There’s nothing cooler than a mother’s hand on a fevered brow. There’s nothing tastier than a mother’s special dish cooked for her child. And there’s nothing more precious than a mother’s love showered over her children with kind words, gentle caresses and loving looks. Did your mother ever say, “You’ll understand when you have children of your own?” It’s true. Right living becomes so much more vital when you hold a tiny one in your arms and know that he is totally dependent on your actions. Motherhood was instituted by God and serves as a perfect example of the parental love with which He showers us.
Read Psalm 139:13-16. Consider how God’s plans for you began long before you were even conceived. Now consider how He put just the right DNA together from your mother and your father to “knit you together” and give you the life (and trials) you’ve had.
In your notebook, make two columns and title them “Good things” and “Not-so-good things.” Delineate the “good things” God has given you in your life (i.e., good health, strong family bonds, good job) and the “not-so-good things” that have happened to you (i.e., loss of a loved one, budgetary constraints). Now read Romans 8:28 and pray for God to show you how all of the things on your list are woven together to make you uniquely you. Write your thoughts.
Mona Dukes
South Carolina
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray as E-TEAM Tokyo and E-TEAM Hokkaido minister in Japan June 16-30.