WORDS FROM THE CROSS: “Father, forgive them…”

“Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do…” (Luke 23:34a).

It is beyond my comprehension the love that nailed our Savior to the cross. No book or movie could ever capture its reality. We weren’t present at this horrible scene.  Our sins nailed our loving Savior to the Cross no matter what people want to debate about this event.

To utter the words of our verse in the midst of His suffering went beyond compassion.

The greatest love ever demonstrated was on display, and the people were not fully aware He was the Messiah. His enemies didn’t take His life; Christ willing gave it for the sins of mankind. That would include your sins and mine. Praise God for His boundless love.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Ask God to give Tim and Lydia Awtrey creativity as they witness to atheistic Bulgarians.

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WORDS FROM THE CROSS: “Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?”

“And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?  that is to say, My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46).

This Easter week we’ll  look at Christ’s last words from the cross.  They won’t be in any specific order, but, I hope you will take time to read and reflect on the three days that changed the world.  When you think of the many emotions found as we read the account of His Crucifixion, I think we can easily see how we can tie this in with the past couple months of Bible study. However, everything Christ faced before and during the Crucifixion, goes beyond anything we will ever face. I gleaned much insight from some articles I read, and as I prepared to write this week’s devotions, I couldn’t help but feel a stronger faith in the One who was willing to suffer all things so I could become victorious over things like discouragement, doubt, and fear.

No matter what a person has to face, nothing is worse than doing so alone. Christ had suffered verbal and physical abuse long before the Cross. No one completely understood His mission on earth except His Father. As the sins of the whole world were being placed upon Christ, His Father had to look away. What  a terrible feeling of abandonment.  I can’t begin to imagine the only time He would have to face the pain of that separation. It had to add to the agony of being nailed to a cruel cross.  At a time when Jesus needed His Father, as God in the flesh, His Father could not look at His Son dying for our sins—even when He cried out, why?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Ask God to give Christians in Latin America opportunities to give clear witness of the gospel during this time of year when many participate in Catholic rituals.

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Prayer Slacker

“…Take no rest, all you who pray.  Give the Lord no rest…”  (Isaiah 62:7 NLT).

Can I make a confession?  I’m a prayer slacker.

Oh, yes, I pray and pray hard when tough times come—when a friend needs a touch from the Lord and when I want to know the direction He needs me to take…but on a good day?  When the sun’s shining?  When things are rolling along smoothly and the umbrella’s put away, I slack off.

I shirk the most awesome privilege I have for a few more minutes of sleep, a few more minutes of television or a few more minutes on the computer finding out more things about others than I really need to know.

I am a lazybones when it comes to a deep-down, daily commitment to prayer.  Oh, I pray before meals—you’d choke if you didn’t, wouldn’t you?  I pray when others pray during worship service—my Mom attends my church, wouldn’t want her seeing me looking around during a prayer time.  I pray each morning as I pick up the Bible, begging God to again reveal something to me out of His Word.

I am a dallier and a malingerer when it comes to the practice of prayer.  I do not grasp the immensity of it’s scope.  I cannot fathom the power it can reveal in a life.  I allow life and it’s pressures to keep my focus off the importance of this Christian act.

And maybe, I’m not the only one.

“…Take no rest, all you who pray.  Give the Lord no rest…”  Isaiah 62:7 NLT
Just maybe…
I can become a live-wire of prayer, and not annoy the Creator.
I can become a powerhouse of petitions, and not use my allotted time in His presence.
I can become a doer of the Word and not a hearer only, and I will begin to see some huge things done.
I can become a go-getter in supplications. I need it and those I love need it, why have I put it off for so long?
I can become a whiz when it comes to the everyday things I must get done, so I can rest in His throne room, asking, listening, begging and praising.

Maybe…I can give the Lord no rest when it comes to my prayers—and He will be delighted.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray as you attend services today; consider participating in  PreEaster Week of Prayer and giving to the World Missions offering. Until the whole world knows…

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Grab a Corner

“And they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four. And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press, they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay. When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee” (Mark 2:3-5).

The four men gathered, as they had for the past several years. They entered the house with a quiet knock, walked through the sparsely furnished room to the side of his bed. Quick greetings were made, and on to the purpose at hand. As they held hands around the man, one began to pray, then another, then another until all had petitioned the Lord on behalf of their friend.
Little was said as they began to express their reasons for needing to leave. One had to return back to work, he’d used his lunch hour to pray for his friend. Another, had a pressing engagement that required he get back to his store. The third had a new baby at home and was wanting to get back in time to see the little one before he left for his afternoon shift. The fourth? The fourth lingered.

