Recipe Preparation

“And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out”(Matthew 25:8).

Our study writer states, “Preparation of any recipe requires first having the needed ingredients.”  Every bride wants to learn about her husband’s favorite foods.  She begins to borrow recipes, and, of course, learn about his mother’s cooking.  She is aiming to please.

But what if, when she goes to use a recipe and as she gathers the ingredients, she finds she doesn’t have everything she needs.  Basically, she isn’t prepared to use that recipe. She may get flustered and settle for making something else.

In the familiar parable of the ten virgins, we find five of them were left unprepared.  They weren’t organized.  They didn’t buy the oil needed for their lamps. However, they had to face dire circumstances for their lack of preparation.  They thought they had plenty of time to go and buy oil for their lamps. The coming of the Bridegroom came as a surprise, and they weren’t ready. They had run out of time and couldn’t borrow from the other virgins.

The overarching theme in both stories is better preparation.  Being organized saves time and causes less stress.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for former WNAC president Everyl Getz as she leads a summer Bible study.

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“Ruby’s” Recipe

“She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens” (Proverbs 31:15).

We are acquainted with “Ruby,”  the amazing woman in Proverbs 31. We could glean much as we walk through a day with her.  Her life wasn’t easy, but, she did have her priorities straight. Borrow from her easy recipe.

Faith and family first, then add in time to help others, and lastly, add in time for yourself.  She was never bored, and she always seemed to have the strength to take on a variety of tasks.  She even took care of herself by going to bed early and getting up early.  By the time her family was just waking up, she probably already had breakfast on the table.

Yes, times have changed.  However, God does not.  If we learn to prioritize and delegate when necessary, we would be amazed how much we could get accomplished each day.  We should never be embarrassed to borrow some ideas on time management from other family members.

Putting God first, spending time with Him in prayer and Bible study, will enhance your relationship with Him.  Even if you have to get up early to make that happen, you will find it will set the tone for your whole day.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for former WNAC president Georgia Hill as she battles cancer.

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Something Borrowed

“For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body”  (Ephesians 5:23).

This month we will examine the “something borrowed” of a familiar wedding tradition.

When a couple is married, each of them brings family traditions into the marriage.  In light of today’s verse, they must be willing to work together to borrow ideas from each set of traditions.  Better yet, they could borrow from them and create their own.  As young couples work through this, they should look to the Word and their love for each other to help them make wise choices.

Our relationship with Christ is based on more than mere traditions. Still, we should always borrow from His Word; He is our source for guidance.

Each week in our study, we will also borrow insights from our writer to help us build a strong marriage or relationship with Him.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Lorene Miley, former  WNAC president, in her travels from New York to Tennessee this month to care for her grandson.

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“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority” (1 Timothy 2:1-2a).

Are we submissive to the authorities God places in our lives? Authorities are those people of God’s appointment or design who carry out His care, His protection, and His provision for us. These would include government officials, pastors, husbands, fathers, parents and employers.

The message of Stephen in Acts 7 is about God’s plan of deliverance for people through special men given authority over others.  Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and Jesus are in the sermon. Unfortunately Stephen’s listeners were more interested in their own imaginary standard of reality than receiving the truth. Stephen’s pronouncement was “You always resist the Holy Spirit”(v. 51) and “You have rejected the Righteous One”(v. 52). Ultimately Stephen was stoned for speaking the truth.

If we had been there, would we have also thrown stones?  We’re throwing stones today, trying to murder (in our hearts), if we resist the authority of the Holy Spirit by resisting God-ordained authority in our lives.

Rebecca Pugh
WNAC president

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for discernment and vision for the future—the next 75 years of WNAC.

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Internal Audits

“How terrible that you should boast about your spirituality, and yet you let this sort of thing go on.  Don’t you realize that even if one person is allowed to go on sinning, soon all will be affected”  (1 Corinthians 5:6 NLT).

Tea parties protest poor governing.  Recent turnovers bring new hands and faces to political offices.  Town meetings discuss what’s wrong with the government.

I’m no political scholar and this may or may not, according to you, be a place for such talk—but I have the answer for the rotting condition of our nation.

It’s not in a certain party.

It has nothing to do with anything ending with an –ism.

It doesn’t take a special called election or new laws.

It’s more personal than all of those. It’s a matter of me.

I have to be more selective about what’s allowed into my heart and home.  I, in order to turn this country around, must be willing to monitor more closely what I watch, listen to and read.

I cannot, should not and won’t hold any elected official to any higher standards than I myself am willing to live.  I cannot expect more godliness out of another human than I am willing to attain myself.  I cannot judge a person’s character or spiritual well-being by her vote, unless I am willing to be held accountable to the same standards in my speech and my actions.

When I determine to govern my soul and body by stricter ordinances, my home will be affected.  When my home is affected, my neighborhood, my church, my workplace and my child’s school will feel the effects.  When those areas of my life are touched by a deeper godliness, my state and nation will in turn feel the ripple effect of my decisions.

I’m not here to state that what I do will change the world, but what I don’t certainly will. What about you…..where you live…in your part of the world?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Praise the Lord for 75 years of WNAC ministry—ministry that has impacted homes, churches, communities and the world for Christ.

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He Grants Our Desires

“Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believing that  ye receive them, and ye shall have them”  (Mark 11:24).

Couples must strive to remove any selfish desires. Their plans and dreams should focus on making each other happy. It takes time and prayer to make mutual decisions. The song “Loving God and Loving Each Other” simply states what the Christian life is all about.

Today’s verse is one of hope as we dream and set goals.  However, don’t forget the essentials it takes to accomplish the things for which we pray.

First we must pray with faith.

Secondly, before we make our petitions to God, we should examine ourselves. Are there any obstacles like unforgiveness that need to be cleaned out of our “prayer closets?”

Thirdly, is what we request in God’s will?  If He feels it is in our best interest, He won’t hesitate to grant our desires.

“Delight thyself  also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:4-5).

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray to know the riches of His inheritance, independent of borrowed beliefs or traditions.

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Desire to Be Kind

“And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you”  (Ephesians 4:32).

One desire we should have is to be kind.  Whatever the relationship, a little kindness goes a long way.  It is sad, when couples who claim to be so much in love are not always so kind. Being critical of each other out in public, makes people wonder if you truly love each other. If the love is genuine, kindness coupled with patience will strengthen the marriage. Apologies and a kiss goodnight help as well.

Showing kindness to others , in word and deed, demonstrates our love for God.  Meekness is often mocked as weakness. That just isn’t true.  Displaying the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) shows great strength of character.

Our world today tends to be filled with selfishness and unkindness.  Showing kindness will  set us apart  from the world.  As we show kindness to others, we are doing it as unto Christ (Matthew 25:40).

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray as you read July’s study, “Something Borrowed.” Let’s borrow some of our former prayer warriors’ persistence in praying for WNAC.

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