Look and Teach

“And, Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep having no shepherd: and he began to teach them many things” (Mark 6:34).

A vision stretch will move you to action. Looking with compassion should prompt you to act on your feelings.  Whether it’s to share your testimony, some Scriptures, or to help fill a special need, be willing to look at the world as if you were looking through the eyes of our Savior.   He had words of hope and comfort to those wandering aimlessly.  Can we sit back and offer less?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Wednesday night teachers in your church and/or in churches meeting for midweek services.

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Envision the World

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and  of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world. Amen (Matthew 28:19-20).

Our study writer states “Jesus’ vision and plan for ministry involved strategy.”  Do you have a strategy?  Do you have a plan to reach the goal mentioned in yesterday’s devotional—to stretch your spiritual vision and reach out into your world? Use today’s verses to help you develop your plan of action. If you can’t envision the whole world with people lost in sin, you aren’t stretching your vision. You will need stronger spiritual glasses.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for follow-up and discipleship opportunities for those who made decisions for Christ on Easter Sunday.



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Press Toward the Prize

“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14).

Our April study is entitled, “Stretching Ourselves…Into Our World.”  It’s important to include stretching into our physical exercise program.  You may say, “I don’t have the time or desire to exercise.”  If you are sitting for hours at a job or tend to be a “couch potato,” you may want to rethink your need for exercise. You may even wonder how you could fit that into your busy life as a wife and mother.  Whatever the case, you still need to pause and stretch even if it’s five minutes here and there each day.

As we look at our verses, we see stretching from a spiritual perspective. We don’t see just a simple stretch. We see exertion, pushing past our comfort zone when necessary. There may be some pain involved, but we must endure it to reach our heavenly goal.  Sometimes our vision becomes blurred as we strive to be obedient to God’s last command. If we put blinders on and can only see the souls in our community, we will miss the fact there is a whole world beyond it.

We wear glasses to correct our physical vision. We need the Holy Spirit to adjust our spiritual ones.  When the latter is done, it will be easier to stretch our vision.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for FWBIM office employees as they prepare for the WMO, April 29.


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“This day in early spring will be the anniversary of your exodus”  (Exodus 13:3 NLT).

Did you know I was saved on an Easter Sunday? Yep, a little country church.  A wooden altar.  A sermon preached by an interim pastor.  A moment in history that grabbed my heart and placed me at the feet of Jesus.

So Easter means a lot more to me than to some.  It’s a special day in my year.  It’s a milestone in my life.  It’s an occasion to celebrate.  It’s a day in my life when my head, heart, hands and feet were placed in the direction of heaven…and I set off on a journey.

“The anniversary of your exodus”—what better way to put it?  I’m going to remember that, use it often and refer to it frequently.

You see, I’ve not yet made it.  I’m still traveling towards God’s reward.  I have the promise of a mansion, but today I’m still cleaning this little house on Garrett’s Prairie Road.  I am destined for a place where there are no tears, no pain, no death, but today I’m walking beside fellow believers who are clinging to that hope while wiping eyes, enduring  aches and visiting funeral homes.  But today I’m celebrating another anniversary of my exodus.  God is so good!

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: This year’s Easter weekend coincides with Passover. Pray that unbelieving Jews throughout the world would understand and embrace Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God and begin their exodus—out of sin and into His grace.

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Oil of Joy

“…Therefore God, your God, has anointed you; pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else”  (Psalm 45:7 NLT).

Are people around you aware that you are a Christian?  Would they be surprised to know you attend church?  Do you stand out among your peers and co-workers as someone filled with integrity, character—and joy?

Do you bring light to a room?  Do you bring smiles to the faces of those you meet?  Do you speak with encouragement, peace and love?

You, friend, have been touched by the Creator of the universe, saved by the Redeemer of souls, set apart by the High Priest and anointed by Yahweh to perform duties specifically set aside for you, to fulfill purposes designed for you and your lifetime.

You have been anointed with the oil of joy. Does it show?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that many unsaved persons in your community and throughout the world will attend Easter services and come to know the Risen Lord as their Lord and Savior.

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Send Me Stretch

“Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me” (Isaiah 6:8).

As we close our PreEaster Week of Prayer, let’s pause to remember what this weekend means to us.

In this verse, toward the conclusion of Isaiah’s awesome vision of God, we find the prophet humbled beyond words.  We can’t even imagine what it will be like to see Christ in all His glory.  As we think of all He has done—His love and mercy—what keeps us from crying out, “Here am I send me?” What excuse are you using for not doing the “send me stretch?”

Today our mission focus is on Mission Leadership. May we put our recent Treasure study on encouragement into practice, as we pray and support those in Mission Leadership.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: On this Good Friday, remember these PreEaster Prayer items.

Praise the Lord for a movement of the Holy Spirit in hearts
of pastors who are committing themselves to support
International Missions, the overseas mission arm of Free Will
Baptists. Praise Him for those who are stepping out on faith in
their giving.
Continue to pray for the staff who carry great responsibilities
and heavy work loads; for the challenges of a diminishing
missionary work force; for the financial crisis within
International Missions; for establishing and developing and
communicating a clear vision for the future; for Free Will
Baptists to be unified in accomplishing God’s plan for getting
the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Pray especially for General Director Clint Morgan, Director
of Field Operations Jeff Turnbough, Director of Advancement
Mark McPeak, Director of Financial Operations Rob Conley,
and Regional Directors Dale Bishop and Tim Keener. Ask God to
grant them wisdom and discernment in all issues.

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Harvest Stretch

“Thus saith he to his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:37-38).

Pondering these verses, I’m reminded of the beautiful song, “My House is Full.” As I recall the words, I can’t help but think how timely it is for today.  Many Christians seem content to stay in their little comfort zone.  They want to play it safe by staying at God’s table and feasting on His Word.

While this is going on, the harvest of souls goes unattended. We may not be called to go to the regions beyond, but, what about the regions near us? It’s high time we get up and limber up with some harvest stretches. Then get out in the field. While you’re out there, pray for more labourers.

Our mission focus today is Creative Access and the Hanna Project. May we all use our resources and talents wherever the harvest takes us.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Day Four of PreEaster Week of Prayer includes these requests.

Creative Access: Praise God for what is being done through one
of our teams in southern Europe. A Bible study has begun with
a Muslim man, and many other Muslims are being touched.
Pray for the young lady carrying the load of this ministry while
missionaries are stateside. Pray for the team ready to leave
for another southern European country. Ask God to provide
the funds soon that they may go. Pray for these needs in all the
areas we are working and partnering: persecution of Christians,
missionaries expelled, discipleship of converts, to discover
effective means to enter these areas and reach people. Pray
for every detail of a mission trip planned into one of these less
accessible countries.
The Hanna Project: The Hanna Project seeks to bring help, hope,
and healing to hurting people around the world. Pray for the
trips planned to impact the lives of people in Kazakhstan, Japan,
Bulgaria, Cameroon, Mongolia, and Côte d’Ivoire this year. Ask
God to use the work of their hands to touch hearts.

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