Faith Removes Doubt and Fear

“And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt” (Matthew 14:31).

We are familiar with the account of Peter’s attempt to walk on the water to go to Jesus.  He got out of the boat with confidence, but fear and doubt hindered him.  He took his eyes off Jesus and down he went.  However, he did have enough composure to cry out to God for help.

When we focus more on our problems instead of exercising faith, doubt and fear win.  In desperation we cry out to God.  In love and mercy, God is there to reach down and pick us up.  The One who can calm the winds and waves of a tumultuous sea sometimes has to calm the storm in us.  We must still ourselves in His presence and listen as He whispers, “peace be still.”

Go to God in faith and watch doubt and fear disappear.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for wisdom as Verlin and Debbie Anderson and Alice Smith conduct orientation with the Ivorians who will be going to the States in July.

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More Than Conquerors

“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us”
(Romans 8:37)

There are things in life that may try to separate us from the love of God.  Some are listed in preceding verses.  They don’t have to conquer us.  We can conquer them through Christ.  Nothing can separate us from the love He has for us.  We must not allow things to creep into our lives to take us away from Him.  God is aware of everything we face and need.  Even if we have to suffer, we do not face it alone.  When we add doubt and fear into the mix of our circumstances, we don’t see the One who wants to help us be conquerors.  There will be times we may not see the hand of God, but, we will always see His heart.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: A group of Ivorians are planning to attend the National Association in July. Pray they will receive their visas before May.

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Won’t It, Isn’t It

“Yet I am confident that I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living”  (Psalm 27:13 NLT).

I’ve had the same song stuck in my head for almost a week now.  Here are the words to the chorus; see if you don’t remember it…

Won’t it be wonderful there…..
Having no burdens to bear…..
Joyously singing……
With heartbells all ringing….
O won’t it be wonderful there……

I’ve hummed it.  I’ve belted it out in the car.  I’ve even caught myself singing it softly while at my desk chair.  It’s catchy.  It’s peppy.  The words are encouraging, in the toughest of times.  Makes the roughest of days almost tolerable.

But the verse I’ve read this morning contradicts what I’ve been feeling…“Yet I am confident that I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living”  (Psalm 27:13 NLT).

I’ve been convicted of the fact that simply tolerating this life is not what He intends.  I’ve felt my heart stirred at the very thought of me overlooking the goodness of this life.  As wonderful as Heaven’s going to be, as ready as I am for some of the trials of life to end—I need to be confident that I will see His goodness while I’m here on this blue and green orb.

Is it why He told us to have life to the fullest?  Is it why He told us to be busy with the work He’s called us to do?  Is it why He has told us, on several occasions, not to worry?

I believe He intends us to love life, get dirty doing ministry and enjoy the goodness He offers us each and every day.  Wonderful things are not just being saved up for our time in Heaven; life’s full of them—if we choose to notice.

So today?  Today, I’m going to live.  I’m not going to hum the song that’ll take my mind off here and now.  I’ve got my eyes peeled to His blessings, the ones He assures me are surrounding me now…not just when I step through the gates of pearl.  And I’m still going to sing, but I’ve rewritten the words–

Isn’t it wonderful here…
Having so much to do it is clear…
Joyously singing…
With heartbells all ringing…
O isn’t it wonderful here…

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: To know the greatness of God’s power over doubt and fear read 2 Timothy 1:7. Pray that God would give you victory over any spirit of fear present in your life.

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Look for It

“The Lord was with Joseph and blessed him greatly as he served in the home of his Egyptian master.”
“The chief jailer had no more worries after that, because Joseph took care of everything.  The Lord was with him, making everything run smoothly and successfully”  (Genesis 39:2, 23 NLT)

Maybe you’re not on top of the mountain, living the life of the rich and the famous or even doing more than getting by.  Quite possibly you feel like Joseph, enslaved and imprisoned.

