Walking by Faith

“For we walk by faith, not by sight”  (2 Corinthians 5:7).

As Christians, we must have faith to live in our present world.  We can confidently do this because of the hope we have in Christ.  Only faith can take us through the twists and turns of life we don’t always see coming.  Certain things about our circumstances would surely overwhelm us if we instantly saw the total picture. It takes faith to trust God to work out the details.  If we do so, we will be amazed what God can do as we “walk by faith.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Sarah Fletcher as she begins work on the 2010-2011 Program and Plan Book.

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Fear is Not of God

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind”
(2 Timothy 1:7).

As I read over our March Bible study, I couldn’t help but think how timely this is for us in today’s world.  Doubt and fear seem to dominate many people’s lives.  Even Christians struggle with these issues from time to time, myself included.  I once heard there are enough phrases in the Bible that admonish us to “fear not” to claim one for each day of the year including leap year. The emphasis should be on today’s verse, which clearly states, fear is not something God gives us.

Our thinking isn’t rational and we can make ourselves sick when we are in the grip of doubt and fear.  We can feel helpless and useless.  God wants so much better for us.  If we exercise faith, we can overcome doubt and fear, and anything related to them.  The latter can take the form of anxiety and worry.  All of these demonstrate a lack of trust in God.  Give them all to Jesus and exchange them for the spirit “of power and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for “His Power over Doubt and Fear,” the TWG March Bible study.

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“And Micah consecrated the Levite; and the young man became his priest, and was in the house of Micah. Then said Micah, Now know I that the LORD will do me good, seeing I have a Levite to my priest” (Judges 17:12-13)

I watched my five-month-old niece yesterday.  Considering my son is now nine years-old, I was a bit concerned that I’d forgotten the routine—but we did quite well.  I kept her changed.  I kept her entertained.  I rocked her to sleep.  I acknowledged when I thought she might be hungry, after testing her with a pacifier.

Pacifiers are interesting things, aren’t they?  A contoured piece of plastic used to calm, soothe and put-off the inevitable—eating.  A man-made contraption that takes the place of what’s really needed, wanted or desired.  A distraction, one might say.  You see, my niece would suck on her pacifier contentedly until she discovered what she really wanted, formula, was not being provided.  And then?  The pacifier gets popped out and attempts to get my attention began.

We as church goers know about pacifiers, don’t we?  We know how to fill our Sundays with everything from small group studies, tours of duty in the nursery and committee meetings.  We volunteer for the kids’ programs and raise our hands when the preacher’s needing someone to organize an event.  We’re quick each Sunday morning to sprint to our seat, sing to the best of our abilities and stand and sit at the appropriate times.  All in the name of looking good.  All to appease our desire to please God.  All to pacify our heart’s longing to be holy.

The time for pacifiers is over.  The day and age has arrived that we need to be solely committed to worship and faithfulness.  Will that entail being on the boards, program planning committees and volunteer list? Of course.  Will those tasks take the place of heartfelt worship of our Savior? Absolutely not.

It’s time we re-evaluate our reasons for attending church.  Is it to be pacified into believing all the good things we’ve told others about ourselves?  Is it to pacify the desire to be admired among our Christian friends?  Is it to pacify conviction in our hearts over what we’ve not given to Him?  Is it all about Him, or is it all about us?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Spend quality quiet time with God today.

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Pep Talk

“The righteous also shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger” (Job 17:9).

I’ve seen some of you around town. I’ve noticed a few of you in Wal-Mart, an aisle or two over from mine. I’ve watched as you sit in the pews beside me. I’ve talked to you on the phone recently and heart it in your voice. I can tell from what you’ve typed me in emails. Some of you? Well, some of you are in serious need of a pep talk.

Thing is, my words won’t do.  ‘Thus saith Malinda’ can’t offer the boost required for your hearts to be refreshed.  Anything  I might suggest is just that, a suggestion.  Any advice given needs to bear a disclaimer stating it was provided by a non-professional, an unstudied one, a nobody in the world of knowledge and wisdom.  But I still have something to say…Don’t worry, it’s from God, not from me. He says the righteous will hold on his way—move onward and forward; those with pure hearts will become stronger.

Not for you? Think it refers to someone else? Righteous? Hardly, you laugh. Pure? if you only knew my record, you mumble.

Let’s start with the basics: Are you saved?  Born again?  Washed in the blood?  Have your sins been confessed and forgiven?  Have you knelt at an altar, beside a couch, while lying on a hospital bed or in the gutter and asked Jesus to be your Savior?

Great! We can continue.

If Christ’s blood has covered your life you are righteous and pure.  His blood bleaches the blackest of sins as white as snow—once again, not my words, but His.

As a child of God’s you have a purpose in life, and that purpose is not defeat, discouragement and disease.  God intends for us to live life in its fullest—once again, not my words, but His.

Soldiers of His are well-armed, rightly equipped and backed up by an awesome power.  There are mountains He intends for us to scale, walls He expects us to tear down, heights He has created us to climb.  On our own?  That’s a big negative.  He makes all things possible—once again, not my words, but His.

Onward.  Forward.  Stronger.  That’s what He has in store for you.  Yes, you!

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: PANAMA: Pray that seminary students will have effective ministries during their vacation from school. Pray all eight will return when classes resume in mid-March.

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God Gives Us Strength

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13).

This is such a powerful verse. It should be our daily affirmation. I personally feel it encompasses more than God giving us confidence to face all things. We can think, feel, have faith, and, yes, face discouragement “through Christ.” Jesus stated in John 15:5 “…without me ye can do nothing.”  You are destined for failure if you try to do anything in your own strength.

To close our study, tap into the power of God who can help you overcome times of discouragement and disappointment. Don’t let these become obstacles in your walk with God.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for seven new home missionaries as well as veteran missionaries currently on itinerate.

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Your Light in Darkness

“For thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness” (Psalm 18:28)

You may be going through a very dark time right now.  You may know others who are facing similar circumstances.  Our study writer related what she has been encountering.  Dear friend, God is there with light at the end of your tunnel.  God will not leave you in your darkness.  I have faced some dark days when I felt God was nowhere to be found.  I was the one who had moved so I couldn’t see Him.  He was there all the time.  I had allowed my problems to blur my vision.

When I allowed Him to “light my candle” once again, stepping back into the light of His mercy and grace, the dark clouds began to disappear. It was like He handed me the candle to light my way once again. What He’s done for me, He can and will do for you. Allow Him to be your Light. You don’t have to walk alone or be afraid of the dark.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray today for TWG Bible study writers as they complete materials for the coming WNAC year.

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God Answers Distress Calls

“And call upon me in the day of trouble:  I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me” (Psalm 50:15).

Sadly, many only call on God when they are in distress.  God wants to hear from us on a daily basis.  He wants us to trust Him at all times. However, there are those who don’t react to trials well. They go into a despair mode, forgetting God is there to rescue them when necessary.

We must keep our lives in tune with God so, no matter what we face, we can be strong.

When we do need to send out a distress call, we will have confidence He’s on His way to help us.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: URUGUAY: Pray that the Lord will place Uruguayans in the David Dodson family’s paths so they can begin forming relationships.

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