Paul – The Missionary

“And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away” (Acts 13:3).

Paul had some strong qualities that God could use to further the gospel. He was not only a Jew, but also a Roman citizen so he had accessibility to audiences of Jewish Greeks and Romans. He seemed to have few limits on where he could preach the gospel. He wasn’t always well received but that didn’t stop him from trying to win souls.

In today’s scripture we find Paul’s commissioning service for his first missionary journey. He preached and started churches in spite of any adversity he had to face. He had to face hardships like beatings, stonings, and shipwreck to promote the gospel. Though there is much debate to what it was, Paul was given a “thorn in the flesh.” Sometimes I think it was something to help him to always be dependent on God.

Another adversity he had to deal with was being put in prison. Even that didn’t stop him from being used of God. If he hadn’t faced times of imprisonment, we wouldn’t have had the writings which fill most of the New Testament today.

God continues to call missionaries who are willing to use all they are and have for his glory at home or abroad. We are all called to be witnesses wherever God leads even if it is only in our neighborhood or community. I’m paraphrasing something I have often heard told that as a Christian we are the missionary and any lost soul can be our field. Follow Paul’s example of faith and obedience. Be willing to say “yes” when God says “go.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: As you read and complete the August study, ask God to help you adopt a missions lifestyle.

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Paul – Minister of the Light

“But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel” (Acts 9:15).

What a miraculous transformation! Saul, the once persecutor of Christians was now going to promote the cause of Christ! He was going to be Paul, a minister of the Light. In spite of his earlier reputation, God was going to use him in a mighty way! The road he would have to travel was not an easy one but he never allowed anything to deter him from the work he felt God called him to do.

What is it He has called you to do? Seek to do His Will and don’t let anything stop you.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Batesville, Arkansas area churches and WAC groups as they host the annual Arkansas WAC State meeting in August.

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Saul-Blinded by the Light

“And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus; and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven” (Acts 9:3).

It is one thing to be blinded by the darkness of sin, but to be blinded by a light from heaven had to be a little scary. I thought of another verse found in 2 Corinthians 4:4a, “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not . . . .” Saul was going to have to be made to see how really blind he was. He was actually made physically blind because of the radiance of that light. He couldn’t ignore what was happening to him. After a few days Saul’s eyes would be spiritually opened. When God has to turn a spotlight on our lives we will see who we really are. No more would Saul walk in the darkness of sin. He truly saw the Light! When we come to terms with who we really are in the sight of God, we, too, will ask, “Lord, what wilt thou have me do?” (Acts 9:6a).

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for MK Evan McDonald (Japan) as he begins college this fall.

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Saul-Walking in Darkness

“And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went into the high priest” (Acts 9:1).

This week we will be examining the life of the Apostle Paul first known to us as Saul. He made his living as a tentmaker, was a leader of the Pharisees, and a persecutor of the Christian Church. Saul thought the teachings of the Christian Church were heresy and worked to stop its influence. Saul was educated, especially in the Scriptures and had great credentials that God could and would later use. For now Saul walked in darkness. He was sincere in his beliefs but he was sincerely wrong. We first see Saul at the stoning of Stephen. He was as guilty as if he had thrown the stones with the others. We see in today’s scripture that Saul was on his way to persecute more Christians. Little did he know there was going to be something dramatic and miraculous that would lift the veil of darkness that had been covering his eyes. Saul was going to “see the light” along the way. His life would never be the same again.

Before Jesus came to live in our hearts, we, too, were walking in darkness. Once Jesus shed His light on our lives, we began writing our success story for those still in darkness to read. Since that day we, too, can say our lives have never been the same.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Chaplain David Trogdon miraculously escaped death when enemy fire blew a sleeve patch from his uniform. It’s critical to pray for chaplains.

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I Am God (2)

“Remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is none else, I am God, and there is none like me” (Isaiah 46:9).

God our Father is so special, there is nothing or no one like Him. He is the only true and living God. There is nothing that compares to Him and He is our Father. He is everything and He is everything to us. He made us, He knows us and He loves us with the greatest passion. He takes care of us; He answers our prayers and executes miracles in our lives. When we were lost without hope He gave us His Son, whose blood purchased our redemption. There is none like Him and He is our King.

LaCrecia McFaddin

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for FWB chaplains as they deploy to minister to troops in Iraq.

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I Am God

“I have declared, and have saved, and I have showed, when there was no strange god among you, therefore ye are my witnesses saith the Lord, that I am God” (Isaiah 43:12).

If we started making a list of all that God has done for us we would be busy 24-7. God has spared us from numerous enemies in our lives. He performs miracles that show us that these could only come from God Himself. He shows us daily His goodness and mercy and provides strength upon spiritual battle. All He has done should be our witness of the loving relationship we have with Him. He is God and He is our Father.

LaCrecia McFaddin

PRAY TOGETHER: In Uzbekistan, a paster was beaten and jailed following a police raid on a house church meeting. Church members were also beaten. Remember our persecuted sisters as we freely meet to worship.

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A Command with Promise

“…and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen” (Matthew 28:20b).

In the Great Commission we have learned Who is making the command and all about that command, but Jesus attached a promise to it that would help motivate us to spread the gospel. He assured His followers then, as well as today, they would not embark on their mission alone. He gave the promise of being with them always unto the end of the age or the world. This tells me our mission won’t be over until His return for us. Wherever we go to take the good news of the gospel, He will be there for comfort and support. He knew there would be times when carrying out His command might bring adversity. In spite of anything we may encounter to promote the gospel, Jesus is going to be with us…..always.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for MK Cara Anderson (Cote d’Ivoire) as she begins nursing studies at Belmont University (TN) this fall.

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