Our Work Rewarded

“Thus saith the Lord; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the Lord…” (Jeremiah 31:16a).

The wedding has taken place.  It  was lovely because it was well planned.  The last week of our study reveals rewards in regards to the marriage covenant.  If we look closely some of them are for those who have entered into a “heavenly covenant” with Christ.

Making any relationship work takes time and energy.  To keep a marriage alive and exciting, it takes love and patience.  To keep our relationship with Christ alive and exciting takes spending daily time in His Word and prayer.  Work and sacrifice do not go unnoticed in either relationship.

Our verse states there will be a reward waiting for us. It may come in this life or be bestowed on us in Heaven.  The very thought of this should make our hearts glad.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: God tells us in His Word to pray for our leaders at all levels of government and in the church. Let’s do that today.

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“Is it any pleasure to the Almighty if you are righteous?  Would it be any gain to him if you were perfect?”  (Job 22:3).

Well, I think I’ve been offended.  No, I’m pretty sure I have been.  I think what was meant as kind words were unscrambled and re-arranged between their mouth and my ears.

I was told yesterday, by someone who had not seen me in at least fifteen years, that I’d not changed a bit.  Uggh!

First, there’s the issue of the additional poundage I now carry on my frame.  Maintaining the contours and look of an early twenty-something gal has not been top priority in my life.  The closet shows that to be a fact.

Second, there’s the matter of my hair. I’ve had at least, and I say at least, 50 different hairstyles since that time.  The last time this person saw me was during the days of big hair, and I certainly had that then, but now…the shorter the better in my book.

Third, and I’ll give them this one, but it still hurt…I’m not the same person. All those years ago I was a Christian.  Let me restate that.  I was a saved, born-again, child of God—but living it, giving it, loving it was not my main focus.  Times have certainly changed, and my walk with the Lord is one of the areas that have experienced the greatest remodeling. Who I was is a drastic change from who I am now.  My heart’s been reset. My plans have been handed over to Him; my life is not longer my own.  My purpose is to live abundantly for Him and affect all I can in the process.  My lack of perfection has created a clean canvas for His glory, grace and love to paint a masterpiece.

The things I’ve done wrong.  The words I’ve misspoke.  The sins I’ve committed and gained forgiveness for. The apologies I’ve had to make. The paths I’ve wrongly taken. The mistakes I’ve repeated and repeated and repeated, well they’ve made me who I am today. I like to think I’ve grown into a poster child for what He can do for a willing candidate.

Maybe that doesn’t show so much on the outside as I feel it on the inside. Quite possibly our chance meeting didn’t allow this person (or me) time to expose that part of my life—or did it?  I cringe to think they still see me as who I was.

A lot of folks would consider it complimentary being told they’d not changed in that length of time. Not me!  God’s put too much hard work, sweat and tears into the me He’s making over.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the leadership of your WAC or church women’s group.

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But If I Did

“Don’t you realize that I could ask my Father for thousands of angels to protect me, and he would send them instantly?  But if I did, how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that describe what must happen now?”  (Matthew 26:53).

I know you’re ready for God to step in and relieve you of the problems in your life—the pain, the heartache, the chaos, the hurt over the prodigal.  I know what you’ve been yoked with has taken a toll on your body, mind and spirit. I can probably guess that you’ve prayed the same prayer, over and over again. You’ve mentioned the same prayer request at every church prayer meeting. I will venture to guess some of you have kept the altar hot with your petitions.

But nothing.  Nothing.

Nothing’s been lifted. No one’s come to the Lord. The disease still grows. The lost still wander in the darkness.  The altar still draws you, but you’re beginning to wonder…Can He?  Why won’t He?

Can He?  Without a doubt, yes!  All creation is at His beck and call. All power is His to distribute.  All healing is held in His hands. Success, health, good, future, hope is what He intends for His own.

Why won’t He? It’s not time yet. The stage for His miracle has not yet been finished. The audience—those He needs to see His greatness—has not yet gathered. The hearts needing to see something big happen are not yet yielded to accept His power.

What will happen is going to be great—just wait.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for discernment as you reflect on the happenings in our world these past few months. Know God is still in control.

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Enter Into the Joy

“His lord said unto him, Well done thou good and faithful servant: thou has been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of the lord” (Matthew 25:21).

Whatever the relationship, continue to serve Christ—even if you have a hectic lifestyle.  We all have 24 hours in a day to manage.  Isn’t it amazing, the things we really want to do manage to get done?  Remember Matthew 6:33 as you write your “to-do” lists each day.

You may have those blue days when you feel under appreciated.  Look to the silver lining in your cloud.  Just to hear the words, “well done” should be enough motivation to keep pressing on.

Blues?  Better days are coming, so don’t let them rob you of your hope and joy.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray especially for chaplains and military personnel.

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Count It All Joy

“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations” (James 1:2).

Some couples or singles who read this verse are probably thinking, “You got to be kidding.”

It’s easy to rejoice during the good times.  How quickly that changes when hard times hit.

Our faith needs to remain constant. The only way we find out how strong it is, is to have it tested.  A familiar gospel song states, “if I never had a problem, I wouldn’t know if God could solve them.”  If God gave us instant answers to our prayers, we’d never learn how to be persistent in prayer.

Every test God brings us through only makes us stronger for the next one.  Sadly, many want to give up, but don’t be one of them.  Smile through your tears.  He’s close by to wipe those tears away.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for neighbors on each side of you. Do you know them? If not, bake a cake or goodies and introduce yourself. They just might need a visit today.

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Rejoice in the Lord

“Rejoice in the Lord always, and I say, Rejoice”  (Philippians 4:4).

Something better than an old fashioned belly laugh is found in today’s verse: “rejoice in the Lord.”

In spite of any hardship you may be facing, take time to count your blessings.  Take the focus off your problems and place it on God, thanking Him for all He’s brought you through.  That will give your spirits a lift.

We are encouraged to cast our cares upon Him. Then turn loose of them and shout for joy.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for your pastor and his wife today. Pastorates can be lonely places.

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Laughter Does You Good

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine…” (Proverbs 17:22a).

We all face problems or some other form of stress.  Our faith can really be put to the test.  As we start to feel a sense of despair, we need to do something that makes us laugh.  It  doesn’t have to come in a prescription bottle.  Reach down in your heart and bring up a funny memory.  Do some light reading.  I’ve always enjoyed books by the late Barbara Johnson.  For someone who faced much adversity in her life, she had the capacity to laugh at life through her writing.

If you have something you collect that makes you smile, fix yourself a “joy corner.”   I collect teddy bear anything and I have “joy shelves” in my living room.  Set yourself up a cork board and tack clever sayings on it.  Be creative in finding ways to beat the blues.

Don’t allow the “blues” to interfere with any relationship.  Find someone dear to you and share a laugh.  Release those endorphins.  It will do your heart good.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Praise God for all who contributed to and/or participated in the Go10 Walk for the World.

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