Encourage Old and Young

“Rebuke not an elder, but entreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren;  The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity” (1 Timothy 5:1-2).

As Paul wrote to Timothy, he gave advice and was a mentor to him.  He understood, from experience, how difficult it would be as a young, itinerate preacher—especially interacting with various ages of men and women.  Timothy would have to deal with each person with patience and tact. At times his words or deeds might be misunderstood. The responsibilities of today’s pastors warrant us to pray and encourage.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for your pastor today, specifically concerning their interaction with older and younger in the church. Pray that he would serve as a mentor to young people and that older saints in your congregation would respect his authority as God’s leader for them.

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Reinforce Encouragement

“But charge Joshua, and encourage him, and strengthen him: for he shall go over before this people and he shall cause them to inherit the land which thou shalt  see” (Deuteronomy  3:28).

Encouraging leaders and servants should be done more than once or twice a year. Pray for them daily.  You will never know how much it means to them, knowing they have your support in word and sometimes deed.  Just knowing someone appreciates what they are doing gives that leader or other servant a lift.  It strengthens them to keep pressing on.

Joshua needed reinforced encouragement from Moses. There would come a day when Moses wouldn’t be there for him. Joshua needed extra encouragement for the coming days when Moses wouldn’t be there for him. Moses’ assurance that God would guide Him helped Joshua become a courageous leader.

We may not think leaders or servants for the Lord ever get discouraged.  But they aren’t immune to problems or trials.  Why not say or do something to lighten their load.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for a young minister in your church or area who needs reinforced encouragement for challenging days of ministry ahead.

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Encourage Leaders

“But Joshua the son of Nun, which standeth before thee, he shall go in thither: encourage him: for he shall cause Israel to inherit it” (Deuteronomy 1:38).

As a Body Builder engaged in strength training, the second core value we might need to firm up is encouragement.  This week’s study challenges us to work toward this fitness goal: Encourage God’s leaders and servants through prayer, words, and a listening ear.

Bible study writer Carol Reid states, “The Greek word for encouragement literally means ‘call alongside for help.’ The word encouragement can also be translated as exhort or even comfort.”

Moses would not be able to lead the people into the Promised Land.  Joshua would be his successor. He would have an enormous amount of responsibility. He needed the encouragement Moses would give him.

Leaders and servants in our churches—from pastors to custodians—need our encouragement and prayers. Denominational leaders and missionaries stand in need of them as well.  All  of these people serve faithfully, yet words of thanks are seldom spoken. Often times, we may be more critical than encouraging.  If you must talk about others, do it on your knees.  Listen prayerfully; God may be telling you as he did Moses, “Encourage.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray encouragement for your pastor today. And after you’ve said your amen, sit down and write a note of encouragement (paper or email) or send an encouragement card (or e-card) to him, today.

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Single Words

“Now the serpent was the shrewdest of all the creatures the Lord God had made.  Really? he asked the woman…”  (Genesis 3:1 NLT).

I can remember it as clearly as if it had happened yesterday.  I can hear the sing-song in my voice.  I recall just the tone I would use.

And it worked.  Every time, it worked.

You see, I could (past tense only, I’m far too mature for that sort of thing now) push my younger sister’s buttons.

Oh, it seldom took much.  She was, in the science experiment kind of way, the reactant…I  was the catalyst.  I was the instigator, she was the one who couldn’t ignore me.  Oh, I’ve repented of my past sins and have some of the scars to prove that retaliation hurts.  We, I more than her, even joke about it these days.

A single word would usually set off fireworks between us.  Nothing loud.  Nothing harsh.  Nothing, in all reality, that meant a thing.  A single, well-toned and pronunciated word and I had her fired up and ready to rumble.  A single, solitary word.

But it worked.

It worked with Eve, too.

A single word.  A seed.  A simple question that evokes doubt, fear and disobedience.  You?  Now?  Why?  All?  Them?  That?  There?  Really?

