“The Sound of Music”

My husband and I attended the production of “The Sound of Music” by FWBBC last week. Ireally enjoyed it! It was very well done. I was amazed at the talent God has given, and very thankful to see and hear it used for His glory.

You may wonder where I am going with this as a devotional blog. Well, in the story, Captain Von Trapp and his family, took a stand for their convictions even though it cost them dearly. They lost their home and their friends. They were willing to sacrifice for what they truly believed in. Are we? If we had to forfeit something for our beliefs, would we?

This is a question we may have to answer someday, so let’s be ready with an answer. We need to strengthen our faith and trust in God, He will give us the stamina  to uphold our convictions.

Diane Conn


PRAY TOGETHER:  Begin today and pray daily for the special Mother’s Day Offering on May 10. This once-a-year offering help the WNAC office keep operating.

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Just a “Handmaid”

“And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord: be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her” (Luke 1:38).


Our study ends where it started. Mary declared herself to be nothing more than God’s “handmaid.” She didn’t live to make a name for herself or to be thought of as equal to God. She was merely an instrument in the hand of God used to carry out His plan. If people think she is extraordinary, it should only be because He used her in an extraordinary way. From the teen who gave birth to Jesus to the older woman as a disciple in the early Church, Mary’s story is one of great faith and courage.

Are we willing to be used by God whatever our age? May we all strive to live out our lives as God’s “handmaid.”


 Sue Winchester


PRAY TOGETHER:  France: Pray for the Leadership Matters Course from May-June. 

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Mary’s Last Mention

“These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren” (Acts 1:14).


Today’s verse contains the last time we see Mary mentioned in Scripture. Her work as the mother of Jesus was done. It was time for her to take her place in the Church and be a disciple.


She showed humility the rest of her days. She only wanted people to think of her as God’s servant. Mary left behind an example for us of what true greatness is. It comes from putting your life in God’s hands and doing whatever He calls you to do. I think she would be appalled if she knew the homage being given to her in today’s world.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER:  Pray for summer missionaries and young people planning ministry trips.

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It Is Finished

“When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost” (John 19:30).


After she witnessed her son being tortured on the Cross and providing for her care, Mary heard His final words and wept. The pain of initial separation can be almost unbearable. His work on earth was done. That was what was finished and now He is gone. I love how the writer of our Bible study states: “We want to whisper to Mary, Just wait until Sunday”! I doubt Mary could think that far ahead. We all would have loved to embrace her and share the truths we possess. We would want to comfort her by telling her she will see Him again. Thank God He finished what started all those years ago when He came to earth as Mary’s baby.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER:  Pray about your daily quite time with God. Invite Him to really speak to you. Don’t allow anything to rob you of daily sitting at His feet.

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Behold Thy Mother

“Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home” (John 19:27).


You may be wondering where are Jesus’ siblings at this time. You could classify them as “non-believers” but, in time, they would join the ranks of believers. Jesus didn’t want to leave Mary’s care unsettled before He drew His final breath. I believe our verse was given to make sure John and Mary both understood His wishes. This selfless act marked the end of His earthly relationship with Mary. She had been His earthly mother for a short time. He was now going to be her Lord for all eternity.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER:  Pray for high school and college seniors approaching graduation. Pray they will heed God’s direction for their future.

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Behold Thy Son

“When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!” (John 19:26).


For the last time Jesus acknowledges His humanity as He looks from the Cross and He sees His frail mother. He wants to make sure she is cared for and entrusts her to one of His disciples. Though He loved all of them, John was the one with which He had a very special bond. How fitting that John was standing near Mary as Jesus uttered the words of today’s verse.


In the days that would lie ahead, Mary was going to need someone to lean on. In her grief, John would be there to give her comfort and care.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER:  Pray especially for single missionaries today.

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PRAY TOGETHER:  Pray for the FWBIM Board as they meet April 27-29. Pray for wisdom as they make decisions affecting the future of this department.

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