“Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth” (Mark 9:23)
Sometimes we question the power of God, and our faith weakens. In Mark 9, we see the picture of a desperate father seeking help for his son. His son was possessed with a spirit and out of control. For a moment, he even wondered if Christ could do anything. Have you ever been at the point when you have been beside yourself with doubt and fear? Just like this father, you weren’t thinking rationally. Look to Jesus always as the voice of reason. God is omnipotent in the face of our weakness. He will always have the answer.
Christ didn’t scold the man, but tenderly told him he just needed to believe. Yes, it is that simple. Faith is just taking God at His Word. Take today’s verse and use it when all around you seems impossible.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray as churches and pastors make plans for Easter services. Invite someone to attend Easter worship with you. Invite them to lunch afterward.