Doggone that serpent!  It still works on us in the same way, doesn’t it?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Lina Dorati, president of the Sociedad de Damas Nivel National, WNAC’s affiliate in Panama, as she plans their upcoming national retreat.

Pray also for the Panamanian National Convention as they meet this weekend and celebrate the 50th anniversary of Free Will Baptists in this country.

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His Promise to You

“I promise you what I promised Moses:  Everywhere you go, you will be on land I have given you…No one will be able to stand their ground against you as long as you live.  For I will be with you as I was with Moses.  I will not fail or abandon you”  (Joshua 1:3-5 NLT).

Promises, promises, you say.  You’ve been burned enough times to put very little stock in spoken promises—anyone’s, to be quite honest.  You’ve suffered embarrassment, pain and emotional stress over someone’s so-called promises.

The thing is, brother and sister in Christ, it’s not just someone making these promises to us—it’s the Risen Lord.

The One who came back after His death—like He said He would.

The One who suffered and died for you to gain eternity—like He said He would.

The One who walks beside, ahead and carries you—like He said He would.

I understand you’re a little gun-shy of the promises made by people, but this promise?  This promise spoken to you today?  The promise that He has secured the very place you’ll set your feet?  The promise that He is with you—at all times?  The promise that He won’t leave or let you down?

Those are His promises to you as His child.  And those promises, along with the many others He’s made, you can take to the bank.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Delight in His promises to His people today. Rejoice in spirit with believers in the Eastern Hemisphere as they worship this evening and through the night hours.

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A Plan to Revitalize: Energize

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58).

Usually when we see the word energize, we think of  exercise. As Body builders, we know the latter is essential for our physical and spiritual health. However, when I think of energize I think more of being rejuvenated.  After a good workout, you should feel refreshed.  If not, maybe you haven’t exercised in a while.  If so, take it slow and you will see results. Putting a new year revitalization plan together takes time, too. Once you do, you will see it was worth the time and any sacrifice. It takes hard work, determination and patience.  Remember, anything you do in service for the Lord is never in vain.  Exercise your faith and put your love for Christ into action. That will help jump-start your spiritual battery.

You may wonder how this week leads into our January study, “Encouragement is a Ministry.” We’ve put together this new year plan and hopefully made a commitment to use it. However, after the first week we will need encouragement. Our writer states, “Encouragement comes as a pat on the back; sometimes it’s a kick in the pants.  Sometimes it’s a kind word, and other times it takes the form of a sharp reprimand.”  We must not only be receivers of encouragement; we must also be willing to be givers.  I’m amazed how many women say they don’t think they have any spiritual gifts. Have you ever thought of encouragement as a gift or ministry?  Hopefully our January study will help answer that question. As we begin to exercise this core value, we will become a better Body builder.  In turn, we’ll become stronger in the Lord.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Home Missions Director Larry Powell as he leads and casts a vision for this vital ministry.

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A Plan to Revitalize: Organize

“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).

One definition of the word, study is “application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or reflection.”  Many of us learn the physical side of study through the trial and error method. Or we’ve had some good teachers to help us learn practical things. Often times we don’t get organized, because we don’t have a plan.  This would require time—to do a little study of what works best for us.

I used to be an extreme list person.  I found myself staying up later and later in order to get everything done on a given day.  One day I woke up and realized I was short-changing God.

I’m not proud of that.  I thank God  I’ve since learned the words prioritize and organize go hand in hand. My time with the Lord in prayer and Bible study must be met before I tackle anything else in my day.

Consider the above definition for study.  Yes, it will take time, but, you can budget it in if you’re better organized.  Our goal for this new year plan is to help us when one day soon we stand before Christ. We will not be unashamed of our work. What joy to hear Him say, “Well done.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Christians in North Korea. Pray that the recent change in leadership will enable greater spread of the gospel and lessen the persecution of believers. (North Korea ranks number one in the world in its persecution of Christians.)

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