
My Mother has not been a part of my life for several years, but God gave me a great Mother-in-law. Even though my husband and I cannot be with his mother for Mother’s Day, she always says, “I would rather you live across the world from me and in God’s will, than right across the street and out of His will.”

Mom’s are you saying and believing that same thing in regards to your children? Commit them to God, He will take much better care of them than you can.

We miss being able to fellowhsip with his mom and dad but, my husband always reminds his mom that spending time together is what eternity is for. Make plans to be there together.

Diane Conn


PRAY TOGETHER:  Let’s pray and fast today in preparation for the Mother’s Day Emphasis Offering.

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Deborah’s Song of Praise

“Then sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam on that day saying, Praise ye the Lord for the avenging of Israel when the people willingly offered themselves” (Judges 5:1-2).


Deborah had told Barack that if Sisera and his army were defeated, he would receive no glory for the victory. However, Deborah gave the rightful credit to Almighty God and led in singing His praises with Barack. God had chosen Deborah for a leadership role. When the battle was over, she praised God.


You may be fighting a battle of your own right now. Trust God to give you victory. Be willing to testify of His goodness when the battle is over.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER:  Samplings of the fruit of Women Nationally Active for Christ: women of all ages committed to knowing Christ and sharing Christ with the world. Still pray.

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Jael – Hospitality With a Twist

“And Jael went out to meet Sisera and said unto him, Turn in, my lord, turn in to me; fear not. And when he had turned in unto her tent, she covered him with a mantle” (Judges 4:18).


God had helped Israel defeat the army of Sisera, but Sisera fled the scene. Sisera was lured into a false sense of security when he happened upon the tent of Jael. Sisera knew Jael’s husband and how he was on good terms with King Jabin. He accepted Jael’s gracious hospitality not knowing what the night would bring. Sisera’s first mistake was entering Jael’s tent when her husband was not there. That was inappropriate by their cultural standards. Sisera thought Jael was going to protect him. Was he in for a surprise! He turned in for the night and Jael even put a nice blanket on him. However, once the weary and evil Sisera was sound asleep, Jael did something very daring. She drove a tent spike through his temples. You might say she “nailed him.” God gave Israel victory at the hands of Deborah and now Jael.


Jael put her life on the line and was used to rid Israel of Sisera. We may never be asked to do such a deed as Jael, but we must be willing to follow God’s directions wherever He leads.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER:  Pray and determine to give on May 10, in praise for all Women Active for Christ.

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Deborah – Judge and Spiritual Leader

“And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel” (Judges 4:4).


I love the story of Deborah. She was quite a leader among Old Testament women. At a time in history when men primarily dominated leadership roles, we find Deborah judging Israel. She knew how to take charge. Israel was oppressed by a king named Jabin and his general named Sisera. Deborah called Barack to lead an army against these men. Barack wasn’t as courageous as Deborah and sought her help. I love the way she deals with him. She was more than willing to help, but Barack wasn’t going to get the glory for any victory.


Praise God for women like Deborah who aren’t afraid to take a stand for God. Dare to be a Deborah!


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER:  Benevolence, evangelism, scholarships, retreats, conventions and toll-free phone guidance are more fruits of our giving. Pray earnestly for the May 10 offering.

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The Women of Exodus

“And all the women that were wise hearted did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun, both of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine linen. And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun goats’ hair” (Exodus 35:25-26).


The women of Exodus in today’s verses remind me of the time when women would get together and quilt. I never participated in that, but, I can imagine it was a great time of work and fellowship. The women in our verses had the honor of using their skills for the work of the Tabernacle. Neither of these tasks were just a bunch of women getting together for gossip or for a good time. There was a purpose in their meeting together. It was a means of using their skills for God’s service. Sometimes we may feel we don’t have much to offer God, but “little is much if God is in it.” God blesses whatever we give to Him. Give and do your best for the Master. The women of Exodus did just that.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER:  Pray today concerning what God would have you give on May 10 in memory of a woman who feared the LORD.

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Miriam – Prophetess and Praise Leader

“And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances. And Miriam answered them, Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea” (Exodus 15:20-21).


We are going to begin our study of “WAC in the Bible” by looking first into the Old Testament. Miriam may have had two prominent brothers, Moses and Aaron, but, she, too, was used by God. She may not have been as notorious for prophecy, but dance was considered part of the gift of prophecy back then. After the miracle at the Red Sea, Miriam was “instrumental” in leading a group of women in a glorious praise and worship service. There was plenty of reason to rejoice. Fortunately the women of Israel had Miriam who didn’t hold back as she led in song and dances unto the Lord. Sometimes women just need a Miriam to take the lead in doing what they might not do on their own. The women in Miriam’s ensemble were not ashamed to show their feelings of praise. They didn’t do it for show. Their hearts were filled with joy.


Sue Winchester



PRAY TOGETHER: Together With God, online daily devotions and resources, global mission trips and the Provision Closet are a sampling of the fruit of WNAC. Pray for these endeavors as you give.

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Share these 5 basic things about WNAC with the women of your church.


Watchword:    Laborers together with God” (1 Corinthians 3:9)

Definition:      A service organization of the church

Purpose:          To provide opportunities for women to understand and fulfill the Great Commission through their responsibilities in the family, in the Church, in the community and around the world.

Hymn:               “People Need the Lord”

Colors:                Lavender and White


PRAY TOGETHER: As you pray today, determine an amount you want to give on May 10 in honor of a woman who fears the LORD.

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