“Then Jacob said to Joseph, I never thought I would see you again, but now God has let me see your children, too” (Genesis 38:11 NLT).
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The big three of early Christiandom. The fathers of God’s people. The roots of a Christian’s family tree. Strong men. Men who endured, believed and stayed true to God. Men upon whose faith the church was built.
And here Jacob said, “I never thought….” He had no clue as to the immensity of God’s promises. He was surprised by the overwhelming love, blessing and grace of God. He was touched that God actually remembered him and chose to give him the desires of his heart.
Shouldn’t he have known? Couldn’t a giant of the faith, have realized the potential? Don’t you think, after such a excitement-filled ancestry, he wouldn’t have been surprised?
But we are, aren’t we?
The greatest testimonies I’ve ever heard begin with the words, “I prayed and believed, but I never thought….” Or, “I know God heard me, but I never thought He’d answer in such a huge way.” Or my favorite, “I never thought He’d do so much for me—me.”
Friend, in your wildest dreams, your most vivid of imaginations and your grandest of hopes, you cannot fathom what God has in store for you. You cannot fully grasp the love He intends for you to experience in His presence. You are not capable of understanding the peace and joy He can bring into your heart. You will always, and I repeat, always be stunned by His greatness and touch in your life.
Expect to be amazed as you follow Him. Pray with the heartfelt knowledge that He’s going to answer—and His answers will surpass your grandest expectations. Because? Well, because we serve the God of the “I never thought….”
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the presidents and staffs of all Free Will Baptist Bible colleges.