gladys Gragg, who is stepping down as “Pray Together” coordinator. She says, “Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It’s been a wonderful four years.

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