One Baptism of the Spirit

“For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Galatians 3:27).

When we are saved we put off the filthy rags of our sins and we “put on” Christ like a beautiful white garment. We are baptized with the Spirit one time. Our study writer states, “There is one baptism but fuller experiences. We never get more of the Holy Spirit. We just become more dependent on him and more aware of his leading.” We have turned from our sin to walk in newness of life. The Spirit is there to help us adjust to our new lifestyle.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that Georgia minister’s wives will come away refreshed from their retreat this weekend (September 18-20).

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All in one Body

“For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:13).

In our verse today we see we are all regenerated by the Holy Spirit so we are all united with Christ as part of His body. There is no distinction so it matters not what your race or culture may be. It also doesn’t look upon whether we are bond or free or what social standing we have. By God’s grace, we are all equal in His eyes. Thank God we were all made “to drink into one Spirit.” We are all unique but the Spirit blends us all together in one body. Our key word today is found in the word “all.” How marvelous the Spirit does not exclude anyone!

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Ask God to prepare hearts and pocketbooks for the Rest of the Family Offering on September 28. WNAC receives a portion of these funds.

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Adopted by the Spirit

“Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Romans 9b, 14).

Never underestimate the necessity of the Holy Spirit. As part of the Trinity, equal with God and the Son, we must identify with Him. If we think the adoption is going to take place without Him, we need to look at today’s scripture. You just don’t pick and choose who you will reverence. They are all worthy of our praise. Living for Jesus without the Holy Spirit is not to be, according our scriptures today. The words of our verses today could not be made more plain. God trusts His Spirit enough to place Him in your heart so you would have the opportunity to be adopted into His family.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Both FWBHM and FWBIM need dedicated prayer warriors. Will you pray?

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Sealed by the Spirit

“In whom ye also trusted, after ye heard the word of truth, the gospel, of your salvation in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise” (Ephesians 1:13).

In Bible times a seal denoted ownership. Christ paid a high price that all mankind, Jews and Gentiles, could be made free from the bondage of sin. He owns us and sealed us with His Spirit until He comes back to receive us unto Himself. When we received the “word of truth” and were saved, God placed His seal upon us. It is there so when Christ returns the final phase of our redemption can then be completed. What a glorious hope for the child of God! God always keeps His promises. He will return to bring those home who belong to Him. What a glorious day that will be!

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Begin today praying for the annual Alabama State Pastor’s conference to be held in Krasnodar, Russia, September 18-20. Pray for safety in travel.

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PRAY TOGETHER: Our melting pot is growing rapidly. Pray for workers, trained and burdened for ministry among the multiplicity of ethnic groups living in North America.

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PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that God will use Joanne Wallace’s final address to challenge and change hearts of those attending the WNAC Retreat.

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The Holy Spirit – Fire

“Quench not the Spirit” (1 Thessalonians 5:19).

I liked what the writer of our study, Diane Worthington, wrote concerning the symbol of fire. “The refiner turns up the fire so the impurities in the metal will come to the top to be skimmed off. As the process is completed, he will be able to see his reflection in the metal. In the same way, the Holy Spirit turns up the fire of our conscience, so we may deal with sin and allow the image of Christ to be seen in us.”

It is necessary that the fire of the Spirit be like an eternal flame. He will help keep us pure. He will keep a burning desire for us to put our love for God into action.

I’ve used the illustration of the lump of coal before. It starts out black and when placed in the fire at various degrees for a length of time, the finished product is a brilliant diamond. We come to Jesus black as coal with our sins, He covers us with His blood and the Spirit comes to live in us. We may have to withstand some fiery trials in our lives, but, when we come through them, we will shine like a diamond.

Don’t do anything that would extinguish the fire of the Holy Spirit. Allow Him to glow brightly in your life.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Sarah Malone, teacher in Asia, as she shares her heart with women at the WNAC National Retreat.

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