Whatever and Wherever

“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest” (Joshua 1:9).

Joshua was called upon to lead his people after Moses died.  This was going to be  an overwhelming responsibility.  There wouldn’t be time for doubt and fear even if the temptation to give in to these things was great.  Joshua needed the encouragement found in today’s verse.  He had to be reminded; God wasn’t going to abandon him.  God would be there to help and strengthen Joshua whatever he faced and wherever he would go.

When you need the encouragement to press on in spite of doubt and fear, look to this verse or find others that will give you a boost—in whatever and wherever God leads you.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for FWBIM missionaries and staff as they adapt to the new funding program.

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Trust in God

“What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee”  (Psalm 56:3).

The last week of the March Bible study I will be reinforcing much of what I have already shared.

David faced times when he was overwhelmed with doubt and fear because he had to flee for his life from his enemies.  In the face of adversity, he learned to trust God and give Him praise.  Today’s verse became one of his daily affirmations.  It needs to be ours as well when we find ourselves start to tremble with fear. Commit God’s Word to memory to help you fight the battle over doubt and fear.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray daily for WNAC in this time of change and transition; ask God for His will.

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Sin Sick

“But those who still reject me are like the restless sea.  It is never still but continually churns up mire and dirt. There is no peace for the wicked, says my God”  (Isaiah 57:20 NLT)

Our church has instituted a wonderful program called a Prayer Chain. I’m not sure how, but we’ve got a gentleman who is our main man in beginning a phone tree that contacts everyone in our church as to a need, or a praise. He can some how email and call everyone on the list and in turn we each receive the request and our prayers can begin.

We’ve prayed for little ones having their tonsils out, tubes put in their ears or tests run. We solicited God on behalf of adults going through chemotherapy, heart bypass surgeries and family issues. We have intervened for teens in car wrecks, bad relationships and hard times. We seldom have a day when the prayer chain is not ringing us up with a need to take to the Lord.

We’ve seen some amazing things happen. Miracles, really. Doctors baffled. Surgeries cancelled because there was no longer a need. Shortened procedures. Quick recoveries. Situations minimized in intensity and effect.

Rarely, and this is a problem I have, do we ever publish the names of those who are sin sick. Seldom, if ever, do we have a prayer chain call go through for someone just needing the Lord. Those who are lost, in the dark, bound for a devil’s hell, well, we don’t want to put a name out there—might embarrass them.

I think it’s high time we began to treat those bound in sin with as much concern as those suffering from a cold, a careless driver or cancer.

Tammy, Robbie, Brent, Dionna, Jody, Megan…I could go on.  Tina, Billy, Chuck…I still have more.  Mike, Crissy, Keri…just to name a few.

Do our hearts ache over the thought of losing someone to eternity? Do we have a fear in our hearts of some loved one missing Heaven by a prayer? Do we concern ourselves enough with eternal matters as we do physical ones? Will we bother ourselves, and our Christian brothers and sisters, to lift up heart issues that only God can correct?

Tired of seeing restlessness in the lives of our friends and family members? Worn out from watching the chaos and struggle of those closest to our hearts as they continue to reject God? Getting discouraged from watching the flailing of an unsaved loved one?

Call up someone to pray for them. Go ahead, mention their names. Call them what they are, lost, and ask a friend to help you pray that they be found by God—and found quickly!

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Praise God for continued growth in FWB Hispanic ministry. Pray for the Gwen Hendrix FWB Hispanic Seminary in Inman, South Carolina.

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Walking Away From the Altar

“In that case, Eli said, cheer up!  May the God of Israel grant the request you have asked of him.  Oh, thank you, sir! she exclaimed.  Then she went back to eat again and she was no longer sad”  (1 Samuel 1:17-18 NLT)

Our church’s altar is a hot-spot of activity. Rarely is there a service in which the altar is not visited by a needy soul. Families, friends,  complete strangers, all bowing before a gracious and loving God. Burdens dumped. Peace restored. Joy regained. Strength renewed. Forgiveness found. Love accepted.

The altar is a powerful place. The work that occurs there is a mighty one, indeed. The spot where one kneels. The place where tears begin. The area where Christian brothers and sisters gather in support, encouragement and belief.

But when one walks away from the altar? What then?

Today’s Scripture says Hannah walked away relieved, able to get back to her normal functions, no longer sad. What she sought, she found. What she’d carried, she left. What she’d asked for, she truly believed she was going to receive.

The act of approaching the altar holds immense potential. The few steps between a pew and the altar can seem like miles. The conviction that drives one from her spot to His presence is a mighty power.

But when folks leave the altar, filled, emptied, renewed, inspired, relieved and/or washed white as snow—that, my friends is where the power begins to spread into the world, one life at a time.

Expectations begin. Joy bubbles. Love exudes. Power is passed on. Contentment in Christ becomes contagious. Zeal is renewed.

Have you walked away from the altar lately?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for God’s choice in a leader for Women Nationally Active for Christ.

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Help Our Unbelief

“…..Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief”  (Mark 9:24b).

Along with seeing the desperation of  the father mentioned in yesterday’s devotion, we see a man who also  felt helpless and hopeless.  He had brought his son to the disciples but they couldn’t help him. He had enough faith to bring him to Jesus.  Was that faith going to be enough?  His son was going to need a miracle.  He believed, but, as we see in today’s verse, he needed God to increase his faith.  He needed help to trust God more.

We may face times that, in spite of what we believe, we may need to cry out  to God for help with our unbelief.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray especially for WNAC Bookkeeper Diane Conn, who is currently handling daily tasks and responsibilities within the WNAC office. Offer her your assistance.

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Only Believe

“Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth” (Mark 9:23)

Sometimes we question the  power of God, and our faith weakens.  In Mark 9, we see the picture of a desperate father seeking help for his son.  His son was possessed with a spirit and out of control.  For a moment, he even wondered if Christ could do anything.  Have you ever been at the point when you have been beside yourself with doubt and fear?  Just like this father, you weren’t thinking rationally.  Look to Jesus always as the voice of reason.  God is omnipotent in the face of our weakness.  He will always have the answer.

Christ didn’t scold the man, but tenderly told him he just needed to believe. Yes, it is that simple. Faith is just taking God at  His Word.  Take today’s verse and use it when all around you seems impossible.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray as churches and pastors make plans for Easter services. Invite someone to attend Easter worship with you. Invite them to lunch afterward.

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No Need to Fear

“The Lord is on my side; I will not fear…” (Psalm 118:6a).

There is no need to be filled with doubt and fear with God on our side. A companion New Testament verse, Romans 8:31b says”If God be for us, who can be against us.” We must empty ourselves of fear and doubt and replace them with faith and trust.  As a child of God, we are in His protective care.  I recently heard a radio preacher make this comment, “God is not afraid of what we face.”  That statement made me stop and think how foolish it is to not trust the One who “is on my side.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: How will you observe PreEaster Week of Prayer? Pray about partnering together with other women or holding a group prayer meeting in someone’s home.

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