Be Shining Disciples

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

I mentioned in one of the devotions last week about being a “light-keeper.” In our verse today we see how we can easily become one. Keep the light of God radiating through you and others will notice. You will have a glow about you that will have an effect on the lives of others.

Unfortunately, many battle-weary disciples of today have allowed the oil of their lamp to run low. They need the fresh oil of His Spirit to help them to be the shining disciples they once were.

Don’t neglect quality time with God. He alone can help keep your light burning brightly. He will give help and strength for you to continue being a beacon for His glory.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Becky Derby as she speaks during Tuesday’s worship service. Also, praise God for the way He has worked in Becky’s life during her bout with cancer.

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God Continues to Call

“And He said to them all, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me” (Luke 9:23).

Many Christians are living defeated lives because they aren’t willing to meet the requirements for a true follower of Christ. It takes self-denial, complete dedication and obedience. Some may feel they cannot surrender their will over to His because it’s too difficult. The lifestyle of a true follower of Christ is one of continuous action. It is bearing their cross daily. Some fall beneath the load because there is one or more requirement they cannot commit to.

For those willing to forsake all and follow Him, He gives strength and power to do His Will. God continues to call but sadly some lack the faith needed to answer when He does.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for music coordinator Abby Jerrell. Also pray for musicians Phyllis Smith and Jody Sullivan.

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The Calling of the Twelve Disciples

“And He ordained twelve, that they should be with Him, and that He might send them forth to preach” (Mark 3:14).

Mark 3:16-19 lists the names of the twelve disciples. These are names of ordinary people who were called out to do extraordinary work for God. They were from different walks of life but were willing to surrender all for the cause of Christ. Their willingness to trust, obey, and follow God made them teachable. He was able to empower them to do great things in spreading the gospel.

As followers of God today, we must have that same desire to sit at the feet of Jesus and allow Him to impart His Will to us. God doesn’t look at our capability but at our availability. If He calls you out to do a special work for Him, be willing to do as the twelve disciples—forsake all and follow Him.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Danita High as she awaits official appointment as WNAC Executive Secretary-Treasurer.

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Receive and Believe

“But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name:” (John 1:12).

How wonderful it is that we only need to receive the gift of God’s grace and “believe on his name” to become part of God’s family! When Jesus called His disciples to come follow Him, they simply received and believed. They left all to follow Him.

Christ has made following Him so easy. It never involves us having to achieve this on our own. He offers His love and mercy. We need to just accept His free gift of salvation and He will empower us to be the best we can be for His glory.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: West Virginia Women Active for Christ covet prayer as they make final convention and luncheon preparations.

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Time to Sew

“A time to rend, and a time to sew…” (Ecclesiastes 3:7a)

When we sit down to mend something or sew a button on, there is a reason.  I have never mended a perfect garment—only those that needed a few stitches or an alteration, or a button or some other sewing fix.  A time to sew is when something needs to be fixed.

There are times in our Christian life when things need to be fixed—Scripture reading, a prayer of forgiveness,  rededication, a time of prioritizing, dedicating ourselves to our service,  a stitch here and a stitch there.  There is an old saying, “a stitch in time saves nine”.  Let’s mend our Christian problems before they need more stitches.

LaCrecia McFaddin

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Rebecca Pugh as she presides over WNAC’s monumental meeting, July 21-22.

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“That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love…”  (Colossians 2:2a)

Have you ever tried to knit?  I learned the simple stitches, knit and purl.  The thread wraps around the needle and with the working of the knitting needles the thread hooks and loops together making something beautiful.

How precious the thought that we as God’s children can weave ourselves and all we are into something beautiful.  It takes effort to knit, to work at something diligently until the project is done.  It takes effort to work on our Christian lives, working daily to join ourselves as brothers and sisters in Christ to be God’s family of Christians.  Oh what a beautiful thought to knit ourselves together in love.

LaCrecia McFaddin

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray today for Mary Wisehart, dramatist at WNAC’s Monday afternoon tea.

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Working While it is Light

“I must work the works of Him that sent Me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work” (John 9:4).

When Jesus walked on this earth, He did the will of His Father. His Father had sent Him here to do His work. Jesus looks to us to complete the work He has for us to do. We must redeem the time that remains, working while there is light for us to see what needs to be done. It is time for us to harvest now before night falls and we cannot work in the fields. The Bible tells us ”the harvest is truly great, but the labourers are few” (Luke 10:2).

We want to just sit around the table of our Master, but there is much work to do to gather in those who wait for you to come and share the gospel with them. If you don’t feel led to go beyond your community, pray for and support those missionaries who are willing to labor for Jesus while it is still light.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray today for Amanda Kilgore, dramatist at WNAC’s Monday afternoon tea.

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