Proverbs 31:13 “She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.â€
The pastor’s wife contributes to the church in a willingness to serve. She not only has her work at home but often she performs multiple duties in the church. Even if she has a public job she carries her weight in the church. She performs her responsibilities with a sweet and willing heart. She often accepts positions that no one seems to desire. However, she accepts them as if God placed them her hand. What she does in the church is done willingly.
God bless the pastor’s wife and her contributions to the church.
LaCrecia McFaddin
PRAY TOGETHER: MKs are vital to our missions ministry; pray for them and encourage them.
Thanks for the article on the Pastor’s wife.
I do enjoy being a Pastor’s wife, going on 30 years now.
I love working with the children, singing specials and in the choir and doing what service I can for the Lord.
We have recently moved to Jesup, Ga to the First Free Will Baptist, and we are praying for the Lord to bless and move on hearts here in our new work.
God bless you,
Paula Gilbert