1Â Timothy 5:22
“Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partakers of other men’s sins; keep thyself pure.â€
Do we have skeletons in our closets? Yes, but we are gaining more power over these things and will have more control over temptation, sin and Satan. When I was growing up, who I was with was important to my parents. It is so important that we avoid evil companions. If the Lord leads you to witness to a sinner, do so on your Christian ground. Many good Christians are trapped by Satan with a dirty joke, an immoral story, unladylike language or being in the midst of company whose intentions are not of the Lord. We must live in a sinful world but we do not have to partake of it. Today let us choose carefully our companions and always remember to keep ourselves pure.
LaCrecia McFaddin
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for newly elected WAC Executive Board members Diana Bryant and Jan Clay.