“…..Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief” (Mark 9:24b).
Along with seeing the desperation of the father mentioned in yesterday’s devotion, we see a man who also felt helpless and hopeless. He had brought his son to the disciples but they couldn’t help him. He had enough faith to bring him to Jesus. Was that faith going to be enough? His son was going to need a miracle. He believed, but, as we see in today’s verse, he needed God to increase his faith. He needed help to trust God more.
We may face times that, in spite of what we believe, we may need to cry out to God for help with our unbelief.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray especially for WNAC Bookkeeper Diane Conn, who is currently handling daily tasks and responsibilities within the WNAC office. Offer her your assistance.