“The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times” (Psalm 12:6).
What God says, He will do. He will keep His promise. His words are pure. These seem to be simple statements, but the truths contained in this verse seem so far away to us during times of trouble or angst. Everything we know God to be will never change. Our circumstances change, but not our God. So often we fail to remember Him during difficulties as we turn our eyes inward on ourselves. He wants us to remember everything He has told us, everything we know about Him is true, pure, and enduring. It is for us, in every phase of our lives. During difficult changes we can cling to a God who never changes. His word is forever pure, and is given to us as assurance.
Tracy Payne
Pray Together: Surprise a ministry wife or missionary with a gift card or money to purchase a little something for her home. Speak her name to God in prayer today.