Read Luke 12:6- 7, and 24. Record the ways God has proven to you He has your best interests at heart. Write down the circumstances about a particularly trying time in your life when you didn’t see a way out of the situation or the pain. Now read Isaiah 40:31 and pray that God will help you see how He provides eagles’ wings for falling sparrows.


Mona Dukes

South Carolina


PRAY TOGETHER: Pray today for the many bookkeepers in our denominational offices as well as the secular field.

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PRAY TOGETHER: PANAMA: Pray for the ongoing school year at the seminary in Chame. There are eight students and several professors.

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PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for our college and high school graduates as they seek where and how God would have them serve.

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Read Ephesians 5:1, 10 and consider what you believe is pleasing to God. Write down ways you can continue to get rid of your old self. Be sure to not just list “big” sins like substance abuse, stealing, or cheating. Include issues that you keep “sweeping under the rug”: selfishness, gossip, judgmentalism, gluttony, misuse of our bodily temple. Pray for Him to call to your mind every time you displease Him with your human ways.


Mona Dukes

South Carolina


PRAY TOGETHER: FRANCE: Pray for good sales in the bookstore (LeLivre) in Nantes in July and August. These are normally very slow months.

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Read Ephesians 1:3 and 2:10. Consider how we are blessed with every spiritual blessing because we belong to God. Think about how precious a true masterpiece work of art is to those willing to pay for it. Now consider how much more precious one single human life is and how much God paid for it. Record your thoughts. Pray for God to eliminate your poor self image based on things the world counts as important and help you gauge what He wants you to be based on the Spirit’s leading. Read Ephesians 2:4-6 and pray thanksgiving to God that you have been redeemed from your unworthiness when Christ stepped in, when there was no other way out to make you worthy.


Mona Dukes

South Carolina


PRAY TOGETHER: The WNAC Convention convenes Tuesday, July 20-21. Pray for every aspect of this year’s convention.

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Read Genesis 1:26-27 and Ephesians 1:11. In pondering that we were chosen from the beginning of time to be God’s spiritual images, how have you perceived your image changing as we have spent these last weeks looking into the “mirror” of scripture? Write down ways you sense you have changed to be more of God’s image in the last month. Pray that He will continue to reveal to you ways you can more readily morph into His image. Write down your thoughts.


Mona Dukes

South Carolina


PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the WNAC office staff and Ohio women as they finalize convention plans.

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“Blessed are they that keep His testimonies, and that seek Him with the whole heart” (Psalm 119:2).

PRAY TOGETHER: Has summer busyness ever kept you from having a vital prayer time? Pray for rich and consistent quiet times with God.

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