Look around.  Where ever it is that makes you feel dragged down and defeated, look around.  Do you see God at work in the surroundings?  Do you see Him using you in the slave quarters you’re currently in or in the dungeon you’ve been sentenced to?

I’m pretty sure Joseph had to look for his blessings, too.  I doubt the shackles around his ankles were made of silk instead of steel.  I dare say his accommodations were not superior to any other slave in his master’s house.  I will almost bet the prison he was sent to wasn’t a lush green garden and his days weren’t filled with sunshine and flowers.

I think Joseph had to look for his blessings—because, dear friends, not all blessings are material.

Was it an attitude of joy, peace and hope that God granted him during his tough times? Was it a heart filled with love towards those worse off than he? Was it his gut-feeling?  His deep-down knowledge of being loved and used by God for something bigger, grander, more exciting? Was he blessed by the folks he ministered to?  Did he talk of God to everyone he met?  Was he a missionary in his master’s house or in the jail cell?

You might be working a job you hate.  You may find yourself still enslaved to a sin you’ve been battling for years.  You might be surrounded by enemy.  You may not have all the newest, latest or grandest of things…but do you see Him where you are?

Have you been given an opportunity to be the only Christian in your workplace? Are you blessed with acquaintances who have sought you out in times of need, when prayer is what will work? Have, out of your little, been able to share with another? Have you been able, physically able, to talk about Christ while sitting in the chemo chair? Have you shared a church pew with your family, after a battle over the effort it took to get everyone there, pressed and clean?

If you’re God’s child, then you need to look for His hand, His favor, His blessing in your day-to-day life.  It will be there.  It may take a while to discover it, but once you’ve located it in your day, there’s no doubt as to where it’s coming from.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the WNAC Executive Committee as they consider candidates for WNAC Executive Secretary-Treasurer.

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Peace of Mind

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon thee; because he trusteth in thee”  (Isaiah 26:3).

As we go through the remainder of our Bible study, I hope you will see the necessity of fully trusting in God.  It requires discipline, time in His Word, and obedience to His Will.  If you give yourself to doing these things, you will find  you can defeat doubt and fear.  You can have the peace of mind He wants to bestow upon you.

Sadly, as Christians, we live far below our privileges.  Instead of  “too blessed to be stressed,” it’s more like “too stressed to be blessed.”  It’s tough to count your blessings when you don’t feel at peace.  Take the focus off your doubt and fear; remember God is only a prayer away.  He stands by to offer you the peace of mind you desire (Matthew 11:28-29).

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the Chris and Carla Fannin family as they endure their daughter Rachel’s intense pain. A stimulator that was helping is no longer effective.

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Whom Shall I Fear?

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?  the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid”  (Psalm 27:1).

I have many favorite verses, but, I think this one is probably in the top ten.  I remember back in 2005 when my late husband was hospitalized for the last time. It was the longest two months in both of our lives.  I turned to Psalm 27 for comfort and strength.

Some fear is a natural response.  Other times it is unfounded.  If we are trusting ourselves to God’s care, we don’t have to be consumed with doubt and fear.  All in all, life is about who we trust.  Today there is a lack of trust among people.  It seems we’re always looking over our shoulder or doubting people’s word.  However, we must completely trust God, or, we will never be free from doubt and fear.  In answer to the question posed in our title—no one!

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the Belo Horizonte FWB Church in Brazil as they hold their annual business meeting and election of officers for the coming year.

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No Fear in Love

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear”  (1 John 4:18a).

Some people often misconstrue the phrase, “fear of God.”  We must have a reverential respect for Him.  How could we fear Someone who loves us perfectly?  God’s perfect love eliminates the dread of eternal punishment. Once we are saved, God’s mercy and love are there to erase the need to ever fear that again.  Our type of love is limited and conditional, but, God’s love has no bounds and is unconditional.  You never have to be afraid to trust the love God gives you.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Today let’s pause and thank God for the life of Cleo Pursell, WNAC leader for over 20 years, who went to be with the Lord in late December 2009.

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