Disciple Others

“Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:20a).

Jesus made His Plan for sharing the gospel easy. Just teach what He has already taught in His Word. Go with what you already know. It is the same for us today. Someone taught you and pointed you to Christ, then helped you grow in His Word. Now it’s your turn to go and share those truths with others.

After you were saved, you wanted to follow the example of Jesus and be baptized, to show that you identified with God. Being baptized by immersion, showed you were dying to your sins, going under the water, you buried those sins, and when you came up out of the water, you arose to a new life in Christ. Remember the joy you felt being saved, and then baptized? You should desire to share what you have learned and experienced so others can have that same joy. Those you have taught can then begin to teach others the same way you taught them. It’s an awesome responsibility but well worth the effort. If each one would only reach one, the whole world could be won to Christ! Jesus didn’t make it a “mission impossible.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Are we letting our little light shine where we are planted?

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Go and Teach

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19).

Christ left no doubt about our mission on earth by beginning it with the words, “Go ye.” With our faith in God and the good news of the gospel, there was no maybe or perhaps about it. I interpret this as just don’t sit there with it, get up and “Go.” And with the going we must remember it is a global matter. Our “world” may not be to primitive areas overseas but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pray and give as others sacrifice to take the gospel to those places. We do have the responsibility to go and teach others in our part of the world. Many still haven’t received the news that Jesus lived, died, and rose again to save them from their sins. It is our duty and privilege to “go and teach.”

In our verse we see reference to the Trinity. It left no debate of the logical order with first, God the Father, then God the Son, and finally, God the Holy Spirit.

Jesus was going to His Father but He would leave us with a sense of His presence, the Holy Spirit. His Spirit would be there to comfort, lead, and empower us as we would go with the gospel. Our verse also directs us to teach first, then lead a person to be baptized in the name of the “Father, Son and the Holy Ghost.” Tomorrow we will share more about baptism which should follow the salvation experience.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray as we conclude the July “This Little Light of Mine” study: So Send I You. Meditate on the true meaning of missions.

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God’s Final Instructions

“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth” (Matthew 28:19).

For a brief time after the Resurrection, Jesus was able to give some final instructions to His disciples. He was soon going to His Father but He wanted to make sure His disciples and followers to come had a clear picture of what their mission was to be once He ascended.

The fact He had conquered death, hell, and the grave proved His power and deity. He has all power “in heaven and earth.” His disciples were commissioned by the power and authority of God to go and share the gospel to the entire world. This Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) mapped out their “marching orders.” Ever since, His followers have followed God’s directions, knowing the only way to spread the gospel is to obediently follow them.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: A Somali Christian bookstore owner was arrested for illegally printing and distributing Christian literature. Keep persecuted Christians before the Throne.

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Missions after the Resurrection

“Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you; as my Father hath sent Me, even so send I you” (John 20:21).

We see a picture of Jesus’ disciples, afraid they might be put to death like Jesus, talking with Him after the Resurrection. He could see in their eyes fear and confusion so He calmly whispered sweet peace to them. Obviously this was not the first time Jesus had to say, “peace be unto you.” There were some final thoughts He would need to share with them before He went to His Father. He had to make sure they were at peace so they could listen. He told them He had been sent by His Father for an earthly mission. He completed His work. Now He was going to send them on their mission. It was going to be a missions commissioning service for them. Jesus was going to give them a direct order we know as the Great Commission. He was going to help His followers then and now to put their faith into action.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: The Danny Elliott family will enter language school in preparation for a new mission work in Quebec, Canada. Pray they will learn French easily and quickly.

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Sea of Life

“The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea than the mighty waves of the sea”
(Psalm 93:4).

What is your storm today?  Do you feel alone and tossed about on life’s sea?  From the most serious storm to the slightest, God is in control.  My youngest son’s friend lost his eight-year-old daughter to cancer last week.  This is a storm these parents will be in the midst of for some time, but God will help them through.  Whatever your storm, the Lord on High is mightier.  We need to put our whole life and faith in His ability to calm our storms on the sea of life.
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for new home missionaries who are coming on board for service.

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Sea of Galilee

“And He arose and said unto the sea, Peace be still, and the wind ceased, and there was a great calm”
(Mark 4:39).

Jesus was teaching parables to the multitude.  Jesus wanted to go to the other side of the sea, so they sent the multitude away and got on a ship.  A bad storm arose, and the wind filled the ship with water.  The men on the ship were very afraid and went to get Jesus.  He calmed the storm and asked, “Why are ye so fearful?  How is it that ye have no faith?”

Why is it that we Christians are so fearful?  We serve the Master who calms the winds and sea.  He calms our storms even when our faith is shaky.  We must trust Him completely and have faith He will calm our crises and be there for us amid our storms.

LaCrecia McFaddin

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for training and adjustments to new leadership with the WNAC office.

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We Must Finish Our Work

“I have fought a good fight; I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7).

What a wonderful example the apostle Paul left for Timothy! Those profound words should admonish us to leave the same example. When I began writing this devotion, I jotted down this thought, “don’t let your light diminish, your mission you must finish” God has a work for each of us to do. We may not have the same talents or gifts but all is to be done for the glory of God.

I searched for God’s purpose for my life for fifteen years before I zeroed in on the writing. It wasn’t that I was very good at it. I felt, and, continue to feel, fulfilled when I have His pen in my hand. Along the way of discovering His will for me, I learned other things that I can use for His glory. Things relating to music, singing and teaching of His Word are secondary to the writing. I’m very thankful God has given me many opportunities of service. I will never be a prolific writer, but I desire to finish my mission on earth.

What do you feel is your mission? Whatever God has given you to do, you must desire to “finish your course.” You must determine in your heart to leave the same legacy Paul left. At times you may feel it is an all uphill climb, but wait until you see the view from the top. I conclude with the title of a beautiful old song, “Heaven Will Surely Be Worth It All.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for extra funds for the expense of relocation/moving costs of new Executive Secretary Treasurer of WNAC.

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