God is Our Refuge

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).

How many times have you faced circumstances that made you feel you had no one or nowhere to run to? You had feelings of fear and hopelessness. You also felt God was far from you. Don’t let the devil deceive you into believing his lies. Whatever you face in this life, God will always be there for you. You can run to Him and find the strength and help you need to sustain you during difficult times. Those times when you wonder where He is, don’t lose faith, He is only a prayer away. You can find refuge in the arms of Jesus. Within that refuge you don’t have to feel afraid or that hope is gone.

Transfer your trust over to God who waits with open arms to be your “refuge and strength.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: The National Convention annually climaxes Wednesday evening with recognition of home and international missionaries and commissioning of new missionaries. Bathe this service in prayer.

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You Don’t Have to Feel Alone

“For He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5b).

I’m sure we all could share incidents when we felt very alone. You can even feel that way when you are in a crowd. Times of sickness, depression, or grief can make you feel no one really cares. Friends may not always be able to be there for you. The loved ones closest to you may not grasp the depths of your loneliness. Have no fear. This is not a hopeless situation. When you have God in your life, you will never be alone. He will stand by you, when you feel others have left you. When you feel others have given up on you, God never will.

I remember the State Retreat I attended just months after my husband went home with the Lord. Someone, who was also a widow, shared this profound statement, “God has not brought you this far to abandon you now.” It was then I remembered today’s verse. I’m not alone so I don’t have to feel lonely. The same God who has kept me for almost fifty years will continue to be there for me the rest of my days.

Take comfort in knowing whatever you face, God is there for you. You don’t have to carry your cross alone.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Charleston, WV, will host the 2008 Free Will Baptist Convention, July 20-23. Pray daily for business, fellowship and spiritual renewal to take place.

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Confidence in His Strength

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13).

This verse is almost like a daily affirmation for me. Sometimes people forget I deal with chronic pain. With my involvement in my church, my writing, helping to take care of my granddaughter part of the time while her parents work, serving as an officer of the weight loss support group I belong to, and working to maintain a healthy lifestyle, people don’t realize that I don’t do any of it in my own strength. God has fine-tuned my coping skills and gives me the strength to do the things I need or want to do. There are some things I don’t have the talent to perform, but for everything else, this verse is there to give me the confidence and determination I need.

If you are dealing with issues of poor self-esteem or feelings of inadequacy, cling to this verse. As you draw ever closer to God, He will give you the power and strength you need to do amazing things for His glory.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: E-TEAM debriefing is scheduled for July 1-2. Pray as these young people recap their ministry experiences this summer.

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Hope for the Future

“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18).

Since we finished the story of Jonah last week, I thought I would use this week to share with you some of my favorite Bible verses. Having read through the entire Bible, there are more I could share with you. However, I selected some that may have a special meaning in your life as well.

The above verse I could say is like a life verse for me. I look beyond my own suffering and see much sickness, pain, and loneliness going on in this world. None of us will ever have to suffer the way Jesus did before and during the Crucifixion. He looked ahead in time and saw what this present world would be like. He suffered so we could have the hope of eternal life with Him.

No matter how much we may have to suffer in this life, we couldn’t begin to fathom what is in store for us when we reach Heaven’s shore. There’s nothing on this earth to compare it with. We cannot begin to express in words the glory of Heaven. As much as I desire to trade in this wretched body, view the beauty of Heaven, and be reunited with loved ones, I desire to see Jesus, Who made all of it possible. Knowing someday I will see Him face to face to thank Him for loving and dying for me gives me the hope I need to keep pressing on until His return. If we all continue to love and serve the Lord in spite of suffering, it will be well worth the wait to hear our Savior say, “well done” and “enter into the joy of thy lord.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Set aside time each day to pray for the upcoming WNAC National Convention, July 21-22 in Charleston, WV.

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PRAY TOGETHER: Always keep the WNAC office staff in your prayers.

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PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for missionaries who have recently experienced the death of a parent.

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Be Ye Transformed

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2).

Yesterday we finished the story of the prophet Jonah. It is an example of God’s love and patience with someone called out for special service. If you feel led of God for some type of full time Christian service, don’t be a Jonah and think you can run from that calling. He knows where you will go to hide. He may not have you to be swallowed by a great fish but He may make life uncomfortable for you until you surrender to His Will. Just remember He loves you and wants what is best for you. He is longsuffering and will not give up on you. Sometimes you just need God to transform your way of thinking, thus renewing your mind. If there are obstacles that are hindering you from being all you can be for Christ, allow Him to do whatever it takes to keep you in His Will.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for WNAC Convention Luncheon Speaker, Kristi Johnson, missionary to Spain.

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