
“But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:42).


We should desire to serve Jesus in our homes. However, when we become so busy with an outside the home job, housework, our families, hobbies, and even with our church activities, we forget “that good part.” It’s not that any of those things are not honorable, but, what have we done with Jesus? Sadly, He is shoved aside to the end of the day or completely forgotten. If we have anything left to give, He may or may not get it. Make it a point to determine what is really important. Take care of those things first. You will be amazed how everything else will fall into place.


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: Pray for our children as they attend a new year of school.

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A Gentle Rebuke

“And Jesus answered, and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things” (Luke 10:41).


Jesus calmly handled Martha’s frustration. Within any household there needs to be a calming force whether it’s you or a guest. Jesus helped Martha see she had temporarily lost sight of what was really important. Never feel embarrassed or threatened about listening to the voice of reason. There are times when Jesus has to speak to you and say, “Peace, be still.” Spend time in prayer and Bible study. He is always there for you when you need guidance or a little nudge when you get out of line.


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: GO10 Walk – Pray for Joe Wilson as he plans the logistics for this event.

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Martha’s Frustration

“But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone?” (Luke 10:40).


As much as Martha enjoyed entertaining guests, she became a bit irritated while serving. When you set high standards for yourself and your otherwise joyful duties become overwhelming, you will find yourself becoming frustrated. Here she was trying to be the perfect hostess and her lazy sister was not lifting a finger to help her. She was upset and what she said in today’s verse made that obvious. We cannot allow our responsibilities in the home to get the better of us, or, we will voice our frustration like Martha did. When we let things get out of hand, we may say things to those around us who might not be so forgiving. We always seem to expect more of ourselves than others do. It will only lead to a bad situation getting worse. It is old school, but taking a deep breath and counting to ten is still a good way to calm yourself before “blowing your top.”


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: Pray that God would allow a quiet time of just being still before Him each day.

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A View of the Younger Sister

“And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word” (Luke 10:39).


Martha had a sister probably younger than her. The fact Martha owned the house they lived in and her taking the lead in action pointed to Martha being older. While Martha was more prone to think with her head, Mary thought with her heart. Not that either was wrong; they were just two different personalities. I’m from a large family. There’s no two of us exactly alike. We have the blood line but each of us has different traits. That’s pretty much the norm for any family.


Mary desired to sit at the feet of Jesus and learn from Him. Often times we get caught up in our daily plans, we forget we need to make time to do the same. We need time to still ourselves in His presence. While Martha was working on her “to do” list, Mary was busy with her “to be” list. Which list are you devoting the most time to? Is time spent with Jesus at the top? 


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: Pray for each home represented in your church. The evil one specifically targets homes on a daily basis.

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A View of Martha

“Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house” (Luke 10:38).


In light of what we remember most about Martha, let me share some other thoughts with you about her. Martha was given to hospitality. That is a great trait for a woman to have. She was a homeowner. She probably had a large house to take care of without servants. Thus far we see a picture of a responsible, industrious woman who enjoyed having people in her home. She worked hard to make sure she had enough provisions in her home because she did enjoy sharing with others who came to visit with her. I imagine Martha being very resourceful and a great organizer. When she invited Jesus and His disciples to come into her home, it didn’t seem to matter it would mean work and sacrifice for her. How much are you willing to go through to be a blessing to others? How much of our time and talents are we willing to put forth? “Our calling in the home” may sometimes include our being a “Martha,” placing all we are and have in the hands of our Lord.


Sue Winchester



Pray Together: Pray for the contacts being made in the home Bible study group in Marincek (Brazil) that meets on Monday nights.

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If you are looking for some ideas on how to reach your community, order one of these books from us.




101 Ways to Reach Your Community

 by Steve Sjogren

Pray Together: Pray for WNAC President, Rebecca Pugh, as she prepares articles for each issue of TWG.

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Pure Promises

“The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times” (Psalm 12:6).

What God says, He will do. He will keep His promise. His words are pure. These seem to be simple statements, but the truths contained in this verse seem so far away to us during times of trouble or angst. Everything we know God to be will never change. Our circumstances change, but not our God. So often we fail to remember Him during difficulties as we turn our eyes inward on ourselves. He wants us to remember everything He has told us, everything we know about Him is true, pure, and enduring. It is for us, in every phase of our lives. During difficult changes we can cling to a God who never changes. His word is forever pure, and is given to us as assurance.  

Tracy Payne



Pray Together: Surprise a ministry wife or missionary with a gift card or money to purchase a little something for her home. Speak her name to God in prayer today.

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