The others could tell there was something on his mind, so they pressed him to share his thoughts.
He’d heard about a man named Jesus. Stories of miraculous healings, life-changing touches, a ministry of words that was bringing about peace and salvation. He wondered. No, he hesitated to mention his idea. But, he wondered if this Jesus could heal their friend.
The others had heard the same stories. They whispered. They scratched their heads. They paced the dirt floor back and forth. They forgot completely about their appointments and reasons to head out.
The crippled man on the bed leaned in on their conversation. Who was this they spoke of in hushed tones? Where had he come from, how long would he be in their town? Why hadn’t he heard about him? All of a sudden the mat he was lying on was being lifted, a friend on each corner. Across the room, the friends carried him, almost upending him as one reached to open the door and carry him into the day’s light. Past the baker’s shop. Around the crowd at the afternoon market. Up one street and down another until they began to slow because of the mass of people they’d come upon.
His legs may not have worked, but his ears were picking up the conversations of the men and women pressing up against the group of men. Jostling and careful maneuvering were required to keep him on the mat. As they rounded the corner of the house and took a look at the front entry, they paused. The quickly turned and looked for a side door. All this way for nothing? As they turned, one of the four quietly nodded with his head. They focused their attentions on the ladder leading up to the roof.
Would I have gone to the trouble? The inconvenience of a mid-week, drop everything, make arrangements for the kids, been-doing-it-for-a-long-while, prayer meeting? Would I have mentioned aloud what my heart was urging me to suggest? Would I have cancelled plans? Would I have put my back into it and grabbed a corner of the mat? Would I have pushed through the crowd? Would I have given up when the first glance told me there was no way?
Do I? When it comes to sending one more card? Fixing one more casserole? Dialing a phone number one more time? Looking over my calendar to see when a next treatment, doctor visit or surgery is scheduled? Am I re-arranging my comfortable, convenient life? Can I put myself aside long enough to show concern, love, care?
Opportunities abound for us to copy the behavior of these men. Circumstances of life provide us with many a ministry outreach. It takes only a quick glance around the church, the Sunday school classroom or parking lot to see many a mat-bound brother or sister in need.
We’ve heard the stories. We know the Man. We’ve experienced His touch, His forgiveness, His mercy. No matter the inconvenience, no matter the trouble—couldn’t we grab hold of a corner of someone’s mat and take this person to Him?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for your pastor and his family as they prepare for this Lord’s Day.

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Have Faith in God

“And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God” (Mark 11:22).

We conclude our Fear/Doubt Bible study, with this phrase in today’s verse and the basis of a familiar hymn, “have faith in God.”  I could not say it better than the words found in that hymn. If you look over the verses of that beautiful song you will find it encompasses every aspect of the things we go through in this life. Take heart.  God sees and knows about our doubts and fears. Cast your cares upon Him and like the words state, “and leave them there, oh leave them there.”  Often times we just don’t believe it’s that easy. Even when Christ’s disciples were faced with doubts, He told them, “have faith in God.”  As His followers today, the best advice we can embrace is for us to do likewise.

Have faith in God, He’s on His throne;
Have faith in God, He watcheth o’er His own;
He cannot fail, He must prevail;
Have faith in God, Have faith in God.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray as Alice Smith and Debbie Anderson (Côte d’Ivoire) teach Goumere Church ladies a series of lessons that will increase their knowledge of Community Health Evangelism (CHE) and enable them to share with friends.

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Replace Fear with Cheer

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.  In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:1-2).

So many verses can help us conquer doubt and fear.  Time and space would not permit me to share thoughts about them all.  I challenge you to do an exhaustive search on the many verses that can help with these issues.

In the face of doubt and fear, we rejoice in the hope of eternal life.  Better days are indeed coming.  Have faith to believe in the promises of God. There is a reason He tells us not to have a troubled heart.  He is coming again.  He has gone to prepare a place where we can live forever with Him. Knowing these things should give comfort and cheer to even the most troubled soul.  Read Revelation 21:1-7 and see if that doesn’t help dispel doubt and fear.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER:Read Ezekiel 22:30 and ask God if you are the one to “stand in the gap.

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A Seed of Faith

“And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief;: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Matthew 17:20).

For a moment let us refer back to two of the verses from last week, Mark 9:23-24.   Let’s focus on the disciples in our story.  The father first brought his son to the disciples, and they couldn’t help them.  They asked the Lord why.  Jesus gave them their answer in today’s verse. If they could have summoned up a shred of faith, they could have helped the young man.

Think back on a time when you may have felt defeated due to a lack of faith.  Start with that one seed of faith and watch it grow.  You will be amazed the mountains God can move for you.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that God would grant wisdom to WNAC President Rebecca Pugh concerning any decisions made during the interim period without an Executive Secretary-Treasurer.

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