Consider the Butterfly

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new” (2Corinthians 5:17).

There is a tourist attraction in St. Louis called the Butterfly House. It is quite an interesting place. As part of the displays there is a short film on how God created butterflies. They start out as a little egg then develop into a caterpillar. This is called the “larva” stage. During this time they are nourished and their old skin is shed many times as they grow. Then caterpillars spin a protective covering around themselves during the “pupa” stage, a time of resting. The latter is called a cocoon. The whole process of becoming a butterfly usually takes ten to fifteen days. The scientific term is “metamorphosis.” When the final stage happens we see a beautiful, flying adult butterfly.

We come to Him, repenting of our sin. He forgives us and puts His Spirit in us. New life begins. Then we must be nourished first by the “sincere milk of the word.” Within that time we begin to shed old habits and attitudes. As we allow the Spirit to move in our lives, He watches over us protecting us from the things that would be a detriment to our new life in Christ. As we grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ we are being fashioned to do service for God. With confidence we emerge as something beautiful for God’s glory. Then, like butterflies, we continue the cycle and reproduce. We, as Christians, must labor to disciple others thus continuing the cycle and reproducing. Led by the Spirit, spread your wings and fly.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Women in California will be “Traveling the Spiritual Trail” at their state retreat, September 25-27. Ask God to equip and challenge attendees.

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Filled to be Bold

“…and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness” (Acts 4:31b).

At the time this verse was written the early church was undergoing persecution. In spite of this, the apostles continued to preach with courage. Even if it meant being put in prison or put to death, men of God boldly followed the leadership of the Holy Spirit. These were ordinary people carrying an extraordinary message. They were uneducated and had no formal religious training but they had their testimony and the Spirit living within them. The latter gave them the confidence they needed to do great things for God. What a marvelous example for us as followers of Christ today!

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Don and Ruth McDonald, living in the MIR house at FWBBC, as they teach classes, encourage students and interact with them on a daily basis.

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Be Ye Filled

“And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18).

Paul draws a contrast easy enough to understand. The phrase “be filled with the Spirit” denotes a continuous action. This filling must be an on-going experience whenever the Spirit feels it is necessary. I often feel my vessel is leaking. I must repent and allow the Spirit to refill me. If you are going to be under the influence of anything, pray it is the Spirit of God who wants to fill and thrill you with His presence.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that perpetrators of a mob attack, robbing Christians in Egypt, will come to repentance and salvation (Revelation 2:10).

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Filled at Pentecost

“And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4).

Travel back with me to the Day of Pentecost. This verse could be referring to the 120 gathered in the upper room, but I’m inclined to think it meant the apostles. They were in that room among those who were united in one accord waiting for the promised Holy Spirit. Their hearts were more than ready for the Holy Spirit to sweep in and take control. The Spirit gave them the words people of many nations were waiting beyond that room to hear. Something divine happened. They began speaking in other tongues or languages as “the Spirit gave them utterance.” It set the stage for Peter to preach and thousands were saved. What a Holy Ghost revival that day!

How our nation needs to experience that kind of revival today. Never doubt what Spirit-filled people can do when they pray in one accord and they allow the Spirit to take control.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Ralph and Margaret who recently retired from FWBBC where Ralph completed 50 years, and Margaret 37 years, of service.

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PRAY TOGETHER: Give thanks that mission works in Kingsport, TN, are now self-supporting. Pray for Shane and Lupita Wilson as they serve these congregations.

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PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the Eagletons, McDonalds and McVays who will share MIR duties at FWBBC this year.

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The Spirit of Intercession

“Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God” (Romans 8:26-27).

As children of God we have the Spirit within us. We also have the hope of a better life to come. We often groan as we wait patiently for the return of Christ for the final part of our redemption. In the meantime, we should daily live with that hope in mind. However, there are times when problems beset us we may not even know how to pray, then it becomes the Spirit’s turn to groan. He will pray for us with such deep feeling it cannot be expressed in words. One commentary I read stated, “…the Father who knows all hearts knows, of course, what the Spirit is saying as he pleads for us in harmony with God’s own will.” The NIV study Bible states, “The relationship between the Holy Spirit and God the Father is so close that the Holy Spirit’s prayers need not be audible. God knows His every thought.”

There will be times when you feel things are completely out of control, but rest assured the Spirit will take charge if you let Him. Allow this vital part of your new life in Christ to work in your behalf.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray as the Missouri State WAC Retreat gets underway today.

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