Responsibility of Seniors

“That the aged man be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.  The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things”  (Titus 2:2-3).

Older men and women are admonished to continue as shining examples for younger people.  So many people think when they reach retirement age, it’s time to sit back and wait for the Lord’s return. Elders, God is not through with you. Younger people still need your wisdom and your example in living a godly life. You have the responsibility to make sure you pass on a godly legacy.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for flexibility and openness to cultural changes for both home and international missionaries as they reach out to individuals with no church background.

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Ready for His Appearing

“And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut” (Matthew 25:10).

Today’s verse reinforces others we have already explored.  We have the responsibility of being ready for the Bridegroom or we will be left behind.  We have the blessed hope of His appearing.  Why would we be so careless as to not be ready when He comes?  Why would anyone not be excited for His return?

Like the five foolish virgins in our verse, you may think you have plenty of time to make things ready when He comes.  Why wait until the eleventh hour?  The Bridegroom just might come at 10:59.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: It’s okay to share burdens—but not gossip. Pray God would keep a guard over our moths. May our words glorify God and edify others.

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A Priceless Ornament

“But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price” (1 Peter 3:4).

Our last week of study looks at the word, “responsibility.”  Married couples are responsible to and for one another.  As part of the Bride of Christ, we have responsibilities to God and to one another.  Taking responsibility is a sure sign of maturity.

The more couples grow in their marriage and in their relationship to God, they begin to take their duties to one another and God more seriously. A bride learns that the ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit makes her even more beautiful to her husband.  She knows if God is pleased with her, then her husband will also be pleased.  She must answer to both of them.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Rejoice, knowing the words to the song, “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow” still hold true. Lean heavily on our Maker today.

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“So he will do for me all he has planned…”  (Job 23:14 NLT).

Reassuring?  To know that all the promises in the Book are yours, and He’s willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish them in your life?  He will line up the stars, place open doors in your path, level out hilly terrain and strengthen you for whatever climbs are required for you to see the mountaintops.

Scary?  To know that all the promises in the Book are yours, and He’s willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish them in your life?  To know you can push and push and push away from Him, but He draws you back.  To realize that you can try it on your own, make huge strides and watch as His will is still what will be done.

What are you doing today—lining up or stepping aside?

Are you pushing against a wall of rock, or feeling around for the doorknob that you’re sure He’s placed in that wall?  Are you watching with expectation as the sun rises on another day, or dreading what monsters you may have created in your attempts to do His work for Him?  Are you carrying your basket to His feet awaiting an overload of blessings, or have you turned your back on Him not needing what he has to offer, not wanting to accept the fact that you need Him desperately?

Line up or step aside, because His plan will be accomplished.  You can make this easy or you can make this hard—your choice.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Mothers of missionaries Alice Smith, Murial Gainer, and Debbie Griffin have recently battled cancer. Pray for these missionaries, their mothers and their extended families.

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That’s My God

“Go, inspect the city of Jerusalem.  Walk around and count the many towers and tour all the citadels, that you may describe them to future generations.  For that is what God is like.  He is our God forever and ever, and he will be our guide until we die”  (Psalm 48:12-14 NLT).

To whom do you think this section of the Psalms was written?

Was it written to our enemy?  Challenging them to look around?  Provoking them to take a good hard look at the powerful fortress our God is?  Placing before them a line in the sand, a line God protects and arms with His strength?

Was it written to the mighty warrior in the middle of battle?  Was it to encourage and strengthen his resolve?  Was it penned to push him to battle, filled with enthusiasm and certainty?

Was it written to the cowering soldier hiding behind some rocks?  To reassure?  To calm their fears?  To remind them of Whose side they’re on?  Who has called them to fight?  Who has their back?

Was it written to you?  The filled and ready to fight?  The weary and worn out?  The scared and doubting?

Yes.  Yes.  Yes.  And, yes.

Satan might as well know up front, that God is our Protector and our Strongtower.  Presenting him with the facts, and verbally on occasions, reminds him of just how powerless he is against God.

The strongest warriors need their faith bolstered.  They need to be reminded of the value of their mission, the importance of their calling and the things they can do with God on their side.

The scared and the doubting need to be told God is on their side.  They need to be shown just how fortified the walls of His protection are, the depth of His love and the far-reaching grace He has bestowed upon them.

And you?  You need to know those things too, don’t you?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the Donnie Burke family as they continue to unpack, get settled and begin ministry in Castle Rock, CO.

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Let Your Light Shine

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

Every time you leave your home, your life is on display.  If you are a devoted and happy couple, people notice.  If you’re not married and you leave your home with a sunny disposition, people notice that, too.  Both scenarios are of folks letting their light shine for Jesus.  Your lives  are projecting a positive or negative affect on those around you.

You may not always think your light doesn’t mean much, but any ray of light can pierce the darkness when it’s allowed to shine.   A sin-darkened world needs you to let your light shine.

Let others see Jesus in you.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Mirial Gainer as she returns to Japan after being stateside to care for her mother. Praise God, her mother is now cancer-free.

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Abide in Him

“If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what you will and it shall be done to you”  (John 15:7).

Often times we are guilty of not taking God at His Word.  He is faithful to take care of us through the ups and downs of life. However, we face times we may forget that.  We must learn to trust Him more.

If you are married, as a couple you count on each other to be there when times are bad. What do you do when both of you feel overwhelmed?  You both need to lean on Christ when you face tough times.

God isn’t afraid of what we face in life.  He simply asks us to bring our cares to Him and leave them there.  If we trust Him completely, we will be amazed what God can do for us.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Tim and Di Keener will be stateside through mid-August. Pray for them as they travel and visit family and churches. Pray also for safety of travel for attendees of the FWB National Convention returning home today.

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