God Never Lies

“In hope of eternal life, which God that cannot lie, promised before the world began” (Titus 1:2).

Our January Bible study is entitled, “His Power over Deception.”  We never have to worry about being deceived by God.  He always keeps His promises and never lies.

If you don’t believe He is coming back to take His children home to live eternally, you are being deceived by the father of all lies. Accept God and the truth of His Word by faith. Hold to the unchanging hand of God and allow Him to help you overcome every deceptive trick Satan will hurl at you.   As you go through this “Together in the Word”* study you will learn how you can fight back and win against our adversary, the devil.

Sue Winchester

*“Together in the Word” Bible studies are found in each issue of Together With God, the bimonthly print magazine of Women Nationally Active for Christ. For information or to subscribe, click on “return to WNAC home page” in the sidebar.

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for follow-up contacts made during Christmas and New Year events.

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Prepare to Enter

“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name” (Psalm 100:4).

How do you enter your place of worship? Tired from the week? Already exhausted from the demands of the morning? Preoccupied with plans for the day? If most of us are truthful, we’d have to admit our entrance into God’s house is often a far cry from praise and thanksgiving. How can we ever pattern the Psalmist?

For me, this involves deliberately preparing my heart. I learned this discipline many years ago, when my husband pastored a small country church.  With toddlers in tow and no nursery facility, opportunities to experience worship there were almost non-existent. So, I began getting up earlier on Sunday to prepare my heart—before children or cooking could consume my attention.  In the quiet stillness of the morning,  as I read the Word and thought on songs of praise, I experienced worship. And even if the rest of the morning proved anything but worshipful (and it usually did) I could relish in those moments. What a difference it made when I took a spirit of worship with me to church.

Resolve to bring a worshipful heart to church with you each week of this new year.

Sarah Fletcher

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the youth camp in Jaboticabal, Brazil, and for camps and retreats during the first part of the year.

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New Things

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. The beast of the field shall honour me, the dragons and the owls: because I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen.This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise” (Isaiah 43:19-21).

A friend and fellow writer recently emailed these encouraging verses to me, knowing  I was at the threshold of a new chapter in life. About the same time, I was reading in Revelation where Christ declares, “…Behold I make all things new…” (Revelation 21:5). Both passages led me to ponder “new things.”

Who doesn’t enjoy new things—especially at this time of year?

God also delights in new things. Throughout Scripture, He speaks of the new–a new song, new covenant, new mercies, new name, new creation, new heart, new spirit, new heaven, new earth.

What’s new with you? Whether, like me,  you are involved in a relocation (or other major life change) where everything seems new or whether you are simply facing a new day, God’s promise is for you. The God who can “even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” will do a new thing in your life as well. He will show you new truths, lend you new perspective and offer you new opportunities to “show forth His praise.”

Sarah Fletcher

PRAY TOGETHER: Bible studies in this issue of TWG deal with overcoming the power of deception. Pray that women of all ages would break free and live victorious lives in Christ.

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New Year’s Resolutions

New Year Resolutions?

Resolution: A resolving to do something

You may view New Year’s Resolutions as cliché and may think you’re just setting yourself up for failure in the coming weeks and months. Yet, new beginnings inspire us to rise above the failures behind us. Is there a particular area in your life that you’re wrestling with today? Resolve to turn the page and start over.

Here are just a few helpful reminders as you resolve to better yourself in these areas:

Mental: You’ve heard that laughter is the best medicine. Though it certainly doesn’t take the problem away it reminds you to stop taking everything so seriously.  Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict.

Emotional: Learn to be transparent with others and be genuinely interested in other people. Resolve to encourage at least one person everyday.

Physical:  Exercise is amazing. Not only does it help you stay physically healthy, it actually helps you combat depression and negative feelings.

Spiritual: Resolve to read your Bible daily. No excuses. Spending time in God’s Word is a balm for the soul and a way to draw closer to Him.

April Tummins

PRAY TOGETHER: How is your personal Bible study and prayer time? Prayerfully consider WNAC President Rebecca Pugh’s challenge to read through your Bible in 2010.

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Pray for Boldness

“And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel” (Ephesians 6:19).


We seem to be able to talk about anything under the sun. However, when we need to be bold in our witness, we tend to choke on our words. Try being in a different culture and trying to speak a different language. Even with going to language school, I imagine our missionaries often wonder if they are communicating effectively.


Knowing how many nationalities of people we may meet even in our corner of the world should help us understand what our missionaries face on a daily basis. Pray for one another as we try to tackle the boldness factor in our world.


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: Thank the Lord for His provision for your home and church this year.

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Be Specific in Prayer

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).


We have a tendency to just pray that collectively God will bless our missionaries. We are all aware of today’s verse, but when we pray for our missionaries we need to be specific, especially, if we are aware of specific needs. Use resources from WNAC and our missions departments to learn names, fields, and news from the fields to help you be specific when you pray. Years ago I could have matched names and fields. Our outreach has grown so much throughout the years. Sadly, I wouldn’t want to be quizzed now.


Share more than prayer for our missionaries by sending them a simple e-mail (no forwards please) or mail a card. Let them know you care and are interested in their ministry. If time permits, they may respond and share prayer requests with you. You will form a bond that will be a blessing to you and them as well.


With today’s economy, money is tight. Pray for the financial needs of our missionaries. Pray God will meet them so they can continue to stay on the field. The call to give, pray or go to promote the gospel at home and abroad remains unchanged.


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: Pray that God will guide home missionaries in utilizing their talents to further the Kingdom during this next year.

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Pray for Added Strength

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9).


If you have had the misconception that our missionaries have immunity to ever being sick or weary, you are misinformed. They are no different than we are when they push themselves beyond their limits. They may face circumstances that will include frustration, loneliness, or possibly depression. They may not be willing to admit it to you because while on the field the focus is not on them. Just remember they are only ordinary people who have answered God’s call to do an extraordinary work for Him. Pray God will give them strength and courage whenever they need it. It’s part of your being their prayer warrior.


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: Evaluate your WAC ministry in 2009. What can you do better to spread the gospel in 2010?

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