Mark Twain once said, “Where would men be without women? Scarce, mighty scarce.” Though we have spent the last four days admonishing women to be more subservient and submit to men as Christ submits to the church, we cannot end a study like this without pointing out how vitally important women have been throughout the ages. Certainly we can look to Old Testament examples like Esther, Ruth, and Hannah to see great women in action for God. And where would the modern-day church have been without Mary the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene who supported the spreading of the Gospel financially and by witnessing.
Read Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16, and Ephesians 6:1-3. In your notebook write down how you have honored your parents (i.e., speaking well of them to others and being polite to them). Also write down ways you have obeyed your parents (i.e., following their spiritual teachings). If you have had a tumultuous relationship with one or both parents, write down ways you can still honor and obey them according to Scripture, even if they’re gone already.
Mona Dukes
South Carolina
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray specifically that God will give Danita High, WNAC’s new Executive Secretary-Treasurer, wisdom and understanding during her first year in leadership.