The Need for Faith

“But without faith it is impossible to please him…” (Hebrews 11:6a).

We see in Hebrews 11 many names of those who had great faith and the proof of that faith.  Dependent upon God, they were from various walks of life. Were they perfect?

Did they, at times, sense doubt and fear?  As you read the chapter, you may sometimes wonder how certain ones made it to what has been called, “Faith’s Hall of Fame.”  These individuals didn’t allow their imperfections to keep them from trusting God.  They pleased God with their faith.  We can please Him, too, as we daily rely on Him and exercise our faith.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray as classes begin this month at the FWB Seminary/Bible Institute in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.

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Bondage or Adoption

“For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba Father”  (Romans 8:15).

Before we were saved, we walked in the darkness of sin with plenty to fear.  We were in bondage and stayed that way until Christ broke our chains.  We no longer should live in fear because we have been adopted into God’s family.  We can have a close personal relationship with God.  Through His mercy and grace, we have the right and privilege to call Him our Father.

Why would anyone choose to stay in bondage when there are so many wonderful blessings as a child of the King?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Trula Cronk, veteran missionary to India, entered Heaven in late 2009. Pray God’s comfort for her son Randy and beloved granddaughter Anka.

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The Shine of His Favor

“Let your favor shine on your servant…”  (Psalm 31:16a NLT).

The concealer has been applied.  The foundation smeared on and smoothed out.  A top-coat of pressed powder has been brushed on.  Eyelids are highlighted, contoured and shaded.  Mascara is plumping and separating.  Blush has been carefully selected to highlight and accessorize my complexion.  One more thing and I’ll be ready for the day…

God’s favor.

Yes, God’s touch is what makes all men and women stand out in a crowd.  His favor is what leaves an impression.  His presence, usually seen on the face, often seen in actions, hopefully heard in our words is what will beautify us beyond measure.

You’ve primped.  You’ve curled, straightened, poufed and sprayed.  You’ve ironed and selected.  You’ve worked hard at presenting the very best you possible.  Now?  Now, sit a few moments in His presence.  Open His Word.  Spend a few minutes talking and then listen for His voice.

Aaah, there you have it!  That glow.  It just accentuates your beauty.  His favor looks so good on you!  Oh, the compliments you’re bound to receive.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: FWBIM is in a financial crisis; the dollar doesn’t go far in areas where our missionaries are serving. Pray God will give wisdom to leaders and donors.

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How I Live

“For the Lord is God, and he created the heavens and the earth and put everything in place.  He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos”  (Isaiah 45:18 NLT)

I remember Grandma Browning telling me about being given her grandmother’s quilts. I can still picture her eyes as she told me the pattern names and the colors of fabric in each one. She told me of how she carefully wrapped and folded each one and placed them in a cedar chest to keep them clean and away from the traffic of her busy home. As she talked, her eyes began to cloud over. She then asked me what I’d do with one of her quilts if she were to give me one. Knowing good and well that I’d do the same thing she had done—put them away for special days or as keepsakes—she told me the rest of her story…

Those quilts? The timeless keepsakes of her grandmother? The quilted pieces of fabric folded neatly in the chest? The objects of art and fascination? They’re no longer with us. Grandma’s priceless treasures went up in smoke when their house burned to the ground. She never used them on her bed. She never displayed them for all to see. She never got them out to look at them, touch the stitches or show them to her kids. She kept them but never used them.

Grandma made me promise that whatever of hers was given to me would be used.

Some of us are doing the same thing with life. We’re saving up our praises for Heaven or waiting on a special relationship with God until “things are straightened out.” We are reserving precious memories for the holidays that litter the end of our year or single days of celebration marked on our calendars. We’re stuffing emotions and feelings until a better time. We’re holding onto our precious minutes of each day, wanting to use them for just the right thing—and then watching as they’ve ticked past.

Life’s too short to save up wonder, love and memory-making for another time.  Life is too short not to use and display the quilts of our lives.

“For the Lord is God, and he created the heavens and the earth and put everything in place.  He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos.”  Isaiah 45:18

I love the words, “…He made the world to be lived in…”  He has not placed us in a display cabinet to bide our time until His return. He has not gingerly wrapped us in tissue and stored us in a corner for a single, special time. He has not intended for us to be statues sequestered by velvet ropes, for display purposes only.

On this orb, while we still have time, as we wait for His return, we are to be living. We are to be experiencing the bumps, bruises, sights and smells of life. We are to get our hands dirty attempting to serve Him. We are to live abundantly among the lost, making them wonder what it is that motivates and encourages us. We are to wear our bodies out serving others, kneeling at altars and stopping to pick the dandelions that grow in the cracks of the sidewalk. We are to be out and about our Father’s business.

God has made us to live in a way that glorifies Him. Are you doing that?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray today that God will not allow fears and doubts to take root in the hearts of Creative Access workers.

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Cast Your Cares

“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you”  (I Peter 5:7).

As we close out this week, let’s look at the best thing we can do with the cares that result from doubt and fear. We can cast them at the foot of the Cross.  One commentary defines this kind of cast as “to hurl.”  You don’t have to carry anything that would deplete your faith and take away your joy.  God takes no pleasure in seeing you struggle.  He invites you to come to him and release your burden (Matthew 11:28).

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the upcoming World Mission Offering. This April offering is named in honor of our first missionary, Laura Belle Barnard. Pray about what you can give.

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Don’t Worry

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God”  (Philippians 4:6).

I think by now we are beginning to realize doubt, fear, anxiety, and worry are what I call “faith drainers.”   They are evident when faith is not.  I have read various articles that have opened my eyes to the fact these things show a lack of faith and trust in God.  When I feel overwhelmed by the cares of this life, I need to repent.  I must ask God for grace to trust Him more.

The first part of our verse simply stated is “don’t worry.”  I remember the little chorus that says, “Why worry when you can pray?”  You could reverse that, why pray if you are going to worry?

I have a small card on a corkboard in my apartment that reads, “If a problem isn’t worth praying about, it’s not worth worrying about.”  Any form of doubt or fear will rob you of your joy. So, as the song goes, “Don’t worry; be happy.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the upcoming World Mission Offering. This April offering is named in honor of our first missionary, Laura Belle Barnard. Pray about what you can give.

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Our Hiding Place

“Thou art my hiding place and my shield:  I hope in thy word” (Psalm 119:114).

When doubt and fear plague our lives, isn’t it a comfort to know we have a place we can run and hide.  We don’t have to feel helpless or hopeless in the arms of a loving Savior. In Bible times there were two kinds of shields. One was large enough to protect a whole army if necessary.  The other was small so you could carry it in one hand and hold on to your sword with the other.  Either one offered protection from the enemy.  Doubt and fear come from our enemy, the devil.  We need to go to our hiding place and use our shield of faith and the sword of His Word.  We can be protected and conquer doubt and fear.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Ask God for wisdom to handle fear and doubt; they both affect our prayers.

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