Be Determined

“For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2).

This verse reveals Paul’s healthy mindset. Though Corinth was filled with learned men, he never altered his message to suit them. Paul’s determination allowed his mind to stay set on the truth.

Do you know people whom, once they make up their mind to do something, nothing stops.  Maybe you are even that way.  From a spiritual view, that kind of determination can help accomplish much for the glory of God.

Be rooted and grounded in the Word and willing to share the message of truth and hope everywhere you go. Don’t be afraid to expand your mindset and find ways to help carry the gospel to the ends of the earth.

PRAY TOGETHER: Praise God for over 675 churches participating in this year’s World Missions Offering. Pray that this number might multiply and that God would burden the hearts of people with the needs of the world.

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Take No Thought

“Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on.  Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment”  (Matthew 6:25).

Today’s verse reemphasizes yesterday’s devotional. We worry too much about temporal things.  Psalm 23:1 says “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.” Even with our present economy, many of us are very blessed. We may not have everything we want, but, our needs are being met.  We should be more grateful.

It’s amazing how much simpler life becomes when we put Him first.  Knowing He will see us through anything we face should be part of our mindset. Let’s identify the temporal things of this life and place them at the feet of Jesus. Then we can begin to do a mindset stretch concerning things of eternal value.

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for missionaries Ken and Judy Bailey (Japan) as they move into the neighborhood of children who attend the church’s Kids Club. Pray for an uneventful move and an easy transition and that God would arrange divine appointments for the Baileys to interact and share the gospel with these parents.

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What’s On Your Mind?

“Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.  Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof”  (Matthew 6:34).

This week we will see another type of stretch. It involves our mindset. Our study writer opens with the question, “What’s on your mind right now?”  Pause to think of your answer. What seems to fill your mind on a given day? Does today’s verse resonate with you?  We think every detail of our day is important. We worry and stress over so many things instead of exercising our faith. Even Christians battle with this. I have learned by experience that worry and tears don’t change things; prayer does. How much more could we accomplish if we channeled that energy into something productive. Our verse admonishes us to not go borrowing trouble by worrying about tomorrow.  In other words, live life one day at a time.  One beautiful song states, “Fear not tomorrow, God is already there.”

Whether we want to admit it, life is pretty much a mindset. It’s a matter of priority and leaving everything else to God.  What are your priorities? Are you putting Him first in your life? Is worldwide evangelism toward the top of your daily list?  Maybe it’s time to stretch our mindset so we will think about eternal matters first.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the church in Chinese provinces that border North Korea. Believers face great risk as they seek to shelter, evangelize and disciple refugees who flee one oppressive regime for another.

Remember those affected by weekend storms that ravaged the Midwest.

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Serving the Short Ones

“One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could teach them and bless them, but the disciples told them not to bother him.  But when Jesus saw what was happening, he was very displeased with his disciples…”  (Mark 10:13-14 NLT).

I guess the little kid in me still believes there’s nothing worse than the look of disapproval.  To see someone frown about what I’ve attempted, to hear complaints and criticisms about what I’ve thrown my heart in to, over a mistake I’ve made.

But to think of Jesus being disappointed?  Displeased?  Shaking His head?

I don’t want to do that…especially in regards to the shorter ones He’s given me to serve.

The little guys whose minds are blank tablets ready to be filled with accounts of Jesus and His love.  The small handfuls that require just a little more patience, forethought and creative involvement.  The minute members of our church who wrinkle my skirt as they hug my legs.  The chatty little birds who cannot contain their joy while the lesson is being given.  The fidgety fellows who are bursting at the seams with the answer to your question—or a comment that’s as far away from your lesson as the moon.   The tiny adults that will one day be making decisions for my church.

As I step into the children’s ministry room today, as I greet the parents who are bringing their little ones to learn about Jesus and to be blessed by that knowledge, I will stand up taller, wear a brighter smile, put forth more effort and genuinely, ever so genuinely, gather them around me to tell them about my Jesus.

I believe that’s what my Father wants me to do.  And doing it excellently gains His approval.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for children’s ministry workers in your church today.

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Sheer Wonder

“He made the winds blow and determined how much rain should fall.  He made the laws of the rain and prepared a path for the lightning”  (Job 28:25-26 NLT).

When I get a little too big for my britches, God places in my path something that makes my eyes wide with delight in His power and might.

When I lean toward the idea that I, with my planner in hand, have complete control over the day, the week, the month, He mystifies me with a portion of His creation.

When I begin to coddle the thought that I am something, He reminds me of His grace…and how very much I need it.

When I believe I can do it all on my own, He brings along a storm that showcases His abilities.

And I stand in amazement.  My jaw hits the floor.  I pause in wonderment.  I am enchanted by His creativity.  I am stopped in my tracks by astonishment.  I live out Merriam-Webster’s definition of awe—rapt attention and deep emotion caused by the sight of something extraordinary.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the many Free Will Baptist families displaced by recent storms in India and for relief efforts underway through The Hanna Project.

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Lift Up Your Eyes

“…..Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest” (John 4:35b).

It’s harvest time. Don’t shut your eyes, lift them. Time is growing short.  Do you see the need to be busy in the fields?  After reading over a few commentaries, I was able to “glean” some insight on our verse.  Even if you did not  plant the seed, you have the opportunity of  reaping the harvest.  The fields are white worldwide.  This takes vision stretch to see this clearly.  Workers are needed to work the fields. Can we sit idly by and do nothing?

An old chorus ends with this challenge, “…bring them in from the fields of sin, it’s harvest time.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for New Mexico District Women Active for Christ meeting today and tomorrow and for Elizabeth Hodges as she communicates with women at this event.

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Look With Compassion

“But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd” (Matthew 9:36).

If we’re going to see the world more clearly, we must follow Christ’s example and look at it with compassion. This means stretching beyond just looking.  Today’s verses tell us Christ was “moved with compassion.”  This wasn’t just a passing glance. Christ’s story of the Good Samaritan offers us a teaching example. Don’t just look and walk away. Compassion involves far more than a glance.

People everywhere need the Lord.  There’s a world of souls out there for whom Christ died to save. We must see the need and be “moved with compassion.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Georgia Women Active for Christ meet this weekend for their annual prayer retreat. Offer God’s blessings on this event; join with them in spirit as they pray for the world.

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