Chase the Blues

“A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance…” (Proverbs 15:13a).

There is another side of blue we encounter from time to time.  We are all guilty of taking life too seriously sometimes. The best way to chase away the blues is for a couple or an individual to have a sense of humor.   Find something to laugh about and dispel the gloom.  It will lessen your stress and wipe the frown off your face.  When something upsetting happens “out of the blue”, chase the blues away with a hearty laugh.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray today for students returning to school. Ask God to give them a year of learning and growth in things of God as well as in academic studies.

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A Willing Heart

“Take ye from among you an offering unto the Lord: whoever is of a willing heart…” (Exodus 35:5).

When a couple marries, they pledge their love with willing hearts.  When we commit our lives to Jesus we must also have a willing heart.  In either case, we don’t know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future.  Step out on faith and trust God to direct your steps.  Your willingness to love with all your heart will help you no matter what you may face in life.

The Tabernacle might have taken longer to build or not been built at all if God’s people hadn’t come together with willing hearts.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Praise God today for the couple and single woman recently approved as Creative Access career workers.

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Look At Those Blues

Read Exodus 35

A bride, according to tradition, included a little blue as part of her accessories. The blue was symbolic of  faithfulness.  Did you notice as you read Exodus 35, how predominantly the color blue was used in Tabernacle furnishings.  This time blue signified “Heaven or the Spirit of God.”

As a child of God, we can combine both meanings.  We must be faithful to our Savior with the hope of Heaven, beyond the blue.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray the influence of E-TEAMS—upon the students themselves as well as in the countries they served—will produce fruit.

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Follow Your Plans

“And Moses gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel together, and said unto them. These are the words which the Lord commanded, that ye should do them” (Exodus 35:1).

When detailing your wedding plans in a journal, you will need to set yourself goals on what things need to be done on what days.  You will feel like a list queen by your wedding day, but, breaking down your lists will cause you less stress.

I chose today’s verse because of the tremendous amount of planning that went into the building of the Tabernacle.  There were specific instructions given by God to be followed precisely.  The end result was a beautiful place where God’s presence could dwell. Moses gathered his people together to discuss the building of the Tabernacle.  He simply gave them God’s plans and told them the work that needed to be done. The next two devotionals will share more about the Tabernacle.

A bride needs her people to help with wedding details. She should gather them to help keep things from becoming too overwhelming. Jesus gave the Great Commission, the Christian’s marching orders, and calls on His people to finish their mission on earth.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER:  Pray for Dale and Sandra Bishop as they return to Japan this month.

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Take Care of the Temple

”Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you” (1Corinthians 3:16).

Planning a wedding of any size can be stressful.  On a given day, you will deal with mixed emotions. You may even have some “blue” days. You may be tempted to downsize your plans..

It’s important to get plenty of rest and eat healthy.  Planning your wedding is not the only thing going in your life.  The last thing you will want is to be sick on your wedding day.

As Christians, we must take care of our bodies and not let anything defile them. We don’t want to be “sin sick” when the Bridegroom comes.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Debbie Griffin as she readjusts to missionary life in Japan after 18 months of caring for her mother in the U.S.

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Make Things Ready

“But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

Most brides use a journal or some type of wedding planner to keep track of all the preparations for their big day.  They return to that journal over and over to make sure they haven’t forgotten or omitted any details. Sometimes overlooking a small detail can cause stress hours before the wedding.

In the same way, some future devotions this month may sound strikingly familiar. I want to intentionally back track and make sure I haven’t overlooked anything.   Last week’s topics didn’t happen overnight or by chance. I am going to double check to make sure everything will be completed on time.

As we await Christ’s return, let us do whatever is necessary to make sure we are ready for our Bridegroom.  According to today’s verse, what Christ is preparing for us is beyond our limited imagination.  He will certainly be prepared for us. While there is yet time, make sure you are ready.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Marana Project (AZ) team members Jeff and Heather Goodman and Josh and Ashley Bennett as they prepare to minister together.

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Come, Bridegroom

“And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come.  And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17).

Most weddings take six months or a year to plan.  From a spiritual standpoint, we are still in the planning stages as we await our Bridegroom.  There is still work to be done.  While time remains, we need to keep on inviting people to the “marriage supper of the Lamb”  and pray they will respond.

While there is still time, Jesus extends His invitation for “whosoever will” to come.

Those waiting with great anticipation for His return are desiring to say, “Come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).  Think “blue” and remain faithful to Him.  He’s coming back soon.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that God’s presence and peace would surround former WNAC president, Genelle Scott, as she adjusts to life after the recent death of her husband.

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