Exhort One Another

“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and as much the more as ye see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25).

How can we encourage one another in the faith if we’re not meeting together for worship?  There seems to be a decrease in church attendance these days. Pastors are preaching to empty pews.  It is sad to see once thriving churches dissolve into one service a week. Believers need each other now more than ever.  The day of His appearing is soon. Will we be ready?  We must encourage one another so we won’t lose hope.  We must warn the lost of impending doom if they aren’t ready to meet the Lord. Once we do the latter, then be ready to give an answer of the hope that is within us (1 Peter 3:15b).

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: February is WNAC Foreign Student Scholarship month. Pray today for Ester Soriano Romero, one of this year’s recipients, who is studying at the Seminary of the Cross in Reynosa, Mexico.

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Be A Barnabas

“Who, when he came, and had seen the grace of God, was glad and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord” (Acts 11:23).

I feel the early church understood what it meant to encourage one another. One name stands out when I think of that church.  That name is Barnabas, which translated means “son of encouragement.” Today’s verse speaks of him. The New Living Translation states “When he (Barnabas) arrived and saw this evidence of God’s blessing, he was filled with joy, and he encouraged the believers to stay true to the Lord.”

The early church thrived in spite of persecution. They had been scattered after Stephen’s death. That didn’t hinder the gospel being preached to the Gentiles.  Barnabas stayed true to his name and encouraged believers to hold on to their faith. Are you being a Barnabas to others in your part of the world?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Think of the most encouraging person you know—a modern day Barnabas. Now pray personal encouragement for this person today.

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Prepare to Encourage

“Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine” (2 Timothy 4:2).

Paul gave this key scripture to young Timothy.  The NIV Study Bible states “Be ready in any situation to speak the needed word, whether of correction, of rebuke or of encouragement.”

It can be our charge today. We may not stand in a pulpit or pastor a church. However, we must be rooted in the Word. One children’s chorus contains these words, “Do you know, O Christian, you’re a sermon in shoes?”  We may be the only Bible some may ever read. Are we equipped to share His Word in any situation? Are we prepared to correct, rebuke, or encourage with patience and instruction?  If we are going to succeed as body builders, we must search our hearts for the answer to these questions.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray today for WNAC vice-president Pam Hackett who suffered two strokes last week.

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He’s It

“Moses did not assign any land to the tribe of Levi.  Instead, as the Lord had promised them, their inheritance came from the offerings burned on the altar to the Lord, the God of Israel”  (Joshua 13:14 NLT).

Tell me, if you were of Levite descent, would you have been satisfied not having a piece of the Promised Land to call yours?  Would you have been content receiving the leftovers from the altar of sacrifice?  Would you have been happy receiving all you’d ever have from the generosity of others?  If your standard of living was based upon people’s obedience and offering to God?

Maybe—some of you mumble.

No—a few of you honestly answer.

I might, for a while—several of us say in a very low voice.

Yes?  Did I hear anyone say, yes?

For the Levites, it wasn’t a matter of them choosing, it was a choice made for them based upon their lineage.  And, God’s people or not, I’m sure they had the same responses to His decision.

Some days their inheritance was tremendous.  After an especially bountiful harvest, a plundering of a nearby town or a revival of the nation—boy, did the tribes bring in the loot.

Some days, their inheritance (or lack of it) caused them to scrape crumbs out of the bottom of the barrel.  A dry spell in giving.  A time of sinful living.  Months and years when the chosen people of God decided to go their own ways, instead of going His.

And back to you.  If God were all you had, might you be content?  If the praises your Savior received were all the praises you’d get, would you be satisfied?  If, at the end of the day, the worship you bestowed upon your Creator was all He got, would the surplus carry you through until tomorrow’s opportunity to serve Him?

A person mustn’t get to the proverbial end of her rope to realize He’s all we have.  He is our inheritance. What are we doing to invest wisely and soundly into the fund He has set up in our names?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that God would give Tim and Lydia Awtry open doors for sharing as they minister in Svishtov, Bulgaria.

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Spending My Days Wisely

“Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?  Of course not”  (Matthew 6:27 NLT).

We’ve read all the statistics.  We’ve heard about the studies.  We personally know it to be true.  And yet, we continue to worry.

Why do we do it?  Why do we waste away minutes, hours, days and months of our lives worrying?  Why do we put all the energy, time and effort into something that leaves us worn out and with less time on our hands than we had prior?

What is it, really, that we do not think God is capable of handling?

What area of our lives do we believe He doesn’t care to be involved?

In what matters do we consider His hands to be tied?

Who in our life do we deem unreachable by the Creator, the Savior, the God of the universe?

Because isn’t that what worry is—considering our God incapable?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that women attending the Tennessee Pastor’s Wives Retreat this weekend may be refreshed and filled with the strength of the Lord.

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Encourage Like David

“….but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God” (1 Samuel 30:6b).

David faced many seasons of adversity.   We find one recorded in I Samuel 30. The Amalekites had raided and burned the city of Ziklag and taken all its women captive.  Two of David’s wives were among those taken.   The NIV Study Bible states, “The absence of David and his warriors gave the Amalekites opportunity for revenge.”

David and his men were exhausted and distressed. However, David, went to the One who could give him the strength and encouragement to carry on.  The end result was David’s army destroyed the Amalekites and he was able to retrieve everything and everyone that had been taken. He gave God the glory.

There is a lesson here for us today.  When it seems the odds are against us, gather strength and encouragement from the Lord. It worked for David, and, it will work for us. We can encourage others to do the same.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for city officials and government workers in your community today.

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Faint Not

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9).

Today’s thoughts serve as a sequel to Tuesday’s devotion. A harvest of blessings awaits us if we persevere in doing what is right. How many times have you become discouraged and felt like giving up?  Today’s verse encourages us as we labor together with God.  In turn, we can share our hope with others.  Another familiar verse that provides encouragement for us and others is found in Isaiah 40:31, “But they that wait  upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount  up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not grow weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”  Allow the Lord to fill and thrill you with His Spirit so you can soar like an eagle.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for that the new laws recently enacted in Kazakhstan will not hamper believers’ fervor for evangelism. Ask God to assure His followers hearts and give them courage to not faint, and not grow weary.

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