Speak Out

“I will thank you, Lord, in front of all the people. I will sing your praises among the nations. For your unfailing love is higher than the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds”  (Psalm 108:3-4 NLT).

I already hear the murmuring…
“Oh, I couldn’t speak out loud before a crowd.”
“I can’t sing.”
“No way! In front of people?”
“The choir? All the way at the front of the church?”
“Testify? You mean with all eyes and attention on me?”
“Give a praise report in Sunday School? Me?”

Reread the verse. Go ahead; reread it. Does it say anything—anything at all— about what we can do?  Do the verses even bring into question our abilities, talents or even gifts?

Is there any mention, of any sort, of how well we do it, how pretty it sounds or how easy it is to do it? Does it even detail specifics—spell out the steps or provide a list of acceptable/unacceptable ways of accomplishing this goal?

No. No, it only refers to the why of the matter.
Why should we do it? Because His love is higher than our wildest expectations.
Why should we do it? Because His faithfulness exceeds our needs.
Why should we do it? Because God deserves every ounce of praise we can give Him and more—much more.

No more excuses, girlfriends. The Lord expects and deserves our praise, whether in song or by just opening our mouths. And as we praise, God will smile and shed the light and glory of His face upon us.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for renewed excitement and fresh commitment for the Lord’s work as WAC groups meet in September and begin a year of focus on God’s Mighty Hand.

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Do All in His Name

“And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…” (Colossians 3:17).

This verse always reminds me of the old song, “Little is Much.”  “Little is much if God is in it, Labor not for wealth or fame, There’s a crown and you can win it, If you’ll go in Jesus’ name.”  I’m also reminded of John 15:5, “…for without me ye can do nothing.”

It would be foolish to think we could do anything and not be dependent on Him. He gives grace, strength and everything else we need to equip us for success. We only have to trust Him as we go and “do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.”

As we end our August study, let’s use what we have learned to offset spiritual atrophy.  If we are willing to take preventive measures, we can continue being used for His glory.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray strength and wisdom for Women Active for Christ involved in homeschooling children.

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Do as unto Christ

“Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?  When saw we thee a stranger and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?   Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?  And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:37-40).

How many times have we gotten discouraged because we felt so inadequate?  Those times can lead to spiritual atrophy unless we get a clear picture of today’s verses.  There are two words that tend to keep us weak: “I can’t.”   Anything we are willing to do, even if it seems rather insignificant, doesn’t go unnoticed by God.  His love for us should motivate us to do random acts of kindness and do them as unto the Lord.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Illinois WAC president Susan Burgess, who recently left the business world for a new phase of life with more time for family and greater involvement in ministry.

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Strength to Do

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13).

I have many favorite verses, but, this one is an affirmation, not only to me, but others as well. I realize I can’t do anything in my own strength.  It would be like going to battle completely unarmed.  Christ is there to give me strength because mine is limited. He knows when I’ve allowed atrophy to put me in a weakened state. I’ve always been amazed how much I can do for His glory when I completely depend on His sufficient grace.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for FWBHM editor Ida Lewis who continues to face health problems.

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Be A Doer

“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only…” (James 1:22a).

We can hear, read, and believe the Word.  It’s vital we stay in the Word. However, as we saturate our souls with the Word, we should be prompted to “be a doer of the word.”  We should feel rejuvenated and spring into action.  If we just sit and soak in the Word, we risk developing spiritual atrophy.

Last month we learned the importance of sitting at God’s table for nourishment. However, too many people develop atrophy by sitting too long at His table.  I love the song, “My House Is Full” that sadly states, “no one wants to work in My field.”  Push away from the table.  It’s time to be a doer.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for those in the path of Hurricane Isaac and for possible WAC and MM mobilization in the aftermath, should the storm strengthen as it comes ashore.

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Apply by Doing

“Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: “ (Philippians 4:9a).

Many of us have been Christians for a long time. We can’t use the excuse that we don’t know what we can do for the Lord.  It’s time to apply the many things we “have both learned, and received, and heard.”  Sadly, there are those that have rejected that idea. Spiritual atrophy has set in.  Our want to and can do are in a weakened state. By the grace of God, that can be reversed if we get moving.  Today’s verse states what we can do: to avoid further atrophy, get busy.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Christians in El Salvador affected by today’s earthquake; pray for comfort, peace and opportunities to share the message of peace with others.


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Sad News

“The people whom you have resettled in the towns of Israel do not know how to worship the God of the land…”  (2 Kings 17:26 NLT).

What’s caused the downfall of our culture, the dysfunctionality of our families and the darkness of evil to fall over our land, our churches and our homes?  I’m glad you asked. I think 2 Kings 17:26 holds the answer.

Oh, you may disagree on some level.  You could argue that each and everyone of us knows how to worship, or point to an innate predisposition to lift our hands to our Creator or that God-shaped hole within us all.  You might even bring up Scripture that states our purpose in life is to worship the Sovereign Lord.

Considering these factors…if we know how, if it’s in us to do it, if worship is what we’ve been made for—could it just be that we’re choosing not to?  Would you agree that we’re not valuing the privilege of worship to the degree that we deem it necessary to pass on to our children?

Personally, I do believe it’s a matter of not knowing how.  Not knowing how to put aside all others and worship the One.  Not knowing how to push aside self-admiration to admit our powerlessness and His majesty.  Not knowing how to throw aside burdens, sins and appearance issues to be able to worship in spirit and in truth.

Yes, we’re a culture that just doesn’t know how to worship—and what’s even sadder…we don’t care to learn.

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that you might worship the Lord in spirit and truth today. Then, pray that same request for those within your congregation